Turtle Style Training! Roshi and Yamcha!

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I think I should train with Roshi. Krillin told me that I should when we were training together, so I think it would be a good idea. Maybe I could bring Landra along. Roshi is a perv, but one punch on his head should teach him a lesson.
I head off in the time rift and see Capsule Corporation in front of me. In the air, I see Landra sparring with Trunks and Goten. They all notice me and land back onto the ground to greet me. "Hey, Cal. What's up?" Landra asks me.
"I wanted to see if you wanted to find a mentor to train with." I respond to her. "A mentor? Who?" She asks.
"Muten Roshi. He has some pretty cool techniques, so I was wondering if you wanted to learn them too?"
Landra looks at me with a bit of disgust. "That old geezer? You think I would want to train with that pervert?" She tells me.
"Look, he has some techniques that would prove vital in combat. Plus, you can easily show him whose boss."
Landra shakes her head. "Fine. If even thinks about laying a finger on me, I'm sending him to the moon."
We both head out to a rift that leads us to Kame House. There, we see Krillin, Android 18, Marron, Yamcha, and Roshi.
"Yo, Cal!" Krillin waves at us. I wave back and introduce myself to everyone.
"Well, I see that you brought a fine lady." Roshi remarks. Landra's face gets a bit more serious. "I will break your finger if you touch me." Roshi laughs, "A feisty, aren't we?"
She looks away notices Yamcha. I see her face start to turn red. I think I know where this is heading. I nudge up to her. "Introduce yourself." I whisper to her. She nods.
"Hi, my name is Landra. I'm from a timeline where I'm Bulma and Vegeta' daughter." She tells everyone.
Yamcha walks up and puts his hand out. "Nice to meet you." Landra hesitantly puts her hand out to shake his.
"So, what is the reason you're here?" Roshi asks. I nod and bow to him. "I would like to be your pupil." I tell him.
"Hmm, we shall see. Let's have us an initiation test." Roshi tells me. I nod.
"I want you to fire off your strongest Kamehameha."
Is that it? Ok. I give him a thumbs up and turn to the sea. I put my hands together by my side. I put all of my energy into it.
"KA... ME... HA... ME... HAAAAA!!!"
The beam shoots out of my hands and into the vast emptiness of the sea. After a few seconds, I put my hands down to stop and look at Roshi. He nods in acceptance. He then looks over to Landra.
"Do you also want to train?" He asks her. Landra nods, "Except that I can't do the Kamehameha." She tells Roshi.
"Ah, that's fine. You really wouldn't gain much from me anyways." He informs Landra. "If anything, you would have a better time training with Krillin or Yamcha."
I notice Landra's eyes widen. "Yeah, I could train with Yamcha." Yamcha looks to be taken aback by this. "Seriously, you want to train with me?" He says dumbfounded.
Landra nods. "Y-yeah!" I notice her face getting red again. I chuckle to myself. Does she seriously have a crush on her mom's ex boyfriend?
"When do we start, Master Yamcha?" He scratches his head. "Uh, I guess we could start now." Yamcha tells Landra. She puts her hand in the air and fist pumps. "Yes!"
Landra waves at me. "Have fun with the old man, bye!" And with that, they head back out of the time rift.
"Welp, that happened. Ok, let's start your training." Roshi tells me. I nod, "Alright!"

We head out into the mountains to start my training. "All right, lets start with my signature technique, the Wolf Fang Fist." Yamcha says. He strikes the pose and uses his attack on a rock formation.
After him doing it a few more times, I try to do the same. "Hm, not quite. Try again." I do as instructed. "No, that's not quite right." Yamcha shakes his head. "You have to embody the movements of a wolf, like so!" He uses the Wolf Fang Fist again, but to me, it seems the same as what I was doing.
I try once more, until Yamcha tells me to stop. "Maybe instead of studying me, we should study an actual wolf so you can understand it's movements."

