Time for School? Cal's First Mentor!

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In the distance, I see Landra running closer to the school. A part of me knew she was going to accept. She has that type of vibe to her.
"I'm here!" She shouts out. I wave to Landra and she waves back. "Why do I need a flying license? I'm like one of the stronger ones here!" She says. I shrug. "Everyone needs to get to a certain point in order for someone to obtain their licence. I think it's stupid, but whatever."
I shake my head. "Anyways, I'm here to register you here into the academy."
"The academy?" Landra responds. I nod. "Yep. You have to learn what happens in the main timeline along with a few branching timelines. This whole school is basically history class." Landra looks at me dumbfounded. "I thought you were gonna register me into the Time Patrol?"
"I wish. Everyone has to go through the academy to get to actual missions. Don't worry, it's only six months."
"SIX MONTHS!!" She shouts. "I shouldn't be in school, I'm 24 for crying out loud!"
"Look I get it, but if you want to go help out in the Time Patrol, you need to do this. I can help you study if you want." I tell her. Landra pouts. "Fine. In hindsight, six months isn't that long." I give her a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I just got out of the academy, so everything is still fresh in my mind."

I finally begin school. Not so bad, really. Cal helps me after school to really understand what I learned. We started with Frieza taking over the Cold Force and how he eradicated Planet Vegeta. There were five main survivors. Goku, Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, and Broly. From what I gathered, we mainly follow Goku and his adventures on Earth.
"...and so Roshi gave Goku and Bulma the Dragon Ball." Cal tells me. "Was it really that easy, just saying to give them the Dragon Ball?" I ask. Cal's face goes red. "Um, not exactly..." He says.
"Well, what happened?" I ask him. His face goes a brighter red. "Uh... Ask your mother."
I continue for a few weeks. Going through Goku's Great Ape transformation, to training under Master Roshi, to the World Tournament.
Every week, I get a test on what we learned. So, far it's pretty easy stuff. The only thing that might get confusing is the power scaling tests. Especially now since we are using power levels. But, I just have to keep pushing on.

I've been helping Landra with school work, but that means I have less time to work on missions. The only mission I've done so far is the one with Raditz. I also had no time for training. But, I should be free today.
I know that a few mentors around the city can help me out, so that sounds like a good idea. But who would train me. I guess my best bets are Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Piccolo.
I know that Piccolo can be way too harsh, so I don't think I'll go with him. I guess the best one I could go with is Krillin. He's pretty understanding and more relax about training. Plus, I get to train with a pupil of Roshi, so that's going to be cool.
I sense for Krillin's energy. He seems to be near the school. I ride on my hovercraft to Orange Star and spot him. I stop near the waterfall and walk up to him.
"Yo, I'm Krillin. Let me guess, you want to train with me?" He asks me. I nod. He smiles. "Good. I only had one more spot open, so you're in luck. Follow me." We head off into an area outside of Conton, where no rules apply.
"Come at me! Let's so what you got!!" He tells me.
I charge up my energy and dash forwards, throwing a punch. He vanishes away, and I feel a boot to the back of my head. I fall onto the ground, slowly getting back up.
"Oh, come on. You're going to have to do better than that!" He taunts me.
I fire a barrage of ki blasts, all of which he dodges. Krillin puts his hands together and fires a blast at me. I put my arms up to block, but the beam changes trajectory and goes upwards. Then, the beam splits apart, firing in several directions, all pointed at me.
I try to dodge the blasts, but there is just too many, I get bombarded with energy blasts. I pant from the damage I've taken.
"You think you can win against me? Don't make me laugh!" He says, continuing to taunt me. I clench my fists and gather all the power I have. I put my hand on top of the other and put both just above my head.
"MASENKO HA!!!" I push my hands out, releasing my attack. Krillin puts up his arms, blocking the attack. It ultimately did nothing. I could use a Kamehameha, but that would meet with the same result.
I rush back in and try to land a hit. He just keeps dodging out of the way. He then kicks me in the stomach, jumps in the air, and fires a bunch of ki blasts, each one hitting me. He then fires a huge ki blast at me, sending me flying. I think I should give it a rest.
"I... I can't do anymore. I have failed..." I tell Krillin. He walks out and puts out his hand. In it, is a Senzu Bean. I grab it, put in my both, chew, and swallow. I instantly feel my energy come back to me.
"I have a similar fight with most beginner Patrollers. Lucky you chose me since I'm pretty accepting of most. A lot of the others would have failed you from that kick to the head." Krillin tells me. I look at him surprised.
"Meet me tomorrow here at about the same time." Krillin begins to fly off. I smile. How the hell did I get accepted?

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