Chapter 20

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Marlene's p.o.v

The crew left and the boys were still here. I decided to go and hangout with them. They let me watch them play COD and GTA. I was petting Roxi when all of a sudden I started getting tons of notifications of DMs from fan pages on insta. Do I started to bark from the amount of noise
Ruski=dang who's texting you?!
Me=it's fan pages but i don't know what they want
I grab my phone and unlock it. I go to Instagram and check. It was hate from Luca's fans. I read them to myself (TW⚠️) Luca never deserved you, you're such an ugly fat bitch that doesn't deserve anything. Go rot in hell you little bitch. You used Luca and treated him like shit. All you say are lies about him and how he treated you terrible when nothing was true. He never laid a hand on you or even called you names. You're just an attention seeker. We know you cheated with Malcom. He told a group chat about it how you kissed back and didn't care about Luca. You're such a bitch and deserve to die. I looked at the photos they sent me they were screenshots of Malcom's messages. I sigh it's nothing new but it kinda hurt more then the other times I get hate. I wouldn't make anything up that involved abuse.
Malcom=you good?
I look up at him
Me=you bitch
Ruski=you good Mar?
I got up
Me=you fucking lied and told everybody I didn't care about Luca!! You're such a fucking liar Malcom! What the fuck is wrong with you dude?!
Malcom=who said that?
Me=does it matter?! You lied to people and they're believing you!!
Ruski=what did you say Malcom?
He looked at him
Malcom=I said nothing
Me=dude I got the fucking screenshots! You wanna lie even more?!
Jules=Mar calm down
Tears were forming in my eyes not sad tears but tears of anger
Me=NO! Fuck this shit! I wanted everything about the break up to stay private besides the reason on why we broke up! But no Malcom has to go and fuck up everything!
Mar=calm down
A tear fell down my check and wiped it away quickly
Marti=what happened?
Mom=Marlene come down here babe!!
Me=I don't know how you're going to fix this but you're going to
I say to Malcom as I leave and go downstairs to my mom.
Mom=what's wrong babe?!
Me=can I go over?
She looked at me unsure
Mom=you sure?
Mom=alright then let's go
I nod as we walk to the door
We heard him stomp he looked angry
Mom=we'll be back in a bit okay?
Ruski=where you going?
Mom=Alex stop
Ruski=how long you coming back?
Mom=in like 10 minutes
He nodded and we left I put my phone in my back pocket and we get in the car and drive.
Mom=call me when you want to come back
Me=alright I'll tell you if anything changes okay?
She nodded as I got out and closed the door. I walked through the gate and closed it and walked to the door. I knocked on it and it opened right away
Tordes=oh hey Mar!
Me=hello is Luca here?
I asked Luca's mom
Tordes=yeah he's in his room
Me=can I go talk to him?
Tordes=yes come in
Me=thank you
I say as we hug and I go up to his room. I knock on his door
Luca=I already told you mom I don't want to go!!
I knock again
Luca=mom I said I don't want to go anymore!!
He said as he opened the door and looked at me.
Luca=what are you doing here?
Me=I was hoping we could talk about something?
Luca=about what?
He said a bit angry
Me=the hate that I'm getting for something that was false
Luca=what does that have to do with me though?
Me=it's coming from your fans
His face softened
Luca=go ahead
He said letting me in his room. He closed the door and I sat down on the side of his bed. He sat down by his pillow
Luca=so what's it about?
Me=I got a message saying that I was lying about what went on between us when we were together. Then they said that Malcom said I knew what I was doing and that I didn't care about you at that time. I knew it was gonna get to you but I just wanted to tell you about it and tell you that I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't want to kiss him and I didn't let him do it because I wanted revenge I just froze
I said looking at him he was looking down but looked back at me. He sighed and fidgeted with his fingers. He was nervous and worried I could tell. He always did that
Luca=you didn't do it for revenge?
Me=Luca I don't have it in me to do that
Luca=I know you don't
Me=I'm sorry if that's what it looked like that night
I looked down
Luca=it's alright
He said getting closer to me and looking at me. I looked at him
Luca=I should've known you wouldn't do anything like that
Me=we just did tiktoks and that's it. Those meant nothing though
Luca=I know they didn't
Me=and I'm sorry for my supporters giving you hate. I really am
I said looked at him as he chuckled
Luca=it's alright
Me=and I'm sorry for putting you through all this
Luca=putting me through this? Sorry? I should be the one that sorry I did you dirty
He sighed
Luca=your brother and your friends don't even like me anymore!
I flinched from him screaming all of a sudden
He said putting his hand on my knee
Me=it's alright I just haven't gotten used to it still
I said looking at him
Luca=can we start all over?
Luca=start all over?
Me=that won't change anything Luca
I sighed
Luca=I miss you... you know that?
Before I could finish I paused
Me=I know that
Luca=do you miss me?
Don't mess up Mar. Don't do it
Luca=do you mar?
I look into his eyes
Luca=do you miss me?



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