Chapter Two

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A muscular manly figure steps out of a black Dodge Challenger. He rushes up to us frantically and when I can clearly see him my heart almost stops.

His dark brown hair is shaven at the sides and long in the middle. His chiseled face is very handsome with pretty hazel eyes that match Alana's, a straight and pointed nose that contrastser my wide button nose, and pink plump lips. A little stubble covers his jaw and upper lip.

He is the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life.

His muscular wide chest and biceps, and torso is covered is a basic black long sleeved shirt, which is paired with light blue jeans and black boots. Adding to his well built body he is much taller than me looking to be about 6'4.

His handsome face holds a worried expression as he grabs Alana's arm and pulls her up from her crouching position.

"Lana! Why would you run off! Someone could've snatched you up then what!", he shouts and some pedestrians passing by speed up their pace to avoid the shouting man. His voice is deep and rumbley, Alana's bottom lip trembles as he stares at her with a frustrated look.

The handsome man's face softens and he pulls her into a hug. The girl looks miniature compared to his tall stature.He releases her and Alana hurriedly wipes her tears. She turns toward me and smile widely. "Stevie that's Mareena! I saw her yesterday in the car!", she squeals pointing at me.

The man turns toward me and I bite my chapped and peeling bottom lip in awkwardness. I probably look battered and beaten like my clothing. Thinking he's not looking at me anymore I look up. My dark brown eyes connect with his hazel ones and my chest squeezes. His eyes hold a harsh and firm look almost like trying to prevent me from looking any further.

I shake my head softly at the assumption. Actually it's more like I can sense it. Just like I can sense Alana's happiness— I can sense his brokenness.

Something has broken this man down and it shows all over him.

"Stevie can we take her home!", my head snaps to Alana and my mouth drops open. The man pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. "Lana what I have told you about strangers", he mumbles. She frowns and crosses her arms. "Mareena is my friend not a stranger and Nonna told me to spread love and ki- kindness to everyone cause God says so!", she huffs. I smile softly at her statement.

He frowns at her and begins to shout back.I sigh as they continue to argue. It would be pretty strange for me to ask this man to take me home for a shower but the idea of a warm shower sounds pretty nice.

As they argue Alana looks sad and 'Mr. Stevie' looks agitated.

Guess I should reject her offer and wish them well.

Go with them.

My eyes widen as those words echo in my brain. I shake my head and clench my eyes shut.

Go with them.

Ok then Lord.

I slowly stand up on my aching legs and approach them. They stop arguing and turn their head toward me. " Mister, will you please just let me shower. After that I will leave. I won't steal from you or harm you"

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