Happy ending for the Spade kingdom

Start from the beginning

"Alfred loves imperfection Arthur. You don't have to look or act perfect. If you look and act like...well you, then he will be ecstatic at the wedding," Yao stood next to me putting on his own crown which looked like this:

well you, then he will be ecstatic at the wedding," Yao stood next to me putting on his own crown which looked like this:

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"Yeah you're right! As long as we're happy!" I smile and he chuckled nodding a bit. "I have to go, just stay calm alright, I'll be here to get you," Yao smiled letting me sit down. He ran outside as I lied on the bed looking at the photo of Alfred and I. I smile and held it to my chest. I was about to talk to myself but was interrupted by a note going under the door. I smile knowing it's Alfred. I walk over and take the note reading it

(A/N Alfred is like this. Arthur is like this)

This seems familiar doesn't it~

You mean when Yao was dressing me up for the Halloween party. Yes it does feel like that. But this time we really can't see each other

I never took you as someone who believes in superstition?

I normally don't but I don't want our marriage to be unlucky, we already had a terrible past

Cheer up my dear. We'll be alright from now on. But just know I am very excited to see you

I'm excited to see you too Alfred. But you need to get dressed too idiot

Already dressed. Matthew is busy with getting Gilbert dressed in a suit so I snuck out

Go back before you give Matthew a heart attack

You'll make me think you're trying to get rid of me~

You know I love you more than anything. Now go Alfred, I'll see you in an hour or so

I hear him stand up and leave though judging by the sound his footsteps was making that he was happy an excited. I smiled and straightened myself out before pacing in the room waiting for my cue. Yao soon started leading me where the marriage would be held aka the ballroom. He smiled at me as we finally got to the door of the ballroom.

Yao kissed my cheek. He was also my 'father' figure to lead me down the isle. He linked our arms together as I was holding the bouquet of blue roses. I was seemingly panting making Yao squeeze my hand. "Everything will be alright Arthur. Alfred loves you more than you could ever know. After this you'll officially be together and you two can show running a kingdom with love is better than running a kingdom with no love," Yao reassured making me smile and nod. "You're right Yao, thank you," I smile as he nodded both of us waiting for our cues.

Soon the music started playing as he opened the door leading us both to the end where there was a priest, Alfred in a navy blue suit that matched the crown on his head, Matthew was also there as he was Alfred's best man. All the kingdom's were sitting in front while our people sat behind them. Of course not everyone could come but it was being aired live on tv so anyone could watch it. Alfred was smiling reassuringly at me making my hear flutter and smile. Peter was also waiting outside with the wedding rings on the cushion, Gilbert managed to convince him to do it.

After what felt like forever we were finally at the front and I was standing in front of Alfred, Yao behind me. He held my hands gently making me smile happily at him. I wanted to burst out crying. Not out of sadness but out of pure happiness. It seems Alfred noticed as he places his hand on my cheek smoothing it with his thumb. He leaned his forehead on mine,"It's alright Artie. Everything will be alright." "I know idiot...I know," I smile happily at him as he smiled back in return standing in position just holding my hands.

After we said our vows and we promised to stay together through thick and thin. "Now you can kiss your husband," the priest finally said making me smile and wrap my arms around his neck kissing him immediately. He wrapped his arms around my way waist pulling me closer than ever before. We couldn't pull back for a whole while but soon we had to pull away because of well...air. But our lips stayed near each other's as blue eyes met green. We both started laughing and slowly let go of one another so we could admire the wedding rings.

After a feast and a lot of congratulations from people and of course cutting the cake that Alfred and I specially made together as he taught me how to bake. It was finally time for presents! Most people gave us just-got-married stuff, basically everything you need to make a new home for yourself. Finally there was only one gift left and it was from Matthew and I. Alfred looked at me confused as he saw the bright smile on my face. I gave him the present sitting next to him.

"It's a gift from me to you," I smiled at him as he looked at me shocked. "Arthur I don't have anything for yo-" He was about to apologize but I stopped him. "You being mine is present enough, just please open it. Matthew and I worked hard on it," I smile excitedly as he kissed my forehead. He starts gently opening it as I stayed close to him leaning my head on his shoulder. He soon got it open and picked up the present gently.

It was a clock in the shape of a spade, the chain on it was in the shape of every kingdom; hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs. Alfred seemed to admire the craftsmanship of the clock but he looked confused as to why it was so special. I held his hand that had the clock in it. I smiled and kissed his cheek whispering in his ear. "It's to make it easier for you to go forward in time and then come back. I'll show you how to use it after all this," I explain to him as he was surprised but smiled and held me close. "Thank you so much Arthur and Matthew," Alfred thanked as I hugged him back and smoothed his hair. "Of course Alfred, I love you so much," I smiled as he nodded. "I love you too..."

"Let's go dance!" Gilbert insisted as everyone cheered and went to the dance floor. Alfred helped me up and lead me to the dance floor. We started dancing happily as I rested my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as he danced with me. He kissed my forehead softly making me smile up at him. "Yao was right," I look up at him confused when he said those words. "It is better to have a queen to help you. I'm just so glad I have such an amazing queen," Alfred explained as I smiled.

"What was that quote he said to me?" Alfred thought as I chuckled and smoothed his hair happily. "Oh you mean the one with the chess about the king and queen?" I asked recalling the fact that Yao told me about it as well. He nods and thinks for a while. Finally he seemed to remember it as he held me close.

"Love is like a game of chess. It's a king who is afraid of losing his queen..."

"And a queen who will sacrifice everything to protect their king..."

The End


Helloooooo💗 Oh my gosh literally just as I wrote 'the end' the song 'thanks for the memories' started playing (not joking)😂 But yeah thanks you guys really I couldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for your support on this book. But thank you guys for everything that you've done for this book. If you by chance don't read my smut fanfic I also said on there that I will only be doing these three books from Hetalia but then I'm moving on to other fandoms:

-Most important love (Spamano and Gerita) (Slight Rusame and Prucan)
-My broken mate (Prucan)
-Hetalia smut~

Anyway I really hope you like this fanfic even if it was crazy short. But I seriously had so much fun writing this book and almost cried during this chapter because 1) I'm emotional😂 and 2) Because I'm seriously going to miss this book to be honest. I can't even say till next time😭 Anyway thanks so much for liking this book just like I did making it💕

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