But soon reality struck as I see my brother lying on the floor, Arthur hugging him close to him as he smoothed his hair. It's very hard to revive someone on your own, even with our powers we can't just revive someone. The way we can revive someone is we take their body back in time to a place where he was still alive. Like if you do the spell alone all of your power could be used in taking his body back one minute. The more powerful you get, the less magic you use on the spell. I've trained my whole life so I'm strong enough, Arthur although one of the strongest queens I've ever seen isn't near strong enough to heal Alfred by himself. Also another problem is my magic might waver soon since I am technically still dead. There's a huge chance I will give up my life to save my brothers.

I look at Gilbert who was still hugging me close. I sigh and smooth his hair kissing his cheek. "Gil, you know I will do anything for my family... I can't stay here, my choice was made long ago and for the sake of my kingdom and family I don't regret that decision. But I can clearly see how much my decision has hurt you," I finally spoke to him as he looked at me surprised knowing what I'm insinuating. "No no you can't leave now Birdie," he begged me sadly as I sighed. I kissed his nose.

"Gilbert you don't need me to make you happy. You have Arthur and my brother and Lovino who always made you happy.  I want you to live a happy life without my help. I just want you to be happy within yourself, you don't need me," I try to persuade him as he shook his head. "No these last few years without you I was miserable. I thought you were just too busy to come here but last year I learned you were dead all along. These last few months have been torture. I can't live like this anymore," he begged me to stay as I sighed standing up and helping him up. His outfit didn't really change from the last time I saw him. He was obviously just bigger and older.

"Gilbert you don't gain a single thing from misery. You should take that from me. All those years I was miserable and then I ended it thinking it would get better. It never got better, I just died. I saw how much my death upset people and I didn't get a single bit of joy out of my decision. But now, I mean Alfred and Arthur are happily together and Alfred wasn't that care free douche he always had been. He now has a loving queen who helps him throughout his trouble. I can only wish you find someone like that too," I finally spoke my mind as I let go of him walking over to my brother.

"But you are that person to me Birdie, you are the one person who makes me happy and feel sane. Please just stay with me and rule my kingdom with me," he stops me by grabbing my hand. I sigh and turn to look at him. He looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes. The ones he used to give me when he wanted something as a kid. Too bad that doesn't work at me anymore. "Gilbert you know what you did was wrong and you shouldn't of done it for your selfish desires," I sigh and smooth his cheek, cupping it gently. He leaned into it as he held my hand.

After a minute or two like that I let go of him and kneel down next to Alfred and Arthur. Before I could do anything Gilbert hugs me close and before I could tell him that I am going to do this no matter what he says he interrupts me. "I love you. I will always love you, no one can tell me otherwise. I promise to visit your room every day I can. Just promise your going to be there too," Gilbert spoke as he hugged me close. I was surprised he said that but soon smiled and hugged him close. "I promise Gil. Now don't interrupt the spell. And hey, I love you too," I kiss his forehead as he smiled. He lets go of me letting me do the spell.

I explain the spell to Arthur so he knows what to do. As soon as I knew he understood what I was talking about we both placed our hands on the stab mark to heal him. We both started chanting the spell. My figure and magic faltered at times as Gilbert made sure I won't ruin the spell (I told him about the spell when we we younger so he knows how to tell if it's going good or if it's failing). As soon as the spell was done I disappeared once more before I can even talk to my brother. Though luckily I see him sitting up

Goodbye my dear King Where stories live. Discover now