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"And cuddled up to bed with me?"
Gulf raised his brows.

"I didn't mean to, but you pulled me." Mew defensively said.

"Really? I did that?"

"Yes you did, you even said the you miss me." Mew cockily smirk looking at the beet red face of his baby.

Gulf stop eating and cleared his throat then he drink the medicine.

"Mild really go with Boat?"

"Yes, he did,"

Gulf scoffed "He still haven't move on as I can see." He got up and fix his slightly crumpled clothes.

"How about You? Have you move on baby?"

Gulf froze on his spot hearing the familiar endearment.

"Of course! Ive already move on!" He tries to act angry.

"Really? Have you really move on?"
Mew smirk at him while slowly walking forward.

"S-stop right there! Dont you dare come near me or else!"
Gulf stammered as Mew continues to step forward, in instinct Gulf stepped backwards, until his back was pinned on the wall.

"You can't hide it, I still have the same effect on you, your face is so red, I wonder of this lips still taste the same." Mew intensely look at Gulf's eyes then his stares drop on Gulf's lips. Mew slowly brush their noses.

Gulf suck his breath in this close proximity, he can smell Mew's intoxicating scent.

"You're still holding the key to my heart, might aswell you open it and claim your place inside."

He put his arms on Gulf's side on the wall.

"CAN I HAVE YOU BACK? For real and with label this time?" Mew's voice filled with emotions as he put a finger on Gulf's chin to make him look in his eyes.

Right then and there Gulf realized that he didn't move on.

Gulf pushed him away.

"I don't want the past to happen again in the present Mew. Fix your mind, Thank you for your hospitality."

Gulf turn to leave while Mew was nailed on his spot.

He slowly seated on his bed looking at the open door of his bedroom and watch Gulf's back slowly disappeared.

He's right. He have to fix his mind. He grabbed his phone and call his father. First things first.


Gulf was having rounds in the hospital when he saw Art sitting in the waiting area.

Art saw him and he walk to him.

"What brought you here?" Gulf said eyeing the shorter man.

"Can we talk?" His voice trembled.

Seeing the emotions on the other guy, Gulf didn't hesitate.

"Let's go to my office."
He walk first and he followed.

"Have a seat, now talk what brought you here?" Gulf confidently sit on his swivel chair.

"I don't want to beat around the bush so I'll go straight to the point. Stay away from Mew."

"What?!"Gulf abruptly said.

"He canceled our engagement, he wants you back. What did you do to bewitched him and he'd gone crazy over you like this?" Art's voice was firm but wavering on his supressed emotions. "I confessed to him two years ago, he didn't accept but he didn't tell me to stop liking him. Ive been inlove with him for a long time and now you just enter the picture, Mew was still into you."

"You know Art, honestly Mew asked to have me back, but I don't want. I don't want to repeat the drama 7 years ago. I admit I still feel something for him, but it is not as intense as before. So I don't understand why you are so triggered like this, you confessed 2 years ago? What did you do to win his heart on that span of time? And yet we just see each other weeks ago and now he's still into me?
Please spare me on that. I don't have time for dramas." Gulf rolled his eyes.

Art stand up and lean on his table.

"Take this as a warning then, stay away from him or else you will face the consequences."

"Is that a threat?" Gulf stand up and lean forward on his table, given his 6foot height he's towering Art.

"Are you threatened?" Art smirk at him.

Gulf let out a mocking laugh.

"No one dares to threat me Architect,
Well i can promise to stay away from Mew but you must chain him to stay away from me. And because of that threat I think my decision will change, As you can see now I plan on giving him a chance, since love is sweeter the second time around."

Gulf see a visible pain on Art's eyes but he still feel unsatisfied. He remembered how much he cried because of them.
They deserve more pain.

"You know Architect, you should find a man who deserves you."

"You're not the one to talk about that,
Anyway I guess coming here is a wrong decision, but don't forget that I warn you." Art gave him a deadly glare that sends shiver on his spine.

"I can't just designed and build a building Director Kana. I can and soon I will throw SOMEONE OFF of a building." Art give him a death stare then he get out of his office slamming the door with too much force.
Gulf felt fear with the idea of throwing someone off a building.

As a nurse and had been studying Medicine, Gulf studied the behavior of Art since the first time they talk back in 7 years ago.

"I think he has a problem, on my own diagnosis judging way back before, his mood changes fast. And now his eyes says it all, his anger, then a moment later he will laugh."

"He is mentally sick."

Choices And Chances (COMPLETED) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon