Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Nolan POV...


Finally, I was finished with my never ending paperwork, well for the evening at least.  I had to bring the most of it home with me since the club was closed due to the fire damage in the kitchen. It will remain closed until the following weekend, which is a good thing. It will give the contractors time to make the necessary repairs the kitchen and steam clean the rest of the affected areas. The smell of smoke and burnt cookies still permeated all through the hallways and the dining room. I had to shake my head and chuckle when I recalled the picture that our boys presented after all the excitement was over and done with. Dean, Mike, and I  had looked into three little soot covered faces, and they really were an absolute mess. They had several pieces of cookie dough all over them and they were also liberally dusted with flour and God knows what else.

Three pairs of big wide eyes in varying colors had stared guiltily back at us and I couldn't find it within myself to punish them for destroying several ovens. One could almost feel poor Callum's dismay after he had assessed the damage to his domain, but he had perked right up when he heard he was getting all brand new equipment. I don't know what Dean or Mike had planned for their wayward boys, but I couldn't punish Scottie when he was only trying to do something nice for all of us, it was an unfortunate accident.

I had made sure to point out that little piece of information to both Dean and Mike before we had all left the club for the evening. The insurance adjusters were prompt when I had called  them to notify them of the little accident and make a claim. They had come and done their thing, cut me a check, and left with a minimum of questions being asked. It was a damn good thing they were prompt because their premiums gave me heart burn every time I had to write that damned monthly check for their payment. At least now I know I am getting my money's worth. The other piece of business  I had to handle was that I finally received the deed to the building that housed Scottie's Aunt's bakery. My main attorney Pierce had made sure to put it as his top priority when he heard the reason why I wanted that particular business so bad. While Pierce and I weren't that close, he is also gay and a Dominant who recently joined my club. He seemed to be a good guy and he got along great with Dean, but then again everyone got along great with Dean, that was just who my best friend is, just a friendly and genuine person.

Pierce Knight is a prominent and a very influential Attorney in the are and along with few other high ranking business men who were also members of my club were behind me one hundred percent when I knew for a fact that I was going to shut down her business for being homophobic bitch that she is. But when I thought about it some more, Scottie may have feelings about it if I do. In the heat of anger at the time of the incident, I had told him outright of what my plans were for her and even though he didn't say anything specifically about her, just the people following her. I knew my baby still wasn't happy about my decision. Molly's business was an established staple in the area long before I moved here and opened my club. I had invested in several other real estate properties in the area and settled in in the area quite nicely until she decided to take me on and more importantly, she disrespected the love of my life. She cannot think that she can get away with boycotting my establishment and spitefully try hurt my boy the way she did.

I cleared my desk by picking up all the documents and placing them in my home safe and locked them away. I was going to have to have a serious talk with my boy and see what he wanted to do about his Aunt's businesses. I may be on the fence with my own decision right now, but one thing I know for sure was the fact that I wasn't going her get away with her insults, call me spiteful, but she needed to feel the consequences of her actions. Maybe her self-righteousness sensibilities will eat her alive if she knew that she would now have to pay a faggot, a sinner, and a deviant her monthly rent, and maybe she will be so offended that she will close up shop, move far far away, and make my life and Scottie's a whole lot easier. And for the good preacher, I told Dean that he and Martin should both press charges against him for assault and discrimination, but whatever they choose to do, it was their personal business. The Reverend was Martin's father after all, so there was a whole simmering cauldron of mixed feelings going around with this entire mess.

His Boy (manxman)*His Series, Book 1*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