Initial Realization

Start from the beginning

"Hi Sakura! What's up?" Naruto called out with his hand in the air waving at her. He was in her seat next to Sasuke!

"Move it!" Sakura yelled and gave Naruto and almighty shove causing him to fall to the ground.

"Uh good morning Sasuke" Sakura felt the blood rush to her cheeks as Sasuke glanced up from the desk and looked at her.

Reading Sasuke was hard he never showed any emotion and kept to himself, his too cool attitude was one of the things Sakura loved most about him.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" Sakura asked looking at Sasuke expectantly.

"Back off Forehead! I'm sitting next to Sasuke" Ino said angrily. Sakura glared at her rival who was pulling on her arm.

"I was here first" Sakura growled at Ino and tried to shake her arm loose.

"I walked into the classroom before you did, everybody saw it!" Ino argued back. Sakura almost let out a hiss.

Ino just wouldn't give up and all the while the empty seat next to Sasuke was free for anyone to take.

"Dream on" Sakura said getting frustrated.

"Actually I got here before either of you" Sakura turned to see one of the girls from the academy approaching her.

"So did I, I'm sitting next to Sasuke" Some other girl echoed

Sakura sighed; now she'd drawn out all of Sasuke's admirers.

"No I am" Another girl spoke up.

Sakura looked at Sasuke who appeared very annoyed with his eyes closed and chin resting on his hands, thanks to Ino-Pig and these selfish girls she'd never get a chance to spend time with Sasuke.

Suddenly the room fell silent and the pink haired ninja stood in shock watching as Naruto squatted on the desk in front of Sasuke, inches away from his face glaring at him. Anger flared within Sakura, Naruto didn't deserve to be within two meters of Sasuke. He could never compete with him!

"Naruto! Hey stop glaring at Sasuke!" Sakura yelled out, eyes blazing.

Naruto continued to stare at Sasuke and Sakura could tell Naruto was making him angry. She and the other girls rallied behind Sasuke and encouraged him to beat Naruto up, although they were all vying for Sasuke's attention there was no way they were going to let someone like Naruto that close to him.

"Sorry did I bump you?"

The unthinkable happened; Sakura saw it as if it were in slow motion. Somebody from the desk in front hit Naruto causing him to bump into Sasuke, resulting in them kissing.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Sakura let out a huge shriek.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Inner Sakura yelled preparing to give someone a major beatdown. Immediately both boys jumped apart, clutching at their throats as if they were choking.

"I'll get you Naruto" Sasuke vowed.

Sakura had regained her senses and was furious; she was going to beat the living hell out of Naruto. At that exact moment Naruto turned around to find all of Sasuke's fan girls ready to kill him.

"Naruto, you are so dead" Sakura stated.

"Hey whoa it was an accident" Naruto pleaded but Sakura wasn't having any of it. A deadly look came over her face as she cracked her knuckles.

"You're finished"

"As of today you are ninjas, together you face difficult trials and hardships. But that's nothing, what comes next will be far more difficult. Now you are only Genin, first level ninjas, all the Genin will be grouped into three man squads. Each squad will be led by a Jounin, an elite ninja" Iruka addressed the class.

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