I've been tagged in some Q&A

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1. When's your birthday?

December, Capricorn. That's all I'm gonna say.

2. Which country do I live in?


3. What's my fave song?

Well, I have a lot since I am ADDICTED to the Musicals "Heathers" and "Hamilton" :>

4. What is my fave food?

I like Ramen :3

5. If I could meet them, would I?

Wait what does this question mean :/ (If it's the person who tagged me, yes I'd love to meet :3 )

6. How is my day going?

It sucks :P

7. What time is it when they asked these questions?

Around 7pm

8. What's my fave animal?

I like cats a lot. Also foxes and owls

9. Which country would I like to visit if I could go anywhere?

France, because of Hamilton and MLB, Japan, because why not, and Americaaa (again)

10. Fave movie

Hmm I have a lot:
The Book of Life
Hamilton (on Disney+, technically a movie)
Frozen 2

^ yeah some are those :D


Time to tag ppl:







If ya dont know what to do, you can either answer these questions in the comment section or add them as one of the chapter in your books :3 thank you  AngeBlancRose for tagging me !!


This is also posted in my other story "Mon Chaton" :D


Part 3 of "The Lucky Charm" is ongoing, please bear with me as I am trying to balance all the things I need/want to do and my online school, thanks for understanding and thanks for 880+ reads (so close to 1k can't wait!!)!! Check out my other book "Why we can't be together", I just recently posted the 1st chapter, go check it out!! ~Le Baguette 🥖

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