Chapter Seventeen: Court of Light And Dark

Start from the beginning

    I was going to kill him—not pleasant?    I was hunched over heaving, and swatting both Chamuel and Walker's hands away from my person

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    I was going to kill him—not pleasant?
    I was hunched over heaving, and swatting both Chamuel and Walker's hands away from my person. "Stop, stop it, both of you, stop fucking doing that. I'm fine, I'm fine, just give me a fucking minute." They continue to try and touch me, and I lift my head and glare at the both of them. "If you do that again, I swear, and I'm serious, that I'll make it a point to vomit on the both of you, do you understand?" I almost laugh when they take two giant steps back. Well, if I'd known that all it would take to get them to give me space was threaten to hurl on them, I'd have done it earlier. I take a deep breath and try to steady my roiling stomach. "Jesus, Chamuel, what was that about. That was awful!" It doesn't pass my motive that Chamuel shudders when I say the 'J' word.
"I had mentioned to you that the first time was not always pleasant."
"Not pleasant?" I blink, "You're joking right? That felt like I was having my insides twisted into a pretzel and my head thrown into a blender for good measure. Not pleasant? That was a gross understatement, dude."
"Have we not already covered how much I dislike this word, amour?"
"o Bozhe, Annora, ty vyglyadish'" Walker mutters.
I frown, my eyes go first to Walker and then to Chamuel who is wearing a decidedly is that, guilty expression on his face? "Walker, stop it. You know I hate it when you speak in Russian, I can't understand a word you're saying."
"That too will change when we complete the link amour."
Oh, well, that IS interesting. "Really?"
"Yes, you'll understand every language known to man, and some unknown."
I nod. Cool. That was definitely going to be useful, but first to deal with this. "Walker what did you just say. And you," I point to Chamuel, "Why do you look so guilty?"
"I said, Oh My God, and that—" Walker is cut off.
"Good Greetings to you, One of Light, and his companions," The new voice is beautiful, light, airy, with the distinct tinkling of bells ringing within it, or at least it sounds like it. I turn to look at who is speaking and am blown away. The person, or I guess I should say the Fairy speaking is beautiful. Long blond hair to his waist, he had bright blue eyes and the most perfect face I think I've ever seen save on Chamuel. My angel definitely had it on him. MY? Heck when had I begun to think of Chamuel as mine? "The Great One has been waiting for you all and—" He stops when his gaze comes to rest upon me and his mouth drops open. "" He turns accusatory eyes toward Chamuel, and snaps, "...You never said she was one of the Fae Folk, and...and...royalty. How could you leave this out, Light One? He will be furious with you, furious."
I look around. Who was he talking about? There wasn't anyone here but the four of us.
"It wasn't my place to say. I follow protocols and rules as well, Amanuel Tel Dennen. The Graces had very specific instructions for me, and this was one of them. The Great One will just have to understand."
"He is not that understanding, Oh Light One."
"Neither is He. Who do you think would win in that interaction," Chamuel says without an ounce of smugness in his voice. In fact, he sounds almost sad. He turns to look at me, yep sad, that is definitely sadness I see on his face.
"What?!" I finally yell. I'd had enough. I hated being in dark. "What the heck is going on here? This Fairy, I guess his name is Amanuel, shows up and you all go bonkers. Well, you," and I point to Walker, "Were bonkers well before he showed up, but you all have gone totally loo loo in the head now. So spill, because this is getting tedious."
Amanuel shakes his head for a moment and then bows low to me, shocking the shit outta me. "I apologize my lady royal, you are right, I have been grossly remiss in my duties. My only excuse is that I was momentarily blown away by your overwhelming beauty and took leave of my senses for a moment."
"What's this horseshit about?" I blurt out. "...And why is he spouting out a bunch of fucking malarkey?" Both Chamuel and Walker begin to laugh when Amanuel stands straight up and gives me a look of total horror.
"She swears. She swears like a...a...a...common—"
