Chapter 8

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(Y/n) sat in the cell with the boys. She was annoyed because not only did she get hit in the head by Hajime, but she also was given a lecture by him. "So you tried to escape on your first day... And you also hit Hajime... That will definitely make him mad~" Uno said. 

"She used me as a way actually to get the kick on him! It was awesome! She flipped over me just like that!" Nico said. 

"... Why not we escape together?" Jyugo said, standing up and walking over to the door and unlocked it. 

"Hajime is already mad~... I think she will be even harsher on us if we decide to escape and be even meaner," Nico said. 

"I'm coming!" (Y/n) said, jumping up and walking over to Jyugo. "I was trying something I haven't done. And I usually can't do it anywhere else, so mind as well try here." 

"And Hajime is currently distracted by the piles of paperwork he has," Uno said, standing up. 

"Nico and I will stay here. Have fun~" Rock said as the group of 3 left. 

"So, what did you want to try?" Uno asked as they walked. 

"Well... I have never actually done it before... And trying it with no mat might be dangerous. So, I'll need you guys to try and catch me if something goes wrong" (Y/n) said. "It's basically just jumping off the walls... Literally... But the hallways here seem a little too small. Let's just keep walking till they get bigger."

They continued to walk when finally Hajime realized they were out of their cell. They started to run, and eventually, Uno and Jyugo lost (Y/n) as she ran faster than them. "Shit... She doesn't know this place well!" Jyugo said. 

"How could we lose (Y/n)~? this is horrible!" Uno said. 


(Y/n) finally stopped running as she slightly panted. She looked around herself. It seemed a little different. The cell window, at least. Instead of being bars, they were glass windows. But the hallways were finally big enough for her. 

"Yes!" (Y/n) giggled as she started to basic quick stretches. She then took a running a running start directly at a wall and then jumped off it to the other side of the wall, but slipped once her foot touch the wall. She panicked and just did a flip in the air to catch herself. She landed on her feet, luckily. But she realized no one even tried to catch her. 

"Hey, you boys were supposed to... Oh no," (Y/n) said, looking around, realizing the boys weren't there. "I'm lost!?" 

"Hey... Look~" She heard a familiar voice. She looked around. She then thought it was her imagination since she saw no one. 

"Damn it~... I can't do what I want then~... But... I could always still try~" (Y/n) mumbled to herself as she looked up at the roof. She then backed up a little and then ran at a wall again, jumped off it, and finally reached the roof. She fell down and her feet. (Y/n)'s eyes widen as she lost balance when she landed and fell to her butt. 

"I did it!!" (Y/n) shouted, throwing her hands in the air. "... I just proved you wrong, Akira! Take that!"

"Excuse me... But (Y/n)? What are you doing here?" She looked around to see that Honey and Trois were looking through a window down at (Y/n). (Y/n) looked at them and stood up, walking up to the window. 

"I wanted to try something new. I was with Uno and Jyugo so that they can catch me just in case I fail at what I do... But... I ran so fast that I lost them~" (Y/n) said. "And I don't really know where I am, so I can really only wait till Hajime does find me... then I'll be in for it again, but hey~." 

"What are you trying to do?" Trois asked. 

"Jump off the walls and reach the roof," (Y/n) said, pointing to the roof. "Then I want to try doing a flip off the walls. maybe even try running on them. My coach, Akira, always told me it was not possible, but I just did it" (Y/n) giggled. 

(Y/n) then heard footsteps. Slow, heavy footsteps. it sounded as if the person was sick. (Y/n) looked down the hall. She saw a... Life-sized doll. But it was... with real skin, just torn apart. (Y/n) eyes widen as she put her hands to her mouth and took a step back in fear. 

"What is that?" Honey said. 

"(Y/n)... Are you able to unlock this door from the outside?" Trois said. 

(Y/n) didn't respond. She only looked at the creature in fear. Tears started to stream down her cheeks. She has never seen anything so horrific in her life. And the groaning coming from it didn't help. "(Y/n)" Trois said again. (y/n) jumped and looked at him. "It's okay. Can you unlock the door from the outside?"

(Y/n) stared at him for a moment and then looked at the lock. "... I... I can try" (Y/n) said, quickly moving towards the lock as she tried to open the door. She looked at the lock that was on the door. She needed a key, but she didn't have any access. (Y/n) only started to panic as the create neared, and she struggled to get the lock unlocked. 

"Forget it! (Y/n) get away from the window!" Honey said. (Y/n) looked at Honey to see he had his elbow at the window, ready to try and break it. (Y/n) quickly backed away. Honey his the window over and over again till it broke. Honey then jumped through the window, followed by Trois. 

"Run!" Trois said, grabbing (Y/n)'s hand as they ran. 

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