The Mission

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"First off Vivian we are going to need to have help from the Ripleys and our Hales because the mission is toward our families"Cyrus said.

"Don't worry Cyrus already sent the call that tells all Ripleys and Hales get on the secret link that's shown to who gets the call. So now in five minutes it will stop sending to everyone and they should start pouring in to face time"my mom said.

Then where we were standing got very loud my phone was ringing a ring I didn't know it could make and same for Erica's phone and Alexander's phone and Cyrus's phone and Catherine's phone.

"Oh yeah you guys all have your phones on you. You need to turn the green button 2 times right then wait 5 seconds then turn it left 9 times and then password is Berica" said my mom

"We know that Vivian" Cyrus grumpily said

"I know. I was telling Ben and Erica"My mom fought back

"Well there Hales and Ripleys which are also very famous spies so they should of known." Cyrus said 

"Sorry mom but I already knew"I said at the same time Erica said"Sorry Mrs. Ripley but I also knew". 

I felt bad I didn't help my mom in an agruement.

(Erica P.O.V.)

I could tell Ben felt sorry he didn't fight against Cyrus and told his mom he already knew and that she didn't need to tell us. I even felt a little guilty because Ben's mom is super cool and i would consider her my second spy mom. I already know Ben thinks the same thing but as my mom his second cool spy mom.

"Hi kiddos. Hi Ben. Hi. Hi the famous Erica Hale soon to be the famous Erica Ripley" I blushed at that statement and so did Ben bad part is Ben notice my blushing but then he gave me a warm smile and came closer to me while holding his phone and Mike following.

"Hi guys so are all Ripleys and Hales there" asked Bens mom. Ok I don't know what to call her  Mrs. Ripley or  Bens mom or Vivian like Mike and the adults call her.

"First before we start why in the world is the passcode Berica. Oh and for those who don't know me you would probably know me better as Bens brother or Ethan." Ethan was saying but then Ben said"Ethan can get a bit jealous sometimes"" I am a Ripley and I'm supposed to do a little intro on my family but you Hales already know us so never mind about our family intro. I will say there are so many Ripleys and Hales especially Ripleys though that not all of you know each other even though Hale and Ripley families are best friends" said Ethan

" Hi I'm Vivian Ripley. Ok let me get things straight here. Sorry about my son. The password was Berica because Ben plus Erica and they would be the most perfect couple and the morjority of Ripleys and Hales are big Berica shippers. Also for any of you who are wondering what to call someone from the Ripley family not sure if this applies to the Hale family but this applies to Ripley. Before you talk say your name. Also for those of you who are wondering what to call someone when ever you are with them please this is a rule Hales have to follow us Ripleys liked to be called by are first name because we don't want to seem old by you calling us Mrs./Mr./Ms./Miss Ripley. We are here to talk about a mission that we have and we need all Ripleys and Hales help. Now I will let a Hale talk". said Vivian well now I know what to call her and all the Ripleys.

"Um.. Erica can we just look off my phone our yours and then hand the other phone to Zoe and Mike because they won't stop moving around." Ben whispered so then people on the phone couldn't hear us..

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