Getting Arthur back

Start from the beginning

"Hey Arthur, how are you feeling?" Ivan asked looking at me genuinely concerned but with a small reassuring smile so I know I can tell him the truth and he won't blame or judge me. It seemed Yao wondered the same. "Honestly I could be better but I'm glad I'm back with you guys and Alfred," I told them being totally honest. I didn't want to lie to them and say everything is fine when it's not or that I feel terrible when I'm actually internally I'm feeling like a love sick teenager by finally being with Alfred again. But...

I know Alfred stole me back. He kidnapped me so I can come back (this is that one kidnap where they actually save my life rather than just kidnapping me, though Francis and other kingdoms don't have that perspective of things). Plus now Alfred might've started a whole war between the Spades and Diamonds. Sure with the intelligence and technology we have here in the Spade kingdom we might have the upper hand but Alfred's people will hate him because of it... Because of me...

"It's good that you're feeling better my queen. How is Alfred doing?" Yao responded as I sighed looking to the door from which I just came through. "He doesn't seem very well. Too stressed out and tired. He is sleeping right now so that's a good thing," I explained to them as they nodded knowing I was telling the truth about Alfred. I stood next to them looking at the moon and then the stars, making it appear like there was small glints in my eyes.

Suddenly there was arms wrapped around me as I was about to scream but immediately stopped as I notice the blonde mop of hair that the greasy and and oily. Especially when his tired accent stuck making sound like a very Southern accent. "What are you doing here...?" He asked probably concerned something was wrong where they slept. I petted his head holding his hands that were wrapped around my waist. "No everything is alright, please go back to sleep, you deserve it," I told him smiling as his eyes suddenly closed and he passed out on me,

Ivan noticed the tired Alfred and took him back to the room we were in. I finally turned to Yao. "How did the other kingdoms react to me getting stolen from the Diamond kingdom?" I asked as Yao smiled and shrugged. "They were in on the whole thing and distracted the diamond kingdom, the other kingdoms also agreed if there was a war that they would help us win it," Yao explained making me sigh in relief. Ivan soon returned and we talked till I had to go asleep.

Once we were back at the kingdom Alfred almost immediately pulled me into hug before running off to the castle holding my still small, petite and frail body to the nursery office where he started to get all the medical supplies.

Before I can object Alfred spoke again. "Arthur...can you stay still for a second so I can take care of your wounds," he asked looking at me pleadingly. I sigh and smile petting his head and staying where I was. "Of course Alfred," I smiled at him and waited for him to get all the stuff he needed.

"Can you stri- Oh god that's going to sound wrong, sorry," he was about to ask for me to get undressed but he probably thinks I'll be like I was when we first met. I smile at him softly cupping his cheeks smoothing it softly. Honestly the reason I've not changed is because of...hope. I knew Alfred was coming to get me. I knew I won't stay there together. I knew I mattered to someone. And most importantly I knew if I changed so quickly Alfred would feel guilty and shattered. So I tried to keep my pride and confidence so Alfred would be happy and even more important (to him at least) that I would be happy too.

"Alfred it's alright I know you won't purposely hurt or force me into anything. And if you by accident do then I know I can tell you," I smile brightly at him kissing his cheek. I stood up getting undressed till I was in my boxers. I lied down and let the scanner scan me. It's basically a very high-tech x-Ray machine. Instead of just doing a certain part of your body and just your bones, this machine scans everything. If you had a cut/bruise it will indicate where it is and how to fix it. If you have a broken arm it will pick it up and give you instructions for best treatment. You could name almost anything, accidentally ate poison, hurt a muscle and so on. After it scanned me a couple of times it finally made the same notice that a bell makes, meaning my results are in.

Alfred immediately checked on the results and sighed in relief. I look at him confused. He seemed to notice my confusion since he smiled and explained,"Luckily no bones were broken. You just have a few cuts and minor bruises." I smiled seeing him so happy and so relieved. Honestly Francis has been even more careful now, so the abuse almost completely stopped, just the occasional bruise here and cut there. Except for long and hard hours stuff pretty much calmed down. Alfred actually seems more relieved at the results than I do, which is actually not even surprising.

So for the next like hour Alfred just took care of my wounds telling me about everything that came to mind. I smiled and listened to him talk while he was busy gently and carefully taking care of me. I was so happy that he wasn't completely a nervous wreck but judging by his soft manner of speech I can tell he's tired and nervous. "Arthur..." His voice got serious there as I turned to face him holding his hand sensing this was a sensitive conversation. "Yes my dear," I smoothed the back of his hand showing comfort.

"Since when were you able to see Matthew?" He asks as I stared at him surprised. "How did you-" I was just about to ask but was stopped by Alfred showing me my notebook. "An unknown entity which I'm now guessing as Matthew, gave us this book to prove you were abused," he explained as I sighed holding his hand to my face. "I wanted to tell you but Matthew said I shouldn't tell you since you wouldn't believe me," I told him as he looked me in the eyes searching for any lie. When all he saw was truth he kissed my forehead. "Well I'm glad you learned to use your powers and learned to be a queen," Alfred smiled as it took me a second to realize what the meaning to his words were which made me stare at him in shock.

"You want me to be your queen..."

Helloooo💕 Yes I knew it was a bit short but I really do hope you enjoyed this! My mental health is doing better now luckily (This took me about a week to write, don't ask I could barely stay awake through most nights). Though I do hope you guys think the chapter was worth the wait💕 Anyway the next chapter is just going to be smut and not important to the story, it's just them confessing their love for each other. You don't have to read it if you don't want but if you do then I hope you'll like that chapter too. Anyway I don't have much else to say so till next time

Bye bye🌸❄️

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