"Thank you for saving me." Anakin croaks while holding me in his arms.

My last vivid memory of this place from the day we met ends. As I turn to leave, my eyes catch the bench opposite where I am. I have other, newer memories from that location.

I'm greeted with the sight of us the day we reunited after seven long years. I'm on the ground after falling off the bench and Anakin is offering me a hand up. I take his hand and pull him into the ground next to me. We lay on the ground together, laughing at our own stupidity. The laughter ceases when our eyes meet under the glint of the pale moonlight. I remember how I was feeling at that moment. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

As the echo breaks away, so does another piece of my heart. All I want is to go back to that time less than two years ago. I want to go back to Naboo on the mission to protect Padme. Life was so much easier then. I never asked to be part of this prophecy. I never asked to be a Jedi. All I want is to be happy with the man I love. I wish Anakin and I weren't needed in this war. If we weren't, I would quite happily run away with him.

Regardless of how I am feeling, I must keep it in. I still have to meet with Rex, Fives, and Echo before the day is over. They should still be in the hangar bay inspecting the ships and fixing any equipment.

My mind is absent as I walk to the Coruscant hangar. The pain associated with the simplicity of past times clouds my emotions, leaving me as a shell of pain and longing.

Before I go into the hangar, I need a minute to compose myself. I'm the General of these men, or at least one of the General's. They need me to be strong and brave, not emotional and distraught. I lean against the wall of the empty corridor and allow myself to fall to the ground. Every part of me wants to cry, but I refuse to do so.

I pull the silver ring hanging on the chain around my neck out from my robes. I briefly admire the engraving, A+(Y/F/I). Holding onto the wedding ring Anakin got me is one of the things I have gotten into the habit of doing when stressed. It brings me comfort during the darkest of times, but not this one. Now the ring is only a reminder of what I am going to lose.

"General?" I hear someone call from down the previously empty corridor.

The '5' tattoo on the top right of his forehead and the thin goatee are clear indicators of who is approaching me. I quickly stand up and smooth out my robes.

"Fives." I acknowledge cheerily.

He has come a long way since we met on Geonosis. He and Echo recently became ARC troopers for their efforts in the Clone War. He is a brave and admirable soldier.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Of course." I lie. "I was just stretching before going inside."

He raises an eyebrow at me, seeing through my pathetic attempt of a lie. Fives turns his head and observes his surroundings in the corridor. I look around, trying to find what he is searching for only to find nothing. He steps forward a little and lowers his voice.

"Did something happen with General Skywalker?" He asks.

My body freezes momentarily. Does this mean that yet another person knows of our secret relationship? If that is the case, how did he find out?

"No, no Anakin's okay." I say, dodging the question he was truly asking.

"You know that's not what I meant." He states.

Anakin and I are usually very careful in front of the clones, minus that one time Rex saw us on Satine's ship, so I don't understand how he could possibly know.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now