Chapter 4: Fallen Angel

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A clashing of rocks can be heard in the distance but as this sound clashes it is accompanied by the splash of a big water. Dylan opened his eyes, he finds himself laying on a shallow part of a river, he gently rose his arms and was looking for his bruises, he thought to himself, 'What the?' he quickly rose from laying down and was shocked to realize that he has quickly recovered from his bruises and injuries, he scratched his head thinking, 'Where am I? Is is a dream?. Dylan looked across the river, he saw large chunks of land masses cut in halfs and shapes, as if something big sliced it. As he looked through the river he saw a large wave approaching it's way into a chunk of land, he witnessed it cut the land in half, losing the other half and falling into the deep river. As this happened the ground shook, he was concerned about this and looked somewhere to hold on to, the frequent ground activity was caused by this activity but how does this happen is it a natural phenomenon or is their something else? He looked closer the skies and saw a floating lady, he magnified his eyes even more and figured, 'Wait was she doing this the whole time?' the girl span her head towards the spot where Dylan was laying down and was stuttered when she realized that he was not there anymore. She figured that Dylan might have wandered off so she landed herself on the ground. Dylan got a close look of the girl, she had a green light skin, her hair was free and was yellowish, she was wearing a dress but she had no shoes or whatsoever, it had a symbol of a diamond shape but it was color yellow, but one factor stood out, that was the gem on her chest. The gem on her chest was green, it was in a perfect cut and was round shaped. The girl looked for Dylan and spotted her hiding behind the tree, Dylan was very careful and was looking towards this girl, 'You really like hiding behind those structures don't you,' she said as she was giggling during the time. 'Hi, I'm Jade, I'm really sorry about the troubles I caused to you and your friends,' Jade told Dylan in a comforting tone, 'Please don't hurt me,' frighten said Dylan, 'I'm not gonna hurt you, in fact I was just fixing some things,' Jade replied, 'What do you mean?' he asked, 'Oh I was just terraforming the landscape, you know it'll be suitable for us to implant new gems,' she answered, 'Wait, so you're saying you're destroying the forest so that you can do your intentions?' he asked again, 'I wouldn't say destroying, because this land will be a home for new gems that awaits,' she said, 'But don't you realize animals live here and they depend on what the forest have to grow,' he said, The girl blushed, 'Animals? Oh you mean the organic creatures walking on four legs?' she asked, 'No, not just that, every living thing in here is, and what do you mean by organic?' he asked, 'Oh, an organic is example of you, you live here and you depend on the life that is growing here,' she answered, 'I see, but I don't live here, I live in a house, and why do talk like these?' he asked, 'What's wrong?' she said, 'You speak a little funny, I guess,' he said, 'So does that mean I have to laugh?' she asked, 'No I mean, you speak different, are you even a human?' he asked, 'Oh no, silly me, your the human, I'm not...' she said, 'Then what are you?' he asked, 'I'm a gem,' she answered, 'What's a gem?' he asked, 'I'm a gem, my physical form is emitted by the refraction light towards my gem, like a prism, but instead I have the ability to manipulate light in my gemstone and even shapeshift into anything I want,' she answered, 'Well that's weird, I haven't seen that in my entire life,' he said, 'Oh lemme show you,' she said, Jade transformed into a giant bat which creeped Dylan a little but was amazed to realize that she was the so called flying bat. 'So you're the flying bat?' he cheerfully said, Jade shifted back to her original form and asked, 'Flying bat?' 'Yes, there's this article that circulated all over the internet that features you, I mean the flying bat, turns out it was you all along,' Dylan said, 'The Internet?' she asked, Dylan shook his head and said, 'Nevermind that, but how come have been shifting into this form? Someone might have seen you before doing it and took a picture of you,' 'A picture?' she asked, 'Darn it, it's an image or you know... It can be virtual and physical I guess,' he answered while scratching his head, Jade giggled 'You're very funny human,' she blushed and wondered, 'Do humans have names?' 'Of course! Oh I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier, I'm Dylan Ford, but you can call me just Dylan,' he said, 'Alright just Dylan,' she replied, 'No I mean just Dylan,' he said, 'Just Dylan?' she wondered, 'Argh! Dylan only' he said, 'I'm confused,' she said, Dylan did a facepalm and was disappointed at himself and said, 'You know you can call me anything you want, do you know what nicknames are?' 'Hmm... No, but think I'm gonna call you, Pumpkin,' Dylan blushed and asked, 'Why Pumpkin?' 'I heard that from a fellow human, they said they were going to pick some pumpkins here and I figured that must be those orange organic they were carrying,' she answered, 'So other humans have been here? Did you make any close contact with them?' Dylan asked, 'Unfortunately we weren't allowed to,' she said, Dylan wondered and asked 'Were? What do you mean?' 'Oh, my team and I are assigned in this area, we actually have a base located in these parts, we can only hover anywhere we want in the forest but we weren't allowed to make contact with these humans,' she said, 'Who are the team you're with?' he asked, 'Other gems?' she asked, 'Yeah,' he answered, 'They're not here at the moment, I'm the only one left to do my assignment,' she said, 'You've been here for a long time? Haven't you felt lonely?' he asked, 'No, actually I'm having fun playing with the flying organics!, she cheerfully said, 'Do mean the bats?' he asked, 'Oh so they're called bats?' she asked, 'Yes and their the ones who chased me and my friends,' he said, 'My apologies for chasing your friends away, I mean, I can help you find them if you want,' she said, 'It's your responsibility after all, so you better should,' he laughed and asked, 'So how did you find me? Are you the one who saved me?' he asked, 'Yes, I saw you unconscious, I didn't know what to do, so I had to bring you with me here where I was doing my work,' she said, 'My bruises, how did you get them healed?' he asked, 'It was my fault so I had to do something, I healed you with my ability to recover, whenever I injure an organic, I always bring them to the waters so I can heal them,' she said, 'That's a beautiful ability, I wish I had that as well,' he said, 'I only have the ability to heal organics, but sadly I can't heal my fellow gems,' she said, 'I see, well if you can heal us, I guess you really do good in this world, you might belong here too, you can live here with us,' he said, 'Where do you exactly live?' he added, 'I live across the galaxy, light years away from this planet, our kind has been harvesting planets to colonize in order to produce new gems,' she said, 'But why here?' Dylan asked, 'The organic ecosystem is unique to this world, our leader believed if we harvest the resources it has we can produce more gems with unique abilities and power,' she said, 'What's the purpose of producing more gems?' he asked, 'To colonize planets, and gain more dominance over every living thing, isn't it wonderful?!' she cheerfully said, 'It is, but if you keep destro... I mean terraforming this place, animals won't have anywhere else to go,' he said, 'I wasn't thinking of that, I'm sorry, I was just following orders, I only have a little knowledge of this world but as far I can see this is a place where I can be me,' she stated, 'Of course, this world is full of wonderful people, you can be anyone you want, like me, If I grow up I wanna be a soldier just like my Dad,' Dylan stated, 'We have soldiers back home, their called Rubies and Quartz,' she said, 'But those don't really aren't friendly gems, they're often mean and too serious about their purpose, they're really overjoyed serving our elite gems,' she said, 'Oh you mean, just like here they serve generals and commanders?' he said, 'Woah? So Earth also has their militia? That's great but quite frightening I suppose,' she said, 'Oh don't worry, I'm not like them, humans don't fight back without any reason,' he said, 'Do you wanna hang around?' he added, 'Sure! I would love to,' she said.

The Crystalized HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora