Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Nikko Smallbear

Her blonde hair blew in the wind as her blue-green eyes twinkled. The songs of the birds singing weaved its way, lacing around the trees and competing only with the crunch under her foot. Nothing held her down here. Here she was free from her cage. Free from Fear.

She turned to her left towards the tallest tree in the forest. She sat down on the roots that popped out above the surface a few feet and then dived down deep under ground. The girl reached into a hollow opening near the base of the tree and pulled out a cloth with all the colors of the rainbow. As she pulled the rainbow out, it's colors parted ways into long strings. Her hands held the strings and gave the colors a purpose as she had been taught. This had always helped in calming her down, no matter what happened in the the cage. But today, the magic was wearing away. She tried harder to grasp the strength, her hands moving faster. But today, it was wearing away. Today is the day when her fear would grow into a skyscraper instead of a measly building that you could take down with your bear hands. And she knew that today, the horn would blow earlier and that her fear would grow stronger. As it had said in the letter,

When the sun sets on the 6th of June, my spirit will be lost. Then, they will finally call you the weaving girl.

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