Nightmares and Starts

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Here we go

Once we got off the jet we were going to get 3 taxis at different times for you know just reasons.

"Ok kiddos" mom was saying but then Lori Mikes mom interrupted"I see Vivian we still haven't change saying Ok kiddos" she said. "Well guess like it just stuck"my mom said and smiled

"Catherine, Lori, Sue and me can get one taxi. Rikkie, Mike, Chip,Liam(Mikes dad) and Jawa then Sam, Alexander, Erica, Ben and Zoe  and can be in the last one." Mom said

So we all got to the hotel it was giant and just amazing. The parents let us play for a few hours.

"Hay Ben want to go to the pool" Zoe asked

"Sure. I also need to talk to you alone." I said

"Sure thing" she said

We started walking"so Ben what was it you wanted to talk about"

"I think my back up plan will work better if I still try to get close to her because then she feel really betrayed" I stated

"Hmm... yeah I guess so. But how are we going to fix the problem" asked Zoe

"I have an idea. How about we have a big fight about you thinking I am going to cheat on you because I still like Erica and then I break up with you" I said 

"That sounds good. I will text the others that know the backup plan that we have has a change of plan and tell them what it is"Zoe said

"Thanks Zoe"

"No problem"

Zoe texted my grandpa, mom, Catherine and Mike our new plan. They all agreed. Me and Zoe walked through the door to the hotel room of Catherine and my mom and so on but my point is that the rest were in there. We just finished from the pool. Here comes acting.

"Ben I just cannot believe you. You are dating me and you like someone else. You only dated me because you wanted me to be happy. You don't even care" Zoe was asking while raising her voice. She is really good at acting.

"No Zoe I like you a lot. I still care about you" I said while pleading 

"Well it doesn't seem like it" she said

"Ok fine, you don't believe me. Well then I cannot have a girlfriend who thinks that I will cheat on her. Zoe sorry but I am breaking up with you" I said

"Fine. Well then be it" she said while "crying" 

We ran opposite directions. I then ran out of the room I was in then went to me and Erica's room. For some reason I heard Erica yell "Ben come back here" Well I was already in our room. We were sharing a room. Mike and Zoe were sharing a room. Jawa and.Chip were. Catherine and my mom were sharing one. Alexander and Sam were sharing one. Lori and Liam then Rikkie and Aunt Sue.

For some reason me and Erica's room only had 1 bed in it. Oh great this is going to be fun. I just sat on the couch then Erica walked in.

"Hi Erica" I said like I was crying 

"Hi Ben" she said sweetly. What the heck

"Ok Ben I am just going to tell you something, your next girlfriend will only want you to like her, she will not tolerate if you have a huge crush on her someone else and for your next girlfriend be yourself. She will love who you are" Erica said in a cold tone. There we go that's the Erica I know.

"Um.. ok" I replied 

"I am just going to leave you alone. I will tell you if we pick anything up" she said and then just left.

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