Chapter 10

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Marlene's p.o.v

Call starts:
Me=why'd you call?
Luca=I wanted to hear your voice again
Me=fuck you
Luca=I know we broke up b-
Me=listen Luca.
Me=you always cheated on me but who was the dumbass for staying ?
Luca=stop calling yourself names, you know I hate that
Me=well fuck what you hate! You never gave two shits about me or our relationship!
Luca=you know I did! I always cared!
Me=then why would you do that?!
Luca=I don't know!
Me=no yes you do know! Luca you changed ever since I started leaving home so many times!
Luca=cause I would miss you and you weren't there! I needed you but you weren't there
Me=I wasn't there?! Luca I stayed up all night with you on the phone and texting you! I wouldn't hang up I would leave my phone to charge just so it wouldn't die! I drank coffee and you know I hate coffee
Luca=but now you love it
Me=that doesn't matter
Luca=then what does?
Me=nothing does anymore! Nothing matters anymore! Nothing ever did! What we had for those 2 years and 11 months meant nothing to you! It never did! Nothing mattered!
Luca=the bracelets and rings they did!
Me=fuck all of that! That didn't matter to me! All that mattered to me was seeing you happy! And you couldn't even realize that!
Luca=I noticed that you changed your style in clothes, your phone case, your favorite food, your favorite movie. I notice everything
Me=then why didn't you notice when I got hurt because the lady that was a grandma to me died? She died I was in tears that week! You didn't notice that didn't you? You notice everything that everybody else does!
Luca=but they didn't love you the way I did
I looked down. I laughed at his stupidity
Me=yeah you're right. They love me the right way when all you did was ruin me! Luca I actually loved you! I cared and now it's all over! I thought you and I would face the world together! We promised tha-
Luca=and we will!
Me=how? You'll probably be with sissy and some other girls! They'll be all up on you! But at this point it doesn't matter!
Luca=it will matter! We both love each other and that won't happen!
Me=Luca... I loved you you didn't love me
Luca=I wish I was good enough
Me=you are! But I'm not good enough for you! You need privacy! All I get is cameras here and there by the corner down the street! You don't need that!
Luca=I wish that I was good at love
Me=I wish you cared a little more!... I wish you told me this before!
Me=please just leave me alone
Luca=I need you!
Me=you need me? No you need my body! You don't care about my love and affection! You just the love the fact that you have something to physically hold on! I need something to hold on mentally and physically.... but it's not you
Luca=take that back!
Me=it's true Luca it's not you! Go ahead and be with sissy it won't matter
Luca=go and be with Malcom
Me=no. It didn't mean anything and you know it didn't
Luca=you need him more then you need me
Me=he was always there just like Kairi and the boys
Luca=so was sissy and the group
Me=be with her then, it totally won't kill me to see you with someone you told me not to worry about when we were together. No Luca, my feelings don't matter. Go fuck her already. If that's what you want just do it.
Me=don't call me, text me, try to reach me and keep my name out your mouth!
Call ends:

I hung up. I turn off my phone and hear a knock on the door
I walk to it and open it
Me=he- omg!
Me=it's you! Harvey petito!
Harvey=no it's Harvey
He laughs and hugs me I hug back
Me=you don't know how much I wanted to meet you! I wanted to meet you for so long!
Harvey=no! I wanted to meet you for so long! It's crazy how you scream when you see me but honestly I've been a fan of you forever
Me=no! Stop!
I cover my mouth
Me=I literally told my mom about you every time we went to Australia
Harvey smiles making me smile
Harvey=can I get a hug?
I nod and we hug I let go remembering about Luca
Harvey=what's wrong?
Harvey=can I come in?
I nod and he comes in and sits down I close the doors and sit by him
Me=I'm sorry if I act weird today
Harvey=it's alright we all do
He chuckled I just looked at the ground
Harvey=is something wrong?
Me=if I tell you will you tell anybody?
He nods no and I sigh
Me=umm... so you know Luca right? My boyfriend?
He nods and smiles but it immediately fades when a tear rolls down my face
Me=well today... I was at the airport and he called me. Paparazzi was following me I answered the call... he called me and he basically told me we were over
I wiped my tears away
Harvey=I'm sorry love
He hugs me I hug back he rubbed my back
Harvey=just let it all out
Me=I make one mistake and we're over, but when he's been making all these mistakes for the past year and like 3 months I never broke up with him because I knew we could get through it. Now it was pointless to stay
Harvey=it's alright, it's his bloody fault
I chuckled
Me=it's funny how Australians sometimes use bloody in their sentences
He laughed
Harvey=you'll be alright and if you need anything I'll be here okay?
I nod and he hugs me tight and let's go. I got a text from my brother Alexandr
Me=it's my brother
Harvey=you have a brother?
Me=yeah I have a lot of siblings some live here in America and some live in Canada. I normally don't get into contact with them because of legal reasons. He nods

How's the shoot going?

It's going great, but rn Im not starting I still have 20 minutes left

Mar you okay?

No. Did Malcom tell you?

No some random guy named kayri told me on insta

And I'm glad he did but Alex he told me at the airport with cameras following me.
He told me right then and there
I was crying my eyes out!
They didn't care if I was crying they kept asking me questions and filming me taking pictures it was embarrassing

That piece of shit will get what he deserves.
Tell me if he calls you again or texts you
Malcom and I will take care of it

Don't tell mariano or any of the boys.
You know how they will get

At this point it doesn't matter
He deserves what he gets
He'll see when he comes back

Don't do anything Alex
Mom and I will be in LA for today and then tomorrow we're getting up and going back home

I'll wait for you here
Just call me when you already land so the boys and I can get the house cleaned

Better not throw a party Alex
Last time someone slept on my bed

Okay I won't it's just a get together with the boys and that's it I swear

Tell the boys I miss em and to take care I'll see them tomorrow

Alright bye love you baby sister

Don't call me that
You make me sound like a child

Cause you act like that
Bye stay safe out there

Alright you too love you

I turned off my phone
Harvey=we need to get going
We get up and leave and to set.



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