Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Scottie's POV...

I breathed a sigh of relief as my hand touched the handle to the door of the cafe, I gave a slight tug and the door opened and a refreshing gust of air conditioned coolness billowed over my heated skin as I entered Heavenly Delights Cafe. I was happy for the main reason alone that I was out of the morning rush of people on their way to work or school. I don't do well in crowds and especially with strangers.

I felt like they were always judging me, looking at me and seeing every flaw that I may have. Just talking to someone I don't know caused my stomach to roil with nausea and my mind to go blank. Most people just thought it was me being shy, especially my Aunt, but no one understood how inadequately I have always felt around others. I never know what to say or how to act and people get impatient and downright mean, school was a prime example of that and I have learned to keep to myself.

I smiled at Camille and Tory behind the counter as I passed them heading straight for the sanctuary of the little office behind the kitchen. I almost made it too if his wasn't for the fact that when I passed through the swinging door I ran right into Aunt Molly. "Oh Scottie, baby there you are. I need you to man the register today, Camille is waiting tables with Tory since Miguel called out, something about a severe headache, and it's most probably another hangover again. Anyhoo, I have already went through the order tickets and ran the hours through that handy quicken program you installed on the computer so the paychecks will be ready on time.

So out you go." She rambled as she proceeded to divest me of my messenger bag and pushed me back out into the dining area before I could even attempt to think of some way out of what she was pushing me to do.

I found myself standing in the middle of the dining room. I turned to protest but Aunt Molly had already disappeared back into the kitchen with the door swinging back and forth in her wake. Resigned that I had no choice in the matter, I hunched my shoulders and dragged my feet as I made my way behind the counter. Camille was there slicing the freshly baked pies from the kitchen. The smell of the warm apple filling was making my mouth water. I made a mental note to get a piece later.

"Hey Baby Boy, Molly is having another intervention to cure your shyness again?" She asked as she ruffled my honey blond hair, after setting the last pie in the class display case.

I just pouted and nodded as I typed my security code into the computerized cash register and checked the cash drawer to make sure the money count was right. A group of ladies from the Dental Office down the street came in to pick up their morning coffee and donuts they ordered daily. Camille moved off to retrieve their order and I braced myself because they were headed my way to pay for their order.

"Hey Cutie, how are you today?" The pretty blond asked as she and her friends stopped in front of me.

"Fi..fine." I managed to stutter out as I rang up their total.

"Aww, you are so cute." The brunette said and I blushed red to the tips of my ears. "I mean look at those gorgeous blue eyes." She gushed and I felt my face getting even hotter.

"Stop it, Paula; we all know how shy Scottie is, stop embarrassing him. Here you go babe, no change." The blond said and handed over some crisp bills, giving me a five dollar tip.

"Thanks for your business." I mumbled and they awed again before waving their fingers at me as they left. I sighed and put the tip in Camille's tip jar, she was the one to serve them after all. I shook my head and pulled out my Kindle from under the counter and pulled up the book I started reading last night. I gave the polished spotless counter a once over before I went back to my Kindle. I mean the girls from the local offices always came in here for meals and whenever I was out front they always made it a point to try to talk to me and pull me out of my shell, little did anyone of them know that I batted for my own team.

His Boy (manxman)*His Series, Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now