Chapter 19

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Marlene's p.o.v

Me=I have to go I'm going to make tiktoks
Harvey=alright bye love
Me=bye Harvey
Harvey=love you
Me=you too!
I hang up and grab my ring light and my setup. I grab my phone and think of a POV to do. I listen to the audios that I favorited and pick one. I put my phone in the middle
Me=hold on let's listen to the audio
I say to myself. I know it's weird to talk to yourself but sometimes I do it out of the blue. I do tiktoks until the pizza comes. Once it did I grab a plate and get 3 pizza slices and a cup of soda. I go to the stairs
Ruski=you aren't gonna be with us?
Me=I'm going up to my room
Mar=you sure? We're watching a movie
Me=yeah I'm sure I'll just watch YouTube videos
Mar=don't lie to me
Me=I'm not
Malcom=well yell if you need anything or text the group chat
Me=alright I will
I say as I go upstairs to my room and eat while watching my favorite Netflix show it's called The Umbrella Academy
Me=now this is what I call a night
I ate my pizza and continued to watch the season

|march 21, 2020|

I was sitting down on the chair we set up for the interview with the show for my dream quinceañera. This episode was close to one of the last ones before my season ended.
Producer=alright tell us what's going on so far with the party?
Me=currently all my friends are flying out already. Two of them have already landed and the rest will come during the week. The party is kind of a mess with the food and seating. There's family who don't get along too well and there's friends that don't get along too well. So the seating is tricky, some of my friends will sit in certain tables
Producer=what's the theme? Tell us details about it
I sighed
Me=there really isn't a theme to the party. But I'll be wearing a big dress of course since it's tradition. My chambelanes are my brother and two of our friends and one of our close cousins. We're all pretty close but since my cousin doesn't live near us we don't see him as much. My main chambelán is my brother
Producer=and what are their names?
Me=it's my older brother ruski and two of our close friends, Malcom and Mariano. Then it's my older cousin Jay
Producer=do you have any famous people coming?
Me=a lot of people are coming like some members form the hype house members, Addison, charli, Dixie, Avani, the Lopez brothers, and chase. Then it's Kenzie and isaak, giopilla, kyrease, Lucas. Diego mártir, Joey, Harvey, and a whole bunch of my other friends and close friends
Producer=anything that you want to prevent from happening or hope that it doesn't happen?
I look outside and smile and chuckle and look back at the camera
Me=uhh I really hope no fight breaks out I know someone will come that isn't supposed to and my friends will just burst out in anger and try to fight. I know it will happen and I want to try and prevent that. My party will be fight free and I can tell that there will be lots of crying and screaming and anger
Producer=any idea where the party will be?
Me=the party will be at a condo in the hills we will have lots of parking for people that'll be taking cars or trucks and everything. The condo is pretty big for everybody to fit in it. We will have lots of fun there will be tacos, carne asada, beans and rice and all that
Producer=any more surprises or anything?
Me=surprises I'm not sure but I can guarantee there will be a slide show and everything
We kept the interview going on until there was a knock on the door.
Producer=let's follow her
I got up and walked to the door
Me=who is it?
I said as I opened the door it's was ruski and the boys.
Me=oh it's you guys
He said laughing making me laugh they all came in.
Ruski=Mar is coming right now he's just parking the car
They walked up the stairs
Ruski=we'll be in my room
I closed the door
Producer=how many brothers do you have?
I chuckle
Me=I only have one brother
I laugh
Producer=it seems like you have so many
Me=I consider a lot of close friends my brothers
Producer=what about sisters?
Me=I don't have sister nor do I consider anyone my sister just because I'm not too close with that many girls
Producer=why is that?
Me=I just don't really like the idea of having close girl best friends because you might never know what will happen. Same goes for boys but with girls it's more common to me
They all nodded and there was a knock on the door I opened it and it was Mariano. We hugged tight
Me=hey Mar
Mariano=hey Mar
We both laughed as we let go and he left
Me=ruski is up stairs with Jules and the guys
He nodded as he went upstairs we kept the interview going as I walked around and made important phone calls. I was on FaceTime with Harvey

Me=hey Harvey
Harvey=hey Mar
He said as he smiled making me smile
Harvey=what are you doing?
Me=I'm just here at my house keeping myself busy, what about you?
Harvey=I am at the airport curren-
Me=you came?!?!
He laughed making me frown
Harvey=I'm at the Australian airport
Me=I'm at the Australian airport
I said mimicking him as he laughed seeing I was a bit mad
Harvey=I'll be there in less than a day
Me=that's too long
Harvey=oh come on you lasted longer then that without me
Me=that was the first time I saw you in person
Harvey=your reaction was adorable
I laugh as he smiled adorably. I kept taking pictures throughout the FaceTime call
Me=when can we hang out again?
Harvey=whenever I have the chance
Me=which is?
Harvey=I think a week or two after your party
Me=that long?
He nodded and laughed
Me=i miss you babe
Harvey=I miss you too, love
Me=love you!
Harvey=love you too!!
He yelled back as we both laughed
Me=Im going to call you whenever I can okay?
Me=well bye babe
Harvey=goodbye love! Have a splendid day and don't hurt yourself
Me=I only tripped one time
Harvey=one too many
We laughed remembering the one time I tripped when we FaceTimed
Me=whatever! Anyways I'm going to call someone else bye babe
Harvey=bye love
He said blowing a kiss and waving goodbye. I blew him one back and he pretended to catch it and held his hands to his heart smiling as I waved bye
Me=bye babe!
FaceTime ended

I said as I hung up and called my manager for a few minutes then we hung up and I finished the interview for that day



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