Two Warriors Graduate!

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I've been training with Krillin for quite a few months now. I've gotten used to the heaviest clothes for about a weak or so. I've also learned most of his techniques at this point. Plus, me and him are pretty cool with each other.
"All right, Cal! Let's see if you have what it takes!" He says to me. "Right!" I respond.
I take off my weighted clothing parts and charge my energy. I then take my fighting stance before dashing in. I ready my fist, hoping to get Krillin this time. As I'm about to punch, I vanish behind to attack. Krillin spins to get me, but I leave an Afterimage behind.
I hit Krillin from the side, sending him flying. He catches himself midair and unleashes a barrage of ki blasts. I form a barrier to protect myself. I then release it once the blasts are all gone. Krillin vanishes away behind me.
I release a ton of energy outside of my body and form an explosion. I can feel that Krillin got caught within it. Good. I then stop my ki explosion and turn to see Krillin powering up. He then kicks me in the face, sending me on the ground. I may have gotten better, but Krillin is still much stronger than I am. I'm still fighting a match that I know I'll lose.
Krillin puts his hands to both his sides. This is his Scatter Kamehameha. I remember this being used against me. I need to make him stop that before he releases the blast.
I put my hand in the air, palm pointed towards the sky. I start to shape my energy into a flat, sharp circle. It finally forms, amd I toss it out at Krillin.
The disk flies out at Krillin, causing him to stop his Scatter Kamehameha. While it takes me a few seconds to make one, Krillin makes his own Destructo Disk instantly to counter mine, both destroyed on impact.
"Sorry for this, I'll teach it to you afterwards!" Krillin puts both his hands up to his head.
I instantly get blinded by the light, causing my eyes to hurt a lot. I try to sense Krillin, but I feel multiple powers near us. I would have known if there were other people, so why is there more than one power signature?
I get hit in the back with a powerful blast, sending me onto the ground. I then get up and I'm finally able to open my eyes. The ground seems to be scorched. That's it! He fired multiple ki blasts around the area, making me confused on where he really was. Damn, that's some smart thinking.
I see Krillin on the ground charging a Kamehameha. He seems to be holding back a lot of power for this one. I put my hands together at my side to do the same.
"Ka... Me... Ha... Me... HAAA!!!"
We both fire our blasts, colliding with each other. We both struggle to see whose beam is stronger. I know that I can't win, but I must keep up. I put everything I have into the blast, pushing it towards Krillin. However, his energy increases, with his beam consuming mine and eventually, me. The beam swallows me whole, having no time to block or dodge, I take the blast head on.
I get sent into a mountain side, stuck in a crater. Krillin comes by and helps me out. He gives me a Senzu Bean to eat. I consume it, feeling my power increase from my heavy damage being recovered.
"Wow... I still have a lot to learn..." I say to Krillin. He smiles. "Yeah, but not from me. I'll teach you the Solar Flare and that will be the end of our training." He tells me. I stare at him surprised. "Seriously! But, I still am so much weaker!"
"Listen, Cal. You may not be stronger than me, but I can only teach you so much. I do have more techniques, but they are all just variations of what I taught you, like the Chain Destructo Disk or the Super Solar Flare. A lot of it is just improving on what you already know."
I look down and take in what Krillin is saying. At this point, I should use these attacks in battle. I haven't done any missions in months.
"Anyways, let's teach you the Solar Flare."

