We were sitting on one of the pool chairs side by side. I leaned into Conrad's shoulder and wrapped my arms around him, him doing the same.

He rubbed my back to warm me up and I looked up to see him already looking at me with those bright blue eyes. His eyes told so much. They were his most vulnerable mode of communication. They were so pure, so true. They had an inevitable magic, a force of attraction that always made me smile whenever I looked into them. His eyes spoke of his honest love for me and the fear deeply carved inside of losing me.

"I love you so much. I don't know what'll I do without you",I said honestly.

"You don't have to think about that because you'll never lose me",he said softly.

"You didn't say that you loved me",I chuckled. I obviously didn't need him to say it. I knew he did. More than himself.

"Do I need to say it?",he whispered. "Or could I just-",he said leaning down to kiss me. The firecrackers bursted around me. The stars shown brightly and the air was filled with the aroma of love. But more than anything I felt the warmth that wrapped around me on his touch. "Do this",he completed touching our foreheads when we broke apart.


I stretched my arm in my sleep to hold Belly but all I could feel was the mattress. Looks like someone has a New Years resolution. I got up hesitantly and walked into the bathroom. There was a Father's Day greeting card on the counter. My girl was a bit too ahead of the schedule.

While brushing I kept having these thoughts of how lucky Belly's dad was to have a daughter like her. But how lucky I am to have her as my everything. Life without her now seems like a stupid idea. Like there wasn't a time when I spent my time away from her.

I showered quickly because I couldn't wait to see Belly. Even though she was just a floor down, even though she always will be, I couldn't find myself without her. I wanted to hear her sweet toned good morning and I wanted her soft lips on mine which made my day special. She, made my day special.

I flew downstairs like a kid on Christmas waiting to open my presents. I saw the tv was on in the living room and had a carton channel on. Not just any cartoon channel, it was baby tv. When people hear music my baby prefers nursery rhymes. She was something extraordinary.

I walked into the kitchen to meet the aroma of freshly baked cookies and the soft humming coming from Belly. She was opening the oven with a mitt and was wearing her deadly cute apron with little hearts.

She placed the tray on the counter regardless of my presence. I took my chance and wrapped her in between my arms. She chuckled and my day was immediately brightened.

"Good morning",she whispered sweetly. I turned her around placing a gentle kiss on her forehead and then brought her lips to mine for a sweet second.

"I made fortune cookies!",she said excitedly. "Sounds good to me",I said taking a seat.

Belly passed me a cookie and smiled weakly. I eyed her suspiciously. "Are you one of those people who write the most non-happening things in these cookies?",I joked as I broke the cookies in half.

I took my 'fortune' out: "A new member will walk into your family bringing you absolute joy." I read it again not understanding it. Then I connected the dots. The Father's Day card, the baby tv and now the cookie. It all lead me to one route.

I couldn't help the smile on my face. I walked towards a slightly nervous Belly and lift her up, twirling her around. "Oh my freaking god!",I exclaimed happily. This was the happiest day of my life. I kept re-thinking the phrase 'I'm gonna be a dad.'

"Easy there",Belly chuckled.

I was brought back to my consciousness. Belly was Pregnant, I couldn't be careless around her anymore. I put her down gently. She had opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off by my lips. I kissed her with immense passion and happiness. Belly was going to give me the most precious gift of my life and I couldn't be more thankful. I've always wanted a kid. I wanted to be something that my dad never was.

"I'm pregnant if you didn't know",she chuckled. She buried her head in my chest and I perched my chin on it. "You have no idea how happy I am. I love you",I said.

"It's not gonna be easy Con. I'm scared."

"Don't be. We're going to be the best parents ever."

"I really hope so."

"How far are you?",I asked.

"Three days",she said.

"That's why you didn't drink yesterday."

"Yeah. I hoped you wouldn't realize then otherwise all this would've been a waste."

I moved away from her, gripping our hands tightly. I kissed her forehead. "Everything's going to change Bells. A happy change."

"Everything has changed."


OMG it finally happened!!!! I think everyone's been definitely waiting for this. So...just like Conrad said, everything's gonna change. That means the chapters will be different, story will change and their lives will take a huge turn.

Your thoughts!!!!???

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QOD:Whom would you like to play as Conrad Fisher if the summer I turned pretty were to be a movie?(I would like Theo James with a little summer tan🔥)

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