Chapter 2-Best Friend Talk

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Kirstie POV
When I wake up, I expect to see the lovely couple, Scömiché, but Avi's green orbs looked down at me with concern. How could he love me? I haven't spoken a word to him. I'm fat, short, and ugly. I'm close to unloveable.

"I know this is weird, and I understand if you don't want to jump into a relationship, but can we at least get to know each other? Those two," Avi pointed at the soul mates, and my gaze was fixated upon the lovers across the room, where they were cuddling and whispering things in the other's ear. Scott whispered something in Mitch's ear, and the little tenor smacked his chest, "don't have to be us! I honestly do not want that."

"Oh yes! Please can we just be friends?" I plead.

"Sure. Tell me about yourself."

"That's such a hard question!" I crossed my arms across my chest and fake pouted.

"Fine, I'll start. Okay, my full name is Avriel Benjamin Kaplan, but I go by Avi, because Avriel is a girl's name. I sing bass, and have this ring from an a Capella competition. I have a sister named Esther, and she will be really excited, because I had about a week the last time I saw her. She's probably calling me right now, to see if it's you. Um, I was really worried I was gay, but that's fine, I just don't think that way. Then my timer went off as soon as I saw you. I decided to be all charming, so you would think I'm sexy and all. Oh, and I would like to show you to all my friends so they get jealous that I got such a perfect match." Avi finished.

"Well, on that note," I say, making a music pun, and Avi let out a low chuckle, and I feel a blush rise upon my cheeks. His voice is so deep, I can't help but blush, "my name is Kirstin, not Kristin, Taylor Maldonado. People mispronounce my name all the time, so I'm used to it. I go by Kirstie, I think it fits me better. I sing the girl part," he and I chuckle, knowing I cover most of the higher range, "but I'm okay with that. I'm super excited I'm in the Sing-Off, and I really hope we win, because I have no plan B. I thought Kevin wasn't going to be late, so I was worried that I would get someone who didn't wear their bracelet. I have to call my mom. Those two crazy kids over there," I point a manicured finger at Scott and Mitch, "are my best friends for life. Oh, and the whole gentleman and charming thing totally worked. Thank you for calling me perfect, but I think you're mistaken. I'm fat, short, and ugly." I finish.

"Oh Kirstie," Avi takes my hands in his, "You are so perfect. You are beautiful, and who said I didn't like short girls? I don't want you to say any of that ever again, okay?"

"Well, you really are trying, aren't you?" I chuckle.

"Sure am, babe." He winked, and strolled away to talk to the couple. He immediately made them laugh, then they got all serious. Avi looked them in the eyes. Scott looked at me, and nodded in approval. I got up, and went to the hotel kitchen, and started to make them cookies. I started to put the first pan in the oven, when I heard the front door close.

"Hey DipDot, Kevin's here. Oh, and I think you and Avi are super cute. We talked to him about treating you right, et cetera, and he said you guys would take it snail pace slow." Scott rambled.

"Oh my gosh! You talked to him? Now I feel weird."

"Oh, nothing a couple of concerned parents wouldn't do," Scott turned on his heels, and prepared to talk to our new friend.

"Hey, Kirst? Are the cookies almost done? I'm hungry. Oh, and critical info, I'm always hungry. Kirst, are you okay?" Avi placed on his hand on my back, a concerned look on his face.

"Ugh, my best friends can be so embarrassing!" I sighed.

Avi just laughed, "Aw, sweetie, no worries. They really care about you. And I promised them that I wouldn't take advantage of you after a sad or romantic movie. Or have it with you for the week when we get together. I felt weird about talking about our sex-life with those two, but-"

"No more words!" I place a finger with a glob of chocolate chip cookie dough in his mouth, and he ate it off.

"Mm, good job, Babycakes." Avi winked again.

"Ew, no weird pet names."

"Whatever you wish, baby."

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