Part 1

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"Alright! Everyone, please collect your belongings and follow the park rangers into the cafeteria!" The teacher called.

I was almost the last one off the bus, I grabbed my stuff and followed behind everyone else. I kept my hood up and my earplugs in my ears, blasting  Bon Jovi. I looked around me at the tall gum tree's, breathing in the fresh air. 
We were around a day away from any town and two days from school. My class and Mr Bodon's class was staying here for a month, learning how to fight, speak in our native language, Nunga, and doing team-building exercises. The camp rangers were all ex-army soldiers who fought in multiple different wars, some even fought together. 

There were three buses of teens, all of us had to fit into thirty cabins, each cabin had ten beds and there were around a hundred of us so we would only take up ten cabins. There were also multiple shower blocks for both boys and girls. 

Once everyone was inside the large cafeteria building we were hushed down and the head ranger started rattling off the rules of the camp and some extra stuff we would need in case of an emergency. I didn't bother listening and instead did a small doodle in my sketchbook, that I then turned into a skeleton holding a crippled rose. 

"Is that clear?" The head rangers voice boomed. 

A chorus of 'yeahs' and nodding heads followed and we were ordered to pick a cabin. I picked up all of my stuff and headed to the cabin furthest away from everyone and closets to the forest. I had never been in a forest before so maybe I could go for a walk later and get some inspiration for my art. Looking stuff up on google is great and all but it's so cool when you're actually there, sitting in front of that flower, seeing all of those little details that a camera could never capture but a pencil does with ease. 

"Um, excuse me, what are you doing?" A girl asked from behind me. 

I turned, frowning. She was a music student in Mr Bondon's class, though I couldn't remember her name. 

I gestured to the bed I had taken up, "Setting up my bed, why?"

"Well, me and my friends were all going to sleep near each other so would it be alright if you swapped with Steph?" she asked politely. 

I almost said no just to spite her but then thought better of it and nodded, collecting my stuff and moving to the back corner where 'Steph' was collecting her bags and moving to the other side of the cabin. The door to the cabin squeaked open and a park ranger stepped in. Her brown hair fell down and stopped just below her chest in a long braid. 

"Good afternoon, girls," she spoke in a hard but not unkind voice, "My name is Seargent Wynn, I'll be supervising you throughout your stay here. I'll be staying in that room through there." she pointed straight ahead where a door lay shut, I'm guessing her stuff was already in there, "I'll say this and I'll only say this once, I do not tolerate bullying, gossip, or people staying up way after lights out chattering and giggling, so if you're going to do that then go find another cabin,"

No one moved and she smiled, "Good, now get settled in and I'll come out and tell you when dinner will be and escort you all there,"

She strode into the room and pulled the door shut behind her. A few of the other girls shared surpirsed glances while a few giggled to each other. I continued to set up my little corner and then laid down on the thin green mattress, deciding to take a nap before dinner. 


"Oi, kid," someone lightly shook my shoulder, "Dinner, get up,"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Seargent Wynn crouched in front of me. 

"Okay," I muttered, pushing myself up and pulling on my boots. 

She nodded her satisfaction and left the cabin, a few of the girls trailing behind her and a few staying and giggling, then looking at me. I smoothed my hair down, pulled on my jacket and put in my earplugs, turning the volume up. This was going to be a long month. 


Day three and I still hadn't gotten to go into the forest yet. I'd been so tired out at the end of the day that after dinner I'd just collapsed onto the thin bed and I was dead to the world. But, the head ranger had given all students a day off since we weren't used to being pushed so hard. It was after dinner and everyone was in the cafateria watching a movie on the big screen while drinking hot milo's and Arnottes biscuits. After I had finished my drink I had left and gone straight into the cabin, gotten my bag and put in my sketchbook, pencils, extra batteries for the torch and some chocolate and chips in case I got hungry. I slipped from the cabin and went into the dark forest, clicking on the torch. 

The sky was dark but the moon lit it up at the same time, the stars looking like white paint splattered on a black canvas. The tree's loomed above me and the roots stuck up from the ground. I was careful not to step or break much foliage and to keep track of where I had come from. It was dead silent in the forest, the only sound the buzzing of insects and a slight breeze making the leaves rustle. 
I smiled and sat down on a large root, making sure there were no spiders first, and pulled out my sketchpad. I pointed the torch at the paper and started to sketch the small tree in front of me, it's leaves were long and fat, it's trunk thin and the branches hung low to the ground. I had just finished the first few branches when I heard something growling. I froze. My first thought was that it was wolves, but surely the school wouldn't bring us out here if there were dangerous animals like wolves, right? Although, I suppose we weren't really supposed to be out here at night so-

I flinched as I heard a stick snapping under a paw... actually, it didn't sound like a paw. Paws have a more softer sound, where as this sounded hard, like... like human shoes. Maybe one of the seargents had followed me out here and was trying to scare me and teach me a lesson? 

"You shouldn't be out here, little fox," a voice purred from the forest. 

I lept to my feet, clutching my book and pencil to my chest, then slowly putting them back in my bag in case I had to run. Which way had I come from again? Shit, I forgot, and my phone probably had no signal. 

"You should be inside, watching your little movie like the rest of them," he crooned, sounding closer. 

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice sounding barver than I was feeling. 

He chuckled, "The better questions is, who are you?" he was behind me. 

I whirled around but met nothing but thin air and darkness. Wait, darkness? Where did my torch go? I squinted down and tried to see it but I could barely make out the shape of the trees around me. I felt something against my back, a hand. 

"Don't be scared, little fox," he whispered in my ear and I jerked away, stumbling and falling to the floor. 

Sharp rocks poked into my palms and legs, drawing blood. I got to my feet and I could see him in front of me now. His hair was a chilli red, looking like his hands had been dragged through it multiple times. He was around 6'2 and wore a dark shade of dress pants and a white button down with a dark blazer. His eyes were sharp and calculating, dragging over my body and studying every inch of me. His hands were in his pockets as he stepped forwards. I couldn't move, my body was paralysed. Something about him radiated danger, like a predator. He took another step, and another, until he was mere inches from me, his eyes glistening dangerously. Now that I was closer I could see the little details, like the different shades of green in his eyes, the pale colour of his skin, and the sharp fangs proding at his bottom lips as he smirked.

"Now, be a good kitty and don't be too loud," he said and lunged. 


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