The Strings Attached

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I layed thinking about why I was feeling these things. It got to my head. And the thought of being horny but not actually being horny. I slowly slipped my hand gently down to my clit, only covered by the underwear I was wearing. I slowly started rubbing small circles on my clit, not feeling any pleasure.


I was training with the bots when out of nowhere I felt this satisfying pleasure on my half hard cock. "End training sequence" I bit my lip at the pleasure coming from nowhere 'maybe it's my body telling me to take care of it' I thought. I slipped my hand in my pants and started to jack off a little not feeling any greater pleasure. I stopped not feeling any better. I walked over to the bench on the other side of the room and drank of my water and nearly choked when I felt this overwhelming pleasure again. 'Where is this coming from' I thought. Then it stopped. I decided to go to the control room to see what the rest of the team was doing.


I got up and got dressed. I walked out into the bright hallway, blinding my vision till my eyes adjusted. I started walking to the the control room to see if there was anything to do. I starting scratching my head, not understanding anything that just happened with my body. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize lance was walking the same direction, we bumped into each other, both equally deep in thought, I lost my balance and fell. I groaned loudly still trying to comprehend what just happened, when I looked up to see who it was. I  saw Lance's soft face obviously upset "I'm sorry, I didn't see you" he said reaching out a hand to help me up. I quickly closed my legs knowing I was wet, I took his hand. It felt like electricity coarsed through my entire body when he touched me and I know he felt it too, at least I hoped. I looked down and saw his boner, Lance was f'ing hard. I backed up, uncomfortable. "Umm, you might want to deal with your .. friend" I said vaguely, indirectly qesturing to his boner. He quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room which wasn't far, he closed the door and made sure it was locked. He then quickly looked at me with this look that I recognized too well. He was severely bothered and serious, I could tell by his furrowed brows and straight posture. "What's wrong" I said with worry. "Promise not to bring this up to anyone" "promise, I never break a promise" I said seriously. "For some odd reason I've been getting weird and random sensations of pleasure, weird thoughts that don't seem like mine and just now, when you grabbed my hand when I helped you up, my whole body felt like it went into shock" I looked at him with my mouth open and pupils dilated "what" he said very confused. "The same exact thing has been happening to me". We both stood there, mouths hung open slightly, breathing heavy, and in pure shock and confusion.

"Do you think we're like.. connected?"

The Strings Attached *DISCONTINUED* (Lance X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now