I remained as still as I could as she made herself comfortable on top of me. She put her head in the arch of my shoulder and chest, right above my heart and she stretched her leg in between mine in a way that both of our legs were intertwined and her arm was around my waist.

-Is this ok? - she questioned me when she was done moving and with close eyes, my heart was beating really fast and I knew that she could hear it so I tried to slow it down.

-Yes- I breathed out a little shaky, I decided that I was too stiff and needed to relax my body a little so I decided to wrap my arm around her and place it on her waist but I was also afraid it was too much -Is that ok? -

-Yeah- she hummed in content, she looked so peaceful as she was actually sleep. I yawned myself.

It was hard to fight sleep when I was the most comfortable I've ever been.

I woke up alone in the bed, I could hear the shower running, which meant Rosalie was taking a shower. I closed my eyes again and stretched.

I was still trying to wake myself off when Rosalie walked out of the bathroom dressed in a new outfit and with her still immaculate outfit folded neatly in one of her hands as the other was drying her hair with a towel, even tho it was slightly tangled, due to the tacky hotel shampoo, it still looked amazing.

It should be illegal to look that good after a shower, she was like a model ready to hit the runway.

-Good Morning- she gave me a shy smile, she left her old change of clothes in the corner of the bed and went to her suitcase to take out a brush before sitting in the vanity- I just took a quick shower, I thought I would be done before you woke up-

I stood up from the bed and went to where she was detangling her hair, I took the expensive brush out her hands and started brushing from the tips to the top. She was looking intently at me through the mirror, I gave her a shy smile.

-All done- I put the brush in the vanity once I was done and then placed my hands in her shoulders.

-Thank you- she took my hand from one of her shoulders and kiss it lightly - You need to take a shower and then put the clothes I just took off-

I frowned -Why? -

-We are driving to Phoenix, and I want to disguise your scent as much as we can- she sighed- My scent is all over you from cuddling last night so with you wearing my clothes I think would be enough-

-Is that why you hugged me last night? - I questioned really hurt.

-No- she quickly stood up from the vanity chair - I worded it wrong, I just meant that it could be useful-

-Why are we going to Phoenix? - I changed the subject - You said that we had to hide out here in Seattle to get away from the tracker-

-The tracker found out that the trace he was following was a fake- Rosalie said slowly, I just sighed. Wishing really hard that this would all be over soon - I talked to Jasper and Carlisle, we all think is a good idea for us to regroup with them, we could protect both of you -

I didn't say anything. I was too troubled to think clearly, I turned to grab Rosalie's clothes from the bed.

-You need to try and remain calm- Rosalie was in an instant with my back to her chest.

-I am trying- I closed my eyes and took a huge breath, I then went to the bathroom to take a shower and try to shut the world away.

-Are you really not going to talk to me the whole ride there? - Rosalie asked me annoyed, breaking the silent in the car. I huffed - I don't even know why you are upset at me-

-I am not upset- I rolled my eyes, she snorted ironically - My sister is being hunted down like a freaking animal and you don't care! -

- I care about your safety - Rosalie snarled, I flinched.

- Listen Rosalie- I closed my eyes trying to keep myself together - I know you hate her but she is my sister, she is the only person that has ever cared for me, in fact she has taken care for me my whole life...-

I stopped when a lump in throat cut me off, I had tears in my eyes. Rosalie gave me a weary look. I had never seen Rosalie, or any of the Cullens for that fact, look anything else than well put together.

-I don't hate your sister- Rosalie passed a hand through her hair, something she did when she was upset- I have encountered feelings about her, but I know how much she means to you- she turned to look at me, I could see the sincerity in her eyes - I know how much she means to my brother and believe me that I will be willing to fight for her- then her gestures became a little somber - But if it comes to save either you or her, I will always choose you and I make no apologies for that-

We both stayed in silence but for different reasons, she was trying to compose herself after her little speech and I simply was too tongue tied to say anything.

-I'm sorry- I mumbled.

-I know-

It was unlike me to get this worked up about something as silly as that. I knew that Rosalie was not Bella's biggest fan but she was not either Edward's and he was her brother. So me accusing her of not caring about my sister was out of line.

This was simply too much to handle.

Dancing with our hands tied | Rosalie Haleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें