Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

**A/N-Cry, there are only maybe two more chapters including the epilogue after this one before Nolan and Scottie's story comes to a close, now I know before you guys even start that you are going to ask me for Dean and Martin's story, and the answer is I don't know. I do have a surprise coming up for you guys though, there will be a f/u book to Submissive 1&2, of course it's titled Submissive 3&4 you may see some characters you will recognize from both the CEO and His Boy, just maybe not the ones you think, xoxo stay tuned. Dianna**


I thanked Mike for opening the front door for me as I walked into the club. My appointment with Dr. Burns went very well today. I felt a sense of pride when she praised me on the progress I was making socially. She was very impressed with my submissive training and she credited alot of my success to what Nolan was teaching had me was actually dealing with my anxiety and stress. She believed that when we are taking on D/s roles in the lifestyle, Nolan takes my concerns, my stressors, and even my agitation away by making me refocus my attention on other things, (and insert blush here.)

My triggers were null and void when I let go and submerged myself in my subspace. The only down point to our session was the fact that Dr. Burns told me that she's reducing our biweekly meetings to only once a week because she felt that I was progressing very well with my treatments. She believed that my Dominant, my boyfriend has me exactly where I needed to be physically and mentally. She asked my permission to discuss my progress only with Nolan and my continued plan of care with him, and she immediately called him when I gave my consent.

By the time I left her office I felt like I was walking ten feet tall. Nolan had agreed with her assessment and I listened on the speaker phone as he praised me for my bravery and my strength. I was so going to climb under his desk and show him my gratitude when I got back to the club. As a matter a fact a brilliant idea popped into my head and I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent simultaneous text messages to both Tory and Martin at the same time. I knew Martin was already at the club, he and Dean were preparing for a VIP show in the Dungeon later this evening. It was the perfect time to spring my surprise on my man.

There was an added bounce to my step when I burst through Nolan's office door only to stop dead in my tracks when I saw that he was in the middle of a meeting with two very well dressed men. They were seated across from his desk and all eyes were on me poised almost mid-step as I was in the entrance way. "Um...Sorry, I didn't know that you were having a business meeting this afternoon, if you'll excuse..."

"Don't worry about it baby, our business dealings are done for the afternoon. Come in and close the door, I want you to meet these two fine gentlemen here, they are good friends of mine as well as my legal team." Nolan waved me over towards him. I could feel the my anxiety spike a little bit, but I took a deep calming breath through my nose and blew it out through my mouth. Nolan would never introduce people to me that he didn't feel that they were important enough for them to even be allowed to remain in the same room with me. Once I had a tight rein over my emotions again, I focused my attention on my boyfriend, and the proud sparkle in his gorgeous eyes had me centered and calm in no time.

I quickly made my way to his side and I didn't even blush when he tugged me down to sit in his lap. What had me blushing was when the tall blond gentleman leaned forward and regard me for a minute before flicking those ice blue eyes on Nolan's face and smiled big, showing even white teeth. "My congratulations Nolan, your boy is exquisite. I am almost green with envy."

"Thank you Myles, Scottie is a treasure. I am surprised to hear that you haven't found a boy yet up in the city at the other Dungeon you belong to. Aren't Marcus Roche's boys just as gorgeous as the ones here?" Nolan asked the big blond as my eyes flicked over to the dark haired Adonis next to him. Damn, I wondered where the hell did these men, mine included came from, it was like when God created their gene pool he broke the mild after he made these Alpha males.

His Boy (manxman)*His Series, Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now