Chapter 6

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Marlene's p.o.v

We were basically glued together
Me=this feels-
I nod
Malcom=remember what he's doing
Me=but it doesn't feel right
Malcom=its just videos though
Me=he'll get mad
Malcom=the video stopped
I let go and put it in my drafts we do more bachata, salsa and merengue videos then we did actual tiktoks. After that Malcom recorded on his phone and he went up to me
Malcom=I know you're dating him but...
Malcom=I kinda...
Me=hate him? I know
Malcom=no! Well yeah but no
He laughs while coming closer to me making me laugh
Me=you're making me nervous
Malcom=I forgot how anxious you get I'm sorry
Me=it's okay
Malcom=I like you
Me=you don't
Malcom=I swear
Me=pinky promise?
Our pinkies interlock
Me=you actually do
He nods I gasp
Me=but I'm dating him
Malcom=I'll treat you better
Me=Malcom I-
Malcom=I know you guys are gonna mark 3 years next month on your birthday but I just had to tell you
Me=I got to go
I start to walk away but he pulls me back to him. I go into his chest he picks my chin up and kisses me
Malcom=its alright
He held onto me tight and kept kissing me I kissed back but I didn't mean to. It felt good, No! I'm dating Luca. I push him away
Me=I fucked up
Malcom=see you back home
He smiles I walk away and head to the room.
Luca=I decided not to go to Disney let's just go fly home tomorrow and spend the day together
I nod and head to the bathroom
Luca=babe you okay?
I feel dizzy and my stomach hurt I run to the toilet and open it. I vomit in it Luca runs to me and holds my hair back he rubs my back. When I finish I grab toilet paper and wipe my mouth. I start to brush my teeth and drink water.
I say as I finish brushing my teeth
He looks at me
Luca=what happened?
Me=I need to tell you something
Luca=what is it?
Me=I was with the boys and they left one by one I was with Kairi. I seen Malcom and Kairi left to go to sleep. Malcom and I did some tiktoks and I was leaving and he grabbed me and pulled me back... he held onto me and... he kissed me.... and I kissed back but then I left.
I sigh while looking at him
Me=I'm sorry
Luca=you kissed back?
I nod
Me=I don't know
Luca=what is he doing to you that made you kiss him back?!
Luca=stuttering again?
He chuckled
Luca=watch what you're doing
Luca=we cant do anything or else we're both screwed
I grab my clothes to sleep in and take my nightly shower. I put on my music
Luca=I'm going live
He yells I yell back. I was singing along to my playlist of my favorite songs.
Me=we come so far
I sang out my song while dancing
Me=this water is hot, shit!
Luca=you okay?
Me=no! It's hot!
I try and move the thing but it burned my skin. I turned it quickly to the cold and I finished taking a shower.
Me=alright I'm done
I grab my towel and dry my hair and my body.
Me=where's my clothes?
I realized he replaced my shirt with his hoodie. I put on my bra and underwear and brush my hair. I clean my ears and dry my hair again. I grab the hoodie and my dirty clothes.
Luca=you done?
He looks at me then turns around turning red
Me=yeah why?
Luca=just asking
I nod
Me=why'd you turn around?
He pointed at the mirror
Me=oh relax!
Once my skin was dry I put lotion on all over my body and put the hoodie over me. I brushed my hair out
Me=you still on live?
He nods
Luca=where's mar? She's in bed
Me=I'm tired
Luca=can you come?
He looks at me I walk to him
Luca=she's right here
He smiles he grabs my waist and makes me sit on his lap while he hugs my waist
Luca=I love her to death and would die if we couldn't see each other no more
Me=he's lying guys, Luca doesn't love me no more
Luca=she's lying I love her
Me=I love you more
Luca=I love you to the moon and back
Me=I love you to the sun and back
He smiles and kisses me
Me=I honestly would love to spend time with him as much as possible... but I have tours, filming, interviews and events that I have to do. We spend time with each other every once in a while for a good week.
Luca=its hard not being with her because she knows i crave her affection and love
Me=honestly Luca and I cant be away from each other. We have to constantly call each other or text or something if we don't we lose it
Luca=she's my princess and a prince needs his princess
I smile and it fades away. I know I'm lying just to fool people who obviously know were lying
Me=I'm going to bed
I get off him
Me=good night guys sleep well and see you guys sometime love all of you
I smile and walk to bed
Luca=my kiss?
Me=I'm tired
Luca=alright good night princess
Me=good night babe
I sigh and say my prayers and go to sleep.



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