Distant Cousins: Peverell Brothers

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Since Tom Riddle is related to the Peverell Brothers, I'd thought I'd do a small page on them.

Antioch Peverell:

"The oldest asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence, so death fashioned him one from an elder tree that stood nearby."

Born: Around 1214
Godric's Hollow
Most likely Slytherin
Hogwarts Years: Around 1225 - 1231
Hallow: Elder Wand
Descendant: None
Facts: Oldest brother.
Personality: Irresponsible and Unwise. Described as combative. Had a large ego, and drank.
History: After receiving the Elder Wand he went to a nearby village and killed another wizard with his new wand after getting into an argument. The same night, after boasting and going to bed, another wizard crept into his room and slit his throat, stealing the wand.

 The same night, after boasting and going to bed, another wizard crept into his room and slit his throat, stealing the wand

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Cadmus Peverell:
"Then the second brother, who was an arrogant man, decided that he wanted to humiliate Death still further, and asked for the power to recall others from Death."

Born: Around 1214
Godric's Hollow
Hogwarts: Most likely Hufflepuff.
Hogwarts Years: Around 1225 - 1231
Hallow: Resurrection Stone
Descendant: Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Facts: Middle Brother
Personality: Arrogant, loyal to the woman he loved.
Skills: Conjuration / Transfiguration. Was capable of creating a bridge out of thin air.
History: He fell in love with a woman who died before they could be married. Cadmus had a child before he died. He tried to use the resurrection stone to revive her, but she appeared sad and cold. He was so devoted to her that he committed suicide to be with her. It is unlikely he had an heir with another woman if this is the case.

 It is unlikely he had an heir with another woman if this is the case

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Ignotus Peverell:
"Finally, Death turned to the third brother, a humble man, he asked for something that would allow him to go forth from that place without being followed by Death, and so it was that Death reluctantly handed over his own Cloak of Invisibility."

Born: 12 July 1214
Place: Godric's Hollow
Death: 18 May 1291
Place: Buried at Godric's Hollow.
Hogwarts: Most likely Ravenclaw
Hogwarts: Around 1225 - 1231
Hallow: Cloak of Invisibility
Descendant: Harry Potter.
Facts: Youngest Brother
Personality: Humblest and wisest of the three.
Skills: Conjuration / Transfiguration. Was capable of creating a bridge just like his brother.
Not trusting Death, he asked to leave their meeting without being followed so Death gave him the Invisibility Cloak. He gave the cloak to his son, then went with Death as equals and departed this life.

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