"—-Hey! I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you, buster," I say, pointing my finger at him, "...and yes, I swear, a lot, and I'm also RIGHT HERE! So you can address me, not them."
   "Again, I deeply apologize my lady royal, but again, your beauty—"
   "—would you seriously stop with the complimentary crap, dude?" I front and turn Chamuel.  "Why does he keep doing that?"
   "You are beautiful, Annora beloved."
   "I'm okay I guess," I mutter.  I sigh.  Okay, I was pretty, probably more than pretty, but I hated to admit it because I already got a load of crap in my line of work, being pretty just made things harder.  But this, this was overkill by any standard. 
   "You're not just okay beloved," Chamuel takes my hands in his.  "You are truly stunningly beautiful, and you are incomparable."
   "Chamuel, you're really confusing me.  In fact, you are all really confusing me."  I point at the still stunned staring Fairy guy.  "I just want to know why when he showed up you all went weird on me, AND, why he keeps spouting out this ridiculousness.  All this lady royal crap, the bowing and worst of all, all the stupid compliments."
   Chamuel sighs.  "The Fae believe it grossly insulting if they do your make mention of your appearance, your beauty, and your other attributes upon meeting.  It is part of their introduction."
   "For real?" I say.  "Like, they just start spouting off nonsense about how gorgeous you are, how wonderful and shit like that?"
   Chamuel snorts, "You know, I do not like all this swearing you do...and yet...for the moment...and for when we meet with Him, I am quite looking forward to it.  I believe it will drive him crazier than it drives me."
   "Him? Like the big cheese in the sky?"
   "NO!" Chamuel shouts, and then calms.  "No, no, I meant with Him, the Great One," and he snorts again, "Great One...the Fae hold themselves in great importance.  I was referring to the King Terrenel."
   "They refer to him as Great One?" And I too, snort.  "You're right, they sound like a bunch of self considered important stuffed shirts to me."
   "Stuffed shirts?" Chamuel asks.
   "Stiff, boring," Walker fills in for me.
   Chamuel shakes his head.  "Not always, and not all of them, no.  But the self important part, definitely.  Terrenel is the Great Warrior King, and they refer to him as Great One.  He defeated The Femorians and thus his title of Great Warrior King and has taken the title of Great One since that last horrific battle.  It makes Branuel a little, what is that word you use, 'nutty'? Yes it makes him nutty to know that the title is already taken, for he would definitely like to use it for himself."
   "That Dark Creature does not hold a candle to our Great One!" Amanuel finally enters the conversation and his face is suffused in color.  "Where was he when The Femorians attacked and nearly destroyed us? Where was the Dark One then? Tell me that? No, no, he has nothing on our Great One."
   "Yes, yes, we get it, you worship your Great One," I roll my eyes.
   "We worship out Goddess, who has blessed our Great One.  He is her instrument her hand, and therefore we bow and obey.  As will you."
   "You've done it now, buddy," Walker says, eyes glinting with amused light.
   I advance on Amanuel.  And plant my hands on my hips.  "Listen you sanctimonious piece of," I swallow stopping myself just in time from saying something that might just get us kicked out of Tir na nOg before we even start.  I gather myself and try again.  "Listen Mr. Amanuel, I bow to no one! Do you understand? And the only person I obey, if myself.  If you think that's going to be an issue than you'd better high-tail it back to that palace I'm sure Mr. Big Wig lives in and tell him that his soon to be guests aren't going to kow-tow to him.  Especially me.  And if he thinks otherwise, then he's in for a really nasty surprise."
   "I...I...we...we..." Amanuel begins to stammer and Walker and even Chamuel appear completely amused by the turn of events.  "We...we've tarried overlong.  I have to take you to him now.  He will already be furious for having been kept waiting this long."
   I shrug.  "We had things to get sorted out.  He'll deal."
   Amanuel turns to Chamuel then.  "Is she always like this?"
   Chamuel shakes his head.  "No, usually she's worse."

"	HEY!

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Blood and Apples: An Annora Park Novel: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now