Chapter 7

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Marlene's p.o.v

I woke up and got up and brushed my teeth and used the bathroom. I brush my hair out and walk back to the bed I sit down and grab my phone. I checked my emails, Instagram, Snapchat and twitter. I saw people catching on to the live last night between Luca and I.


You have an interview today

What time?

6:45 p.m
Hurry up and get to the airport your flight leaves in 2 hours

Alright I'll see you then

I turn off my phone and get myself ready. It only took 15 minutes. I wore one of Luca's hoodies and my leggings with my vans. I let my hair down and grabbed my stuff and put it in my suitcase. I walked out the room and to the boys room. I said goodbye to the New Jersey boys since I don't see them only at events. I then said goodbye to all my friends. I walked up back to the room and saw that Luca was up.
Luca=where are you going?
Me=I have an interview today
Me=I don't know
Luca=stay safe?
He comes to me and hugs me tighter then before.
Luca=I love you babe and I mean it.
He kisses me and let's me go. He took out his phone and he took a picture of us.
Luca=before you go
He smiled I grabbed my stuff and left. I got in my Uber and went to the airport. I walked in and seen paparazzi. Of course