Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Nolan's POV...

The weekend opening of the club was a success, but I was exhausted. It was early Monday morning and I was in my home office going over the numbers from the club. The profits were at an all time high for an opening and the membership applications were pouring in buy the truck loads. Dean and his team were going to be busy vetting those. I rolled my head on my shoulders trying to alleviate the tired knots there. I was scanning another set of files and I had to smile at the ease in which everything was inputted on flowed into the different programs thanks to my sweet boy.

I had left Scottie curled up in my bed cuddled into my pillow. He was so gorgeous and so innocently sensual. I had to shift in my chair to accommodate my instant hard on. His attention and his heated response during the stage show had me drooling all anew as I tried to keep my focus on the papers in front of me, but it was proving to be a challenge. I was about to go check on him when I heard the doorbell chime throughout the house. I shot out of the chair and hurried to go answer the door in hopes that whoever it was didn't wake up my sleeping baby.

I threw the front door open to see Dean standing there with his ever present mischievous smirk gracing his features. I rolled my eyes and waved him inside, he held up his hands showing me the two parcels of takeout food, and from the smell of it, it seemed to be Italian.

"It's a little early for lunch isn't it?" I asked him as I followed him to the kitchen.

"Dude, it's almost noon and don't lock that front door, Martin is coming with the drinks." He said and I couldn't help but smirk at that little bit of information. I wondered if Dean has managed to let the poor boy out of his sight all weekend.

I heard the front door open and close and then Martin and his cute little self made an appearance in the kitchen, all big brown eyes and pretty pink lips. He was so deliciously pretty that he couldn't blame his friend for being smitten with the little beauty.

I was about to open my mouth to greet Martin but my baby came around the corner and stopped in the entrance of the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He was wearing nothing but a pair of tight black boxers and one of my shirts that hung of his slender frame, revealing one of his creamy shoulders. He beautiful blues popped open and he blushed and released a little embarrassed little squeak and scurried back towards the master bedroom to no doubt get dressed.

"Damn...." Dean said as his eyes followed my little beauty, and I just nodded my head in agreement with him. Scottie was gorgeous in every way. Whether it is when he just woke up or whether he was dressed to impress.

"You are going to have to mark that boy, collar him or something. It's just that with it being the opening night and all was the only reason the other Doms didn't get a good look at princess there, but when they do, you are going to be constantly challenged unless you mark him as yours buddy." Dean advised me as he pulled the covered containers from the bag.

I sighed heavily knowing full well that he was right, but I wasn't worried about it. The others knew not to mess with what I considered mine, and Scottie was mine. I left Dean and Martin to set up lunch to go check on my baby.

I made my way down the hall to my bedroom, when I entered the room I heard the faucet going in the bathroom. The bed was made and back to its pristine state with all the pillows in place. I so wanted to get rid of our guests and just snuggle back into the middle of my big bed with my pretty boy in my arms. I was turning into a sap over him and I couldn't care less. It's been a long time since I have felt like this about someone. I have found that I have grown tired of the petulant subs misbehaving on purpose to get the attention they desired, or the pushy subs topping from the bottom.

His Boy (manxman)*His Series, Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now