Chapter 29

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I hope you all enjoy! I tried my best! Thanks! You're all amazing!!!!
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"What is it?" Stefan asked worried.

"We have a problem." I said.

"What problem?" He asked.

"I um. Seraphene said that my love was so pure that she could change Aurora's genetics. But, now she said that if I loved before that, and during that. Then whoever my love was stronger for they're Aurora's father." I choked out a sob.

"Hey, it's all right. We'll figure it out." He said hugging me.

"Why? Why is this happening to me?" I sobbed as we crashed to the ground while Stefan held me in his arms for what seemed like hours but was only minutes.

"What do I do?" I asked after I slowly, but surely composed myself.

"I don't know." He said, and I choked out a sob shaking my head. I took a deep breath as I started walking back to the house.

"Care, where are you going?" Stefan called.

"I'm going to see my daughter." I said. I ran the rest of the way then up to my bathroom before anyone could see me. I took a deep breath, and washed my face then walked to Auroras room.

"You are so beautiful. You look just like your mommy." Rebekah whispered rubbing Auroras head.

"I've heard that a lot lately. I hardly think she looks like me." I chuckled looking down at my daughter.

"Then who would she look like? She certainly doesn't look like Elijah" Rebekah said smiling. If only you knew how much that could be true. I thought sadly.

"Can I hold my daughter now?" I teased, and Rebekah smiled lovingly at her then have her to me kissing her forehead.

"What did Nik say?" She asked cautiously while sadly.

"He needs to let off some steam. I'm going to find him soon. I just felt like. Ugh! I don't know. I just feel bad." I said careful not to disturb her.

"I know, I don't understand this completely. But thank you." She whispered wiping a stray tear away.

"I think I should find him." I whispered rocking Aurora slowly.

"Do you want me to watch her?" She asked, and I chuckled slightly.

"No. I think I'm going to need her support. I'm going to take her with me. We won't be out too late." I murmured, and she nodded her head smiling slightly.

"Okay." She said walking away. I took a deep breath sighing, and walked over to her crib. I carefully laid her down, and looked at her face in adoration. Her hair was a light brown with a tinge of red color, greenish-blue eyes, and cute little dimples.

"You're beautiful." I whispered to her in awe. All of the sign points to Klaus. There's a fifty percent chance that Klaus is the father. Right? Or was it always Klaus? I thought tiredly, but hid my fears as I walked to her dresser, and gazed though the clothes. I grabbed black sweat pants that are so adorable with a little pink bow at the ends. A pink long sleeve shirt with the saying, 'I'm a princess', it fits her perfectly. Then the little white boots she had on earlier, and a big fluffy white jacket with black fur rimming the hood. I laid the clothes on the dresser, and walk back to the crib, and smile widely at Aurora laying in her bed gazing at me.

"Hey, Cupcake." I whispered to her, and she just gazed at me. I chuckled softly looking at her in adoration as I laid her gently on the dressing table I hadn't noticed before. It was the same as the dresser apart from the designs, they said something in a different language. I made a mental note to ask Klaus about that later. I smiled softly as Aurora was bundled up in her little outfit. I held that smile on my face, and gently picked her up. I laid her across my arms while she looked around the room in attentiveness. I lightly rubbed her back as I walked downstairs, and stopped when I saw Kol, and Mikael in the living room.

"Where are you off to?" Kol asked smirking then smiling in awe as he looked at Aurora.

"Taking a walk." I shrugged careful not to hurt Aurora.

"You can't go out there by yourself. It isn't safe for you, or the baby." Mikael said, and I chuckled remembering he didn't every see me in action.

"I'm the strongest being on earth." I said with pride, and Kol smirked.

"Even Nik?" Kol smirked, and I chuckled.

"Not hardly. He's a thousand years older than you." Mikael said unconvinced.

"Ask Rebekah. I could kill all of you, even your family. Although I wouldn't." I said.

"Well I'd hope not. I actually like you as a sister." Rebekah said smiling, but I could see her hope of my response.

"Me too. I couldn't kill you. I mean who would help me pick out grout found dresses? Surely not Stefy." I said smugly as Rebekah laughed, Mikael, and Kol laughed then Stefan gasped in mock shock.

"I an very good at dress shopping." He defended, and I smiled brightly.

"Of course you are, Babe." Rebekah said pecking his lips while I chuckled at the odd pair.

"I'm going now. Yes Stefan, I have my phone. No Rebekah, I don't need you to come along. Yes, I will be fine. Rebekah, and Stefan, you guys need to let Mikael know how awesome I am. I think that's it. Did I miss anything?" I asked, and Rebekah glared at me playfully through slits in her eyes as she squinted her eyes at me.

"Be careful." Stefan warned, and I understood his underlying meaning.

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