"Rock~ a~ bye~ baaaaby~ in~ the~ tree~ top~ When~ the~ wind~ blooows~ the~ craaaadle~ will~ roooock~" As I sing the song and wave my hands, Krillin falls asleep. Roshi claps his hands, "Very good. You've learned my Lullaby Punch." Everything seems to be going smoothly. I won't get much stronger, but I'm still improving myself.
"Alright, next up is the Thunder Shock Surprise. All you kids keep calling my techniques different names. The Turtle Style Last Resort. Such a stupid name." Roshi says. He shakes his head, "Anyways, let us begin."
Roshi demonstrates his technique, sending out energy that paralyzes the opponent and shocks them. He wakes up Krillin for me to use it on.
I gather my energy to my fingertips and release them out. The electrified energy is sent out at Krillin, trapping him from any movements.
"Ohh, a quick learner are we?" Roshi says with a chuckle. "How about I show you one of my greatest techniques. Even you won't be able to use this on the first try."
"What is it?" I ask. He smiles. "The Mafuba."

After a few days of watching documentaries of wolfs, we head back to the mountains. "All right, Landra, try it out!" Yamcha instructs me.
I take a somewhat primal stance, before pouncing on to my target, the rock. "WOLF FANG FIST!" I attack the rock with a flurry of strikes, symbolizing the bites scratches of a wolf. I completely destroy the rock with a final double handed strike.
I look behind me at Yamcha, who smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I smile too, feeling my face get hot.
"All right my student, the next attack is an amplified version of the same attack, the Neo Wolf Fang Fist. It's way stronger, but uses more energy to use, so use it wisely."
Yamcha starts to show what the Neo Wolf Fang Fist looks like. I'm able to see how he moves like a wolf now, so I understand how the technique works. I do just what he does breaking rock after rock in the process.
"There you go! First try was flawless!" Yamcha shouts, making me feel happy inside. I enjoy being with him, a lot.
"All right, next is the Spirit Ball, my most complicated technique."

I feel worn out, but I have finally done it. I used the Mafuba on Krillin, slamming him into the ground. He rubs his head. "Ow, being a training dummy doesn't feel too good!" He says. We all laugh. I put my hand out and he grabs on to it, pulling him up. Roshi walks up to me.
"You have done well, Cal. You have learned my three best techniques, techniques that not even Goku or Krillin have learned. Well, aside from the Mafuba being taught to Goku. Even then it didn't really work out."
I smile and bow. "Thank you for your time, Master Roshi." He shakes his head, "No need to be so formal. But, just make one promise for me, ok?" He asks. "What is it?" I respond.
"Remember to always work hard, study well, and eat and sleep plenty. This is the way of the the Turtle School!"
I smile and nod. "Will do!" I tell him enthusiastically. Roshi chuckles, "Then I have taught you well, keep up your duties in protecting time."
If that, I wish everyone well and head off. I wonder how Landra is doing?

I focus my energy out into the palm of my hand. In it, a yellow energy sphere emerges and I toss it out. This is the tricky part. I point left with my index and middle finger. As I do, the energy ball goes left. I do the same, but right. I do these in several directions. Up, left, side, down, right, side, up, down.
Yamcha gives me a round of applause. "Hey, you got the hang of this!" He says to me. I can feel my face getting hot again.
"I would ask to spar, but you'd definitely beat me, no contest." He says. I chuckle a bit, "M-maybe I could help you get stronger, if you w-wanted to..." I am surprised I even got that out of my mouth.
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind. It's about time for the great Yamcha to make a comeback!" He smirks. I giggle a bit. I wouldn't mind spending more time with this handsome man.
Sparring with Yamcha is pretty similar to training with the boys. Except, I really need to hold back. He is so much more weaker than I am, but that doesn't bother me. That just means I get to spend more time with him. So this is what having a crush is like.

Goku Black
So, her and her friend are training. As if they can even come close to my power. Maybe in the future I could exploit them for more power boosts. I killed her family too quickly, so I want her death to be long and painful. She thinks that she can stand up to my godly might. That's quite humorous.
What other timelines could I explore? Maybe I should look through and find a new companion. It seems that one of me is enough, but how about another Saiyan. That does spark a brand new idea.
I shall pursue it later. For now, I nees to focus on achieving new power.
I shall study how Goku obtained the Super Saiyan 3 transformation. If I could somehow master it, I would be unstoppable. But I still need to reawaken my true godly powers in order to gain Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Rosé. It is still a form of Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, so I could even get an evolved state of that. So many goals, so much time.

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