Chapter 7

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(Y/n) looked at him and slightly giggled. "I was like that when I first won a medal" (Y/n) laughed. "I didn't know what happened at first~" (Y/n) looked up at Hajime. "Gorilla... How did you know where to find me?"

"Don't call me gorilla, or I'll call you a snake," Hajime said. "And your father gave you up."

"... Of course," (Y/n) mumbled. 

"(Y/n)!" She heard Nico and then weight on her. Nico hugged (Y/n). 

"Nico! What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked. 

"My meds~," Nico said. 

"I didn't know you needed meds~... So we are allowed to leave our cell when needed~?" (Y/n) said. 

"No," Hajime said. 

"Wait, how do you know him?" Said the purple-haired man. He seemed a bit annoyed. 

"Oh, I met him, Uno, Jyugo, and Rock last night actually. It was at the train station that I was at~" (Y/n) said. 

"Yeah! (Y/n) is really amazing!! you should see her do flips and twirls!" Nico said. 

"I'm a professional Gymnast~. I should be good at that stuff~" (Y/n) giggled. 

"So you are a professional Gymnast. So that's how you were able to do that flip. that was amazing! My name is Trois. He is Honey. What is your name, beautiful?" Said the green-haired man. 

"(Y/n). It's nice to meet you-" (Y/n) was cut off by Hajime. 

"you aren't here to make friends," Hajime said. 

"Are you jealous because you have no friends, gorilla?" (Y/n) said. 

"I said don't call me that!" Hajime said, looking down at her as she quickly backed away in fear for him to strike her. 

"Your right~... Gorilla have hair~... You don't~" (Y/n) said. 

"You little~.." Hajime said. (Y/n) giggled as she took another step away. 

"Wow, you really are brave (Y/n). Even though he is much taller you and clearly stronger... You still want to make fun of him?" Nico said as he popped pills in his mouth. 

"Well~... If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have this," (Y/n) said, holding up her hand. "And I could also easily get away from him~... He would have to catch me first~."

"Trust me, I will," Hajime grumbled. 

"Excuse me (Y/n)... Do you mind me asking what color your bra is?" Trois asked. 

"And your underwear~?" Honey said. 

"They're both black," (Y/n) mumbled. "Do what you will with that information... Hey! Hajime~"

"Yes, that's my name," Hajime said, looking down at her. 

"Can I get spray paint? I wanna spray paint the walls~" (Y/n) said. 


"Alligator" (Y/n) mumbled. 

"Excuse me?!" Hajime shouted as (Y/n) giggled, running behind Nico. 

"H-Hey, don't hide behind me!" Nico said, looking back at (Y/n) nervously. "I can't protect you."

Hajime walked up to them. "Stay as still and grounded as possible. if you move, I'll get hurt," (Y/n) whispered in Nico's ear. Nico's face slightly flushed. 

The moment Hajime was in reach and perfect position, (Y/n) took a couple of steps back then took a running start. She put both her hands on Nico's shoulders when she got to him. She kicked her right foot back and flipped herself backward. She flew in the air, and her foot kicked Hajime on the top of the head. Hajime was surprised at what happened. (Y/n) grabbed Nico's hand. 

"We better run before he kills us!" (Y/n) said as she ran. Everyone stared at Hajime. "She seems to be a lively one," Okina said. Hajime was surprised. "She is the first one to have actually hurt you."

"... That girl is going to die!" Hajime shouted. 

"Don't kill her~?" Okina said. "She still is probably very confused and just scared."

"Well, she sure as hell doesn't;t show it," Hajime said. 

"She is... She is just good at hiding it," Trois said. Hajime looked at him. 

"... Well... I need to go get her theater or not she is or isn't," Hajime said as he walked out the room. 

"She is already trying to escape, and she hasn't even been here for 3 hours yet," Okina said. 

"She is really something else," Honey said. 

"I wonder what Nanba will turn into know that she is here," Trois said. 

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