Chapter 3: I'm Sorry

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"Why are you giving me such a look? Consort Taejoo?" Ye Beom asked him with a drowsy eyes while caressing his face.

Is it because of the character's trait that he looks petrified of me? Did, This character harmed him in any ways? Right now, just looking at him breaks my heart. It seems like I gave him quite a shock when I touched him. Does my touch scares you a lot for you to be bewildered like that?

Ye Beom's eyes then reflected the same feelings that is flowing through deep inside her,as it became glassy with these tears that she's been keeping her best, not to roll down on her face.

"I must have gave you a hard time." Ye Beom paused.

I can't, this just breaks my heart. How could I not thought about the other characters' fates and feelings while giving them their roles?

"I.. Taejoo, I'm sorry." I should have said this earlier. As she can see in Taejoo's eyes the confusion that is drawing him in.

He stands up and says:"You must be tired. Lady Joo-in, I'll carry the princess to her bed. Tell the physician to go here quickly." with a deterministic tone of his. Then Taejoo glance at the princess. "May this first consort carry the princess?"

You seem to always talk so lowly of yourself.

"Yes, please do so." Then he scooped Ye Beom from the ground, as he held her tightly.

Not long enough, he already placed Ye Beom to her bed and tucked her in.

Is he going back to wherever palace he's staying in?

When he was about to head out again, princess Ye Beom firmly grip on his sleeves and gave him a look that says that I-don't-want-him-to-go.

Did he get what I'm trying to say? He's just staring back at me blankly. She sighed at the thought of it's hopeless. He is so distant to me. She once again thought.

"Pardon my intrusion, second imperial princess! May I ask who the princess wants to serve her for tonight?" Said the man not too far away from the bed. But the princess can't see him because of the silk fabric that serves as a curtain.

She look up to Taejoo, and saw a rather sad or displeased expression. She tighten her grip on Taejoo's sleeves more, as she tug it. Then he looks at her way.

"Tell him, no one is to serve me tonight." Yes. I don't want anyone to serve me tonight. At the very least.

"Very well, princess." He said, then he push to the side the curtain of her bed and says: "The imperial princess wishes her night to be hers alone. There will be no one to serve her tonight." Again, he said it with such a determined and bold tone. He would be a great ruler. He is empathic too.

After that he closes the curtain he looks back at the princess and said: "The eunuch has left, princess."
"Is that so?" Ye Beom replied.
"Yes. And the physician will arrive soon." Taejoo added.
"I see." Ye Beom said timidly.

Oh God. The atmosphere here is so awkward.

"If so.. then can you keep me a company until he's done checking me up later on?" She asked.

He seemed taken a back by what the second princess have said.

You didn't expect that, do you? Then she giggled at the thought.

"I hope it won't be a bother for the first consort to stay with this second princess for tonight, won't it?" Ye Beom smiled at him.

"How could this consort? This consort would not dare to—"
"No please, after all you are the first consort. Just for tonight. I don't want to any of my concubine to serve me, nor I want to be alone..." Thus the fact that the princess do not even now how many concubine she might have. 
It is because Ye Beom have forgotten how many concubine she gave the original character, Min Rae. Then how thought somehow drifted back and added: "So please, first consort. Just for tonight."

She stare at him with her full intent of him staying here.

He sighed and says;"Then this consort will be in your care, your highness the princess."

Ahh,I want to sleep already. Seems like I won't be able to wait for the physician to arrive. Oh well, there's no helping it I guess, huh?
As the princess's eyes gets drowsy and drowsy, she held Taejoo's sleeve tightly. I hope he won't leave my chamber after I fall asleep.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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