12 years old

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"Jeff!" I squeaked happily and hugged him.
He frowned "Did you need something shorty?"
Even though he was only 13 he could've passed for a 16 year old where as I looked maybe 10.
He laughed "You look like a boy with your hair short!"
I frowned "well I wasn't the one who cut it...."
He pushed my black bangs out of my face "The two blond girls?"
I nodded "they said I needed to look more like a boy since I'm already flat chested."
He laughed " I've seen flatter."
I couldn't help but smile at his attempt of a compliment.
"Can I finally see your house?" I asked.
He sighed "I'm not so sure with Slender-"
I cut him off "yeah, yeah. Slender might hurt me and blah blah."
He frowned "I don't want you getting hurt..."
I frowned "My best friend-no wait, my ONLY friend for the last two years has been a killer yet he's never hurt me once. I think my odds of living are pretty good...."
He sighed "Fine, but you need to get something warm on."
I threw on my black skinny jeans and my Asking Alexandria shirt then smiled as I put of my white jacket.
Jeff laughed "Ready to go twin?"
I smiled "Well duh!"

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