"What happened to you brother"

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We walked into the control still holding hands, until I snapped out of my trance to see Keith. "KEITH" I let go of Lance's hand, losing the electric feeling and wrapped my arms around my brother smiling and laughing. "How have things been since I left little sis" he said. I'm not that much younger, only by a few minutes. "Fine actually, I've spent most of the time with lance" I said with a wide smile on my face. His face of happiness  quickly changed from a smile to a look of anger. He snapped his head in the direction of lance "really McClain, I usually don't mind you hitting on other girls, but my sister of all people" "Hey its not my fault she's cute"

30 minutes later

This had gone on for what felt like hours, back and forth of fighting between My brother and lance. I'd had enough and along with everyone else. "Will you two stop" I said with anger and frustration, I sighed angrily  "you two have been fighting like a hen and a rooster over feed for what has felt like hours" my Texas language leaking through my words. "It's really starting to get on my nerves". Anger now showing on my face. I took Lance's hand in mine, getting addicted to the electric feeling. "Keith" I said calmly " you need to stop worrying, I know I've been hurt in the past, but lance.. he's different" I said looking at lance softly knowing exactly what he was thinking. I was telling him telepathically 'I'm going to tell him' I got a small, subtle nod in return, and I looked back at Keith. "Me and lance,.. we're like.. connected" I said choppy not exactly knowing what to say to not make it sound absolutely fake or like it was a joke. "What" I gripped Lance's hand a little harder and said "me and him.. have been feeling the same things, thinking the same thoughts, feeling each other's pleasures and pains, and not to mention every time our skin comes in contact with the other it ignites our hearts and sends fire and electricity through our veins" with a smile on my face. At this point there was no hiding from anyone on the ship. I looked around to see everyone like they had seen a ghost doing the two-step cow boogie. I looked up at lance to ask for backup but instead of his talking he smiled at me and grabbed my chin, locking eyes with me and leaning in, kissing my pink lips softly. We both closed our eyes getting lost in each other's touch, I, myself starting purring quite loudly, loving every second our lips were in contact, well it was until keith pushed us apart. I fell on my backside, hating the aching pain now in my ass. I looked up to see Keith pushing and shoving lance yelling at him with his galran yellow eyes and fangs out like a coyote out on the hunt. I was scared to see this side of him. He was beyond angry. I shuffled backwards into a wall, curling my legs up into my chest, covering my face and ears, lowering my head into my chest and knees, whimpering getting flashes of the Galra base and him. I felt a cold metal on my shoulders and a warm sensation on my side. I opened my eyes a little to see what was on me, it was Shiro, holding me in a comforting hug and was yelling at my brother and lance, but I couldn't stop the ringing in my ears to hear any of what he was saying. I felt my head spin and my eyes stung. I fell limp in shiro's arms and passed out due to over stress and anxiety.

2 hours later

I woke up to find myself with a head splitting headache, which after a few minutes of excruciating pain, I found myself in a tight embrace of tanned arms and the similar fiery feeling on my skin and veins. I wasn't in the room I had taken a nap in before, but a more cozy looking room, one that looked a little too familiar. I felt hot breath on my forehead. I looked up to see what was breathing on me, it was Lance. I felt my face heat up as I looked over his face and body. His lips slightly parted, with his luscious thick eyelashes rested on his cheeks that had a slight pink tint across them. I moved down noticing he was shirtless, I looked around the room and floor, and found a small pile of cloths that looked like the ones I had on before hand, including my bra and underwear. I looked down to see I had on Lance's blue and white shirt and a dark pair of what I think were his boxers. It hit me. He had changed me into his cloths to be more comfortable. I felt his embrace get tighter and his eyes slowly fluttered out to reveal his tired blue eyes. He stretched and groaned from his groggyness. "What are you doing wake Y/N" "I just woke up" I said as I hit him with the back of my hand with a bright blush on my face. He laughed "what was that for sweetheart" "that was for changing my cloths with out my concent" I said frustrated and tired he closed his eyes again "it's not my fault you wouldn't wake up" "I passed out thank you very much" I said tired. He looked at me worried. He rested his head on top of mine and asked softly "why did you pass out" it took me a minute to remember exactly why I had fainted in the first place but when I remembered it also came with a flood of emotions. I cried. I cried hard into his chest, what I couldn't find strength to do beforehand. I felt his hand running against my matted hair trying to comfort my emotionally wounded state. After a few minutes of emotional and fanatic crying I looked up to see him giving me a comforting smile. I took a deep breath and told him "the reason I passed out, was from.. fear and ptsd" I paused "fear from how things were going to end out from you and Keith fighting and two, my past boyfriend." I said teary-eyed he gave me a look telling me to go on. I sighed and continued "my past boyfriend Logan.. he was abusive, and you're fighting reminded me of him yelling at me and all the Screams and gun shots I heard back on the ship." I said hugging him tight, till I heard him gasp and groan. I looked up to see what was wrong, but them it caught my eye. A deep gash in his side and bloody bandage around it to stop the blood, it looked fresh but had some slight scabs already forming. I put two and two together, keith had attacked lance. I shuddered thinking about it, he patted my back to calm me down and he sat up. He claimed it was only noon but it felt much later. Lance grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I looked over to the wall seeing his jacket, I smiled, ran over and grabbed it. I threw it over my shoulders and put on the oversized jacket loving the smell of the tropics. I was lost with my eyes closed in the scent, so lost that it scared me when he picked be up bridel style, he smiled and laughed and I just sat there upset, he kissed my cheek and started towards the door and walked to the common room. Everyone was in there but Keith. Lance put me down and sat next to allura as she started working on his wounded healing it with some kind of magic. I looked around in a fanatic search for Keith, but he was nowhere to be found. I then heard a low sigh and a deep voice say "you must be looking for Keith" I looked over in the direction of the voice, it was Shiro he looked disappointed and was wearing a white tank-top that was stained with blood and tears revealing mutipule fresh wounds, I knew I looked scared. "D-did keith d-do this" I said slowly and carefully caressing one of the tears. He looked sad and gave me a slow nod. I was in disbelief "n-no keith would never do this" I sounded sad, disappointed, and scared. I looked over to the others "but he did" pidge said. "We had to lock him in a cell for now" Huck said confidently. Lance hit him on the side of the head saying "way to make her feel better" I covered my mouth and my eyes turned red and started stinging. "Can I see him" I said scared but confident.

Some else in the castle

They took me somewhere I hadn't seen before we came to a cell that had thick glass that Keith couldn't see us, but we could see Keith. He looked hurt, and savage but worst of all, full galran. "Can I go in" "WHAT are you crazy?! He would kill you if you went in there, he tried attacking all of us" Pidge said. "I'm his sister, blood, he won't hurt me" I said sounding confident when really I was hiding fear. Allura used her powers to open and close the door behind me, I looked at keith and said

"What happened to you brother"

The Strings Attached *DISCONTINUED* (Lance X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora