Chapter 2: Kindergarten

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Cheshma Village was a tiny rural community surrounded by woods and hills. Next to it was the well-known Dockwoods, a forest that was a haven for a variety of animal species. The rivers were running freely, and the deer were consuming water. It wasn't until the loggers arrived that the majority of its trees and natural resources were taken. It was a terrible disaster for the creatures that lived in the forest. Concerns were raised in the village after a little kid witnessed these individuals hurting a tiny cub. The enraged protesters forced the illegal loggers to retreat. The story was all over the news about how a tiny town fought for their holy land, but it was too late. The woodland was abandoned since it has lost the majority of its trees. Only scavengers such as bats and foxes were able to survive.

'It's time to leave, Dylan,' Paul replied. Dylan, Maritess, and Paul were packed things and getting ready to travel to the forest in the tree home. Dylan was the last one left, and he needed to hurry so he could catch up with them under the tree. 'What was it that took you so long?' Paul inquired, 'Oh, I was having trouble adjusting this backpack,' Dylan responded. Maritess then adjusted Dylan's bag, and he was shaken. 'Thank you, Mari,' Dylan apologized to Maritess. 'No problem, Bob,' he said, clapping Dylan on the shoulder before walking first, followed by Paul. 'Yes, Bob, come on,' Paul joked. The three of them were making their way to the woods. While they were traveling, Paul couldn't stop himself from making predictions about how they would fare on the excursion. 'We'll be rich when we catch the flying bat!' 'Ahh you think so?' replied Paul cheerfully. Maritess stated with skepticism. 'Of course, Mari, when we become rich, I'll purchase a vehicle and move to the big city, Oh! and maybe start up a business,' Mari replies, rolling her eyes while Dylan admires Paul's confidence.

Paul's thoughts persisted, leaving him to lead the party to the woodland, while Maritess walked slowly to catch up with Dylan. 'Do you think we'll be able to acquire something?' 'I hope so, just see how pleased he is,' Dylan answered, beaming. 'Dylan, don't you understand these things aren't really real?' she said, 'If we get there, we could end up being a fresh supper for the bears.' 'I know, but we wanted to do this for Paul,' Dylan recalled. Paul came to a halt and said, 'What are you guys talking about behind me?' Paul raised one brow and questioned, 'What are you people talking about behind me?' 'We were discussing about our...tactics, yeah on how we'll catch the flying bat,' Dylan grinned as Maritess continued to stroll bobbing her head. 'Oh, great! 'Because that's what I've been thinking about,' Paul said. 'Come on, let's go,' Maritess said. The three made their way to the Dockwoods. The trail of dirt and green grass was dwindling, and the three were becoming worried as they got closer to the woodland ruins.

When they arrived, the three were looking about, and the noises of crows could be heard, as well as a brief breeze from the ruins. They come upon the so-called Dockwoods. They went around the fence because the gate was chained shut. 'Here we are, folks, we're finally here, the Dockwoods,' Dylan said as the two swallowed fearfully. They climbed over the fence and helped one another. When they went in, they swiftly glanced about, utilizing the flashlights that were carried in their bagpacks as a source of lighting. Maritess had the meals packed in her backpack, Paul had the cameras and packs of zip lock bags to gather specimens, and Dylan had the first aid and PPEs. The three find themselves in the midst of nowhere as the lights hunt through each dark nook of the forest. Paul was filming their excursion with his camera, Maritess was looking about and treading carefully, and Dylan was watching for any signs of a flying bat. Maritess became bored and shouted, 'Where are we anyway?' 'We're getting closer to discovering the actual origins of the flying bat!' 'Guys, I guess we lost track of our way home,' Paul responded, anxiously adding. Then a shadow from the moonlight overhead frightens the three, 'What in the world was that?!' 'I suppose it's the flying bat!' exclaimed Maritess, terrified. Paul stated with a smile on his face, while Dylan became wary of his surroundings. For a brief period, the earth began to tremble, and Dylan said, 'Guys, I fear we're in trouble!' Then a flock of bats came racing at them from the distance, forcing the three to flee for their life. Maritess ran in front of them, shielding her head, shouting, 'Paul! Dylan! Make a dash for it! 'Come with me!' The two were also covering their heads, while Paul was recording everything with one hand, saying, 'Guys, I'm capturing everything on film!' Dylan said to Maritess, 'Which direction should we go!?' 'I believe it's this way!' Maritess yelled as she moved to the left down a route. Dylan was sprinting so fast that he tripped and fell, covering himself. The two were never seen again after the swarm of bats ceased racing in Dylan's direction. Dylan eventually heard a little girl's voice humming, 'The lovely sky, singing wind, and glittering moonlight, one at ease...' Dylan rose from the ground and sat, his arms bruised from the bats. While gazing around, he cried out to Paul and Maritess, 'Mari! Paul!' 'Where have you gone?' He was hurting from the agony when he was startled by the brushing of the bushes. He didn't move, but he was trembling anxiously because he was afraid it was a bear or some terrible predator. He was startled as it rushed to a tree limb, rushed from tree to tree till it drew closer to him, his eyes wide open, he watched every movement made by this mysterious entity. He backed up a little, but the cracking sounds of the dry leaves he was lying on alerted this thing, and he was surprised as it raced at him. He closed his eyes and felt his heart hammering every second as if it were the final seconds of his life. Then he heard a gentle voice ask, 'Are you okay?' He gradually opened his eyes and saw feet, legs, and a lovely innocent face pressed on his face. 'Ahh!' he shouted as he backed up and crawled away from the scene.  He tried to hide behind a tree, but then he recognized what he had just seen and asked himself, 'Was it a person?' 'Is that it, wait?' 'A girl,' he thought as he looked over at the person who was still there and waiting for him to come out. 'I know you're hiding behind that enormous organic structure they call the tree,' the girl said, 'but don't worry, did I scare you and your friends?' Dylan quietly emerged from the tree where he was hidden and asked, 'So you're the one who had those bats attack us?' 'Bats?' the girl said, rubbing her head, then remembered, 'Oh the tiny cute flying creatures?' 'I didn't want to terrify them as well,' she replied happily to Dylan. The girl was smiling and gazing at Dylan closely when she spotted bruises on his arms, 'Oh no, what happened to your limbs?' she said. Dylan stared at his bruises but stared squarely at the girl with his brows joined, 'Was my behavior the result of your injury?' the girl inquired suspiciously. 'What is she talking about?' Dylan wondered. 'Why is she speaking in this manner?' The girl tried to approach Dylan, but each time she got closer, he took a step back. Suddenly, the girl stopped going towards him, she looked up and behind her as if someone was calling her, Dylan was extremely inquisitive about the girl's attitude but he was not letting down his guard, then the girl glanced at Dylan and said, 'I have to leave, I'm sorry.' She immediately ran away from Dylan, leaving him alone in the wilderness.

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