Both Goten and Trunks keep on trying to attack me, yet I block all of their punches. They really aren't on my level at all, but it does help us all get stronger. Plus, I did learn one of Trunks' techniques.
I kick both of them away, landing on their backs. "Ow! Time out!" Trunks tells me. I just shrug and go back to my studies. I should really focus on that since I'm just about to graduate from the academy. All that's left is my final test. If I pass, I get to go in to the Time Patrol. So, it's time to study for the rest of the day!
I wake up and get myself ready for today. I need to pass my final. I head out for the school and take my seat. I wait about ten minutes for everyone in class to get seated and ready.
"Ok, class!" I hear a voice that's not our usual teacher. Instead, it's Elder Kai. "Today is your final test to see if you become a Time Patroller. I wish you all luck! You may now begin."
Question 1. What technique did Giran use on Goku in the 23rd World Tournament? I remember there were two names for it. The Merry-Go-Round Gum and the Go Go Gum. I'll put down both, just in case.
Question 2. What did Commander Red want to wish for with the Dragon Balls? Right, a stupid wish. He wanted to increase his height.
Question 3. Who won the 22nd World Tournament? That would be Tien.
Question 4. How did Goku defeat the Demon King Piccolo? Goku punched a hole through Piccolo's chest.
Question 5. Who won the 23rd World Tournament? Goku did. That was his only win in the tournament.
I continue through, answering questions to the best of my ability. It can be confusing with Trunks' timeline and my own. I try not to let my own life in my timeline interfere with that. Then we get to the power levels. This will get a bit tricky.
I finish and turn in my test. I wait a few hours and go back to the school to get my results. I check the board.
Landra: 169/175
Nice! I did it! I go back home and tell everyone the news.
"Oh, sweety, that's great!" Mom tells me, hugging me. I hug her back and Trunks gives me a thumbs up. "Now if only Vegeta were here for this." Mom says, narrowing her eyes.
"Mom, it's fine. Plus, do you think he will care that much?"
My mom shrugs. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
In celebration, mom decides to have a big family dinner. This is by far, the most I have ever eaten in a single sitting. We all eat, talk, and have a good time.
I go to my room and go to bed. I'm finally going into the Time Patrol. I'm getting stronger. Trunks, I hope you are watching me, wherever you are.
In the next morning, I get myself ready and I go into the gravity room. I was expecting to be only, but inside, dad is training. He notices me and turns off the power.
"Your mother told me what happened. Good job." I'm taken aback. "Your getting stronger. As a Saiyan and a father, I'm proud. You'll only get stronger from here. I have a few hours to kill before Whis shows up, so I'd be glad to have a training partner." I smile and agree.
We turn the gravity to my comfort level, 15 times Earth's gravity. Father instantly vanishes away and kicks me in the back. He vanishes again and elbows me in the stomach. I fall down and cough up some blood.
"Maybe I was a little too rough. I'll hold back a bit more." Dad tells me. I regret this.
I get back up and try to hit father, but a fist to the chest doesn't even phase him. I jump back into the air and gather my energy for an all-out attack. I put my hands together behind my head.
My dad smiles. "Good, your using my own technique." He puts out his hand and catches the blast. He then pushes it back at me, blasting me out of the gravity room, forming a hole in the room.
I lie on the ground panting heavily. I see my dad hovering over me. "Seems that I still used to much power. Oh well, once you recover, you should get a bit stronger."
My father walks away. I continue to lie there, until I see Trunks leaning over me. "Did dad beat the crap out of you?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah..." Trunks smiles. "Figures. That happens to me too when I train with him."
Trunks helps me up and brings me inside Capsule Corporation. "You know what makes me feel better after training? Some video games!" Trunks takes me to the living room and turns on his console, bringing up a racing game. "My mom designed it so you can put yourself in the game. See there's me!" Trunks shows me all of the different people who played the game with him. Goku, dad, Goten, himself, Pilaf, Shu, this timelines Mai, Beerus, and even this timelines future Trunks.
My controller scans me, putting me into the game. I select myself. "Landra!" I smile at this kind of technology. We start playing and I lose quite a few times. But, I slowly start getting better and better. We keep playing for a few hours, until Goten comes over. "Hiha, Trunks. Hiha, Landra." We both wave at him. We then go outside to start training again. My body is still sore from my sparring match with dad, but I still try to manage. The boys are able to get in a few lucky punches.
Goten and Trunks start charging up there own techniques, the Kamehameha and the Double Buster. I start to charge the technique that this Trunks taught me.
The attacks collide, instead of it going one way to one of the sides, it stays neutral, exploding at the end.
We continue the training until we all get tired. From there, we go back to playing the video game. I still lose, but just barely.

In Another Timeline...
Our fists collide, sending a shockwave through the area. Gohan is strong, even stronger than Trunks. I'm actually struggling.
"How dare you show up here, looking like my father!" He fires a blast at me, which I block. It sends me back a bit. He then kicks me to the ground.
"You're quite strong. You exceed all my expectations." I tell him. I charge my energy, breaking through my next wall. New found power surges through my body. Electricity crackles around my body. My power seems to have doubled.
Gohan smirks. He shouts out into the sky, his power continues to rise. He hair starts to grow out, down below his back. That's the next form I need. Super Saiyan 3. We both charge at each other. We keep on trading punches until Gohan uppercut me straight into the air.
"KA... ME... HA... ME... HAAAA!!!"
He fires the blast from one hand, sending me higher and higher into the sky. Before I know it, I'm in the clouds. Gohan seemingly vanishes behind me, kicking me hard. I get sent back to the ground, writhing in pain. If he knew how to use god ki, I would certainly be dead.
Gohan rushes down at me. I put up a barrier to block him. I break out of the barrier to catch him by surprise and kick him in the stomach. I then fire a blast in his face, sending him away. I need to use this body to limits if I want to win. I sense Gohan getting closer again.
My energy quintuples in power. I charge forward and punch Gohan. It seems I hit him so hard, my fist went through his shoulder.
"Y-y-you... B-bastard..." He pants. I smirk. "Know your place, mortal." I take my hand out and fire a blast that disintegrates him. "Filth like you have no place in my ideal world."
I drop out of Kaioken and rest up for a bit.
I should relearn how to use my Kai abilities. If I healed myself while using the Kaioken, I should have little to no drawbacks. I would be invincible!

Hi, Ch1ckow here! The Goku Black part of the story was inspired by the video below. Check out the channel! If you are a Dragon Ball fan, you'll surely love it!

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