This Awful School

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{Terezi POV}

Just another day at this fucked up school. Maybe things would be better if I had more friends here, Dave and Karkat started dating and now I just feel like the third wheel. As I start walking to my locker I feel a slight shove to my  back. "Wassup shortie." Great it was the schools popular girl Vriska Serket, we used to be friends in elementary school but the more popular she got the more mean she got. Everyone in the school hated her but at the same time they feared her, no one knows why she constantly wears sunglasses with one lens popped out, but there was a rumor going around that she got into a accident and lost her eye. "Go away Serket." She crosses her arms at me. "Aw come on, I just wanted to give you the book that fell out your bag." I looked at the book in her hand, on the outside it looks like a normal book for school but it was actually a place where I wrote about people and how they make me feel. You grab it quickly. "You should be glad I gave it back to you Pyrope, I know that's your diary" she smiled and walked away towards her only friend Kanaya. I will admit Vriska is pretty hot but I would never let anyone know that.

A few classes later and it was finally lunch. I go sit at my  normal table and waited for Dave and Karkat. But out of no where I heard familiar footsteps and tensed up. "Hey baby, you better be at my place after school." It was none other than Gamzee Makara. "We aren't dating anymore don't call me baby asshole." You saw him get angry, but before he said anything you watched him get shoved in a wall. "Leave her alone jackass." He got up and walked away. "Vriska I can take care of him myself." Vriska glared at me. "No you can't and I know that, that's why I'm taking you to the mall after school just incase he shows up to your house." She smiled and left once again. Me and Vriska are quite frankly all over the place sometimes she's mean to me but at other times she protects me. Me couldn't possibly hate her cause without her you would still be in a fucked up realationship with gamzee. I look up and saw Karkat and Dave come to the table. "So what's up with you and Serket? Dave said "Nothing, she is just annoying me like always." Karkat looked at me. "Yeah right everyone just saw her shove Gamzee away from you." I put down my fork "look guys nothing fucking happened can we just leave it alone." They looked shocked but they did drop the subject.

It was the last class of the day, English. This class was always interesting cause Vriska was in it. The teacher walked in put her stuff down and began teaching. "Ok everyone, I want you all to have a quiet day so how about you guys write something about your mom's and turn it in at the end of class." Everyone started getting out papers and pens besides for none other then Vriska who had her hand raised. "What is it Vriska." The teacher looked annoyed "Do I have to write one about my mom can I write it about someone else." The teacher glared at her. "As long as you give me a good reason why you won't put in the hall." Vriska rolled her eyes and got up. Ever since I've known her she never liked talking about her mom, and in elementary school she would always go to my house and I never went to hers. I've always wondered what was so wrong about her mom but she would never tell me. When vriska came back in the room I looked at her. You met eyes and and she winked at me.

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