Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Scottie's POV...

Once again Aunt Molly had me opening for the cafe for the morning crowd and I was excited rather than nervous or anxious for once. It was all because Nolan had promised to meet me there to help me open up. I had told him that Tory would be there help and he had explained to me that he was there for me, so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed by people and I just melted.

He was so sweet because he was also going to volunteer come with me to see the Psychiatrist today too. I wanted to tell him not to bother, I didn't want to take him away from his business, but he assured me that it was fine and that they didn't need him in the afternoon. I have began to somewhat need Nolan's calming presence around me. His confidence and commanding nature soothed my constant anxiety, I wasn't nervous around him, I wasn't scared, but he did manage to fluster me all the time. The things I saw yesterday during what he called a scene just had made me feel a tingle of excitement and desire all over.

I went home and I was sure Aunt Molly was in bed, I had researched some about BDSM on the internet and I don't think my face has cooled off yet from the multiple things that I saw. Some of it was downright scary, I mean, how people tolerated that kind of pain was beyond me...ugh, but there were other things that found that was really sexy. All that leather, and don't get me started and the Doms and how they took care for their submissive's needs. Nolan was right about the sub being the driving force behind the relationship, about how without the sub and their agreement to participate or not in the scenes, there would be no Dom. That thrilled me even more and I just shuddered at the thought, but there were other things that made me hot. The thought of someone caring for me was a big one.

It was a little cooler this morning when I stepped outside. The sun was barely rising over the horizon when I locked the front door and stepped down the front steps and I squeaked when I saw Nolan's expensive car idling on the curb. A smile almost split my face in two and I rushed towards the car. The handsome man got out and smirked at me as he walked around the car and opened the passenger side door for me.

"You didn't have to pick me up, bu...but thank you." I managed to get out and he reached out and hugged me to his broad chest. I just wanted to purr like a contented cat as the heat of his body seeped into me.

"I know, little one, but I wanted to make sure that you got to the café alright and I get to spend some more time with you." His rich baritone washed over me and I swear I became the consistency of pudding right there at his feet.

Nolan handed me into the car like I was the most precious thing on this planet and my heart sped up in my chest and my palms got sweaty for reasons other than my nerves for once. This man was delicious and he was taking care of me. He understood me, he really did, and he didn't think of me as being a freak. I felt myself getting a little teary eyed at the thought but nothing could wipe the smile off my face at the moment. Nolan reached over and squeezed my much smaller hand in his giant paw as he drove the few minutes to the cafe. I was happy to see that cook was already there and Tory was helping him.

I led Nolan through the back entrance and Tory waved hello with a knowing smirk on his face, and Cook just raised an eyebrow as we passed. I tried not to blush as we walked past them but it didn't work as I felt my cheeks heating up. Nolan took a seat as I put my messenger bag down and powered up the computer. "Di...did you eat yet?" I quietly asked him as I could feel those dark eyes bore into me making me fidget slightly.

"I had a coffee before leaving the house, but no, no food yet." His deep voice purred and sent little shivers all over my body.

I managed to smile and I waved him over to lead him back out to the kitchen. Cook had already started chopping fruit and the fresh biscuits were already cooling. So I grabbed a plate and I placed a bowl of fruit, biscuits, scrambled eggs, and fresh slices of country ham, butter, and jelly. I made myself a plate and we went into the dining area. Tory brought us coffee and juice, of which I thanked him for and we sat down to eat.

His Boy (manxman)*His Series, Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now