Capricorn: Tom Riddle's Astrology Sign

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Tom Riddle as a Capricorn:

His emotions run so deep underneath a thin frozen layer. He always seems so independent and tough, but is sensitive and deeply longs for an emotional connection from those close to him.

Tom Riddle Can Be...

- Ambitious
- Workaholic
- Determined
- Hardworking
- Persistent
- Relentless
- Realistic
- Pessimistic
- Sensitive & Touchy
- Disciplined
- Uptight
- Practical
- Cautious
- Overbearing
- Reliable
- Focused
- Intelligent

Tom Riddle Can Also Be...

- Reserved with his emotions, takes a while for him to open up.
- A Natural Born Leader
- When in doubt he will always prove you wrong
- Allergic to BS
- When he gets attached, he won't stop loving you
- Selfish
- Cool Under Fire

Tom Riddle's Pet Peeves:

Tom Riddle doesn't like:

1. Being Ignored
2. Standing Too Close
3. Repeating Himself
4. Unannounced visitors
5. Being Second Guessed
6. Touching His Things Without Asking
7. Loud People
8. Unruly Kids
9. Liars
10. Bad Hygiene
11. Nosey People
12. Public Embarrassment

Tom Riddle's Secret Desire: To be admired by the world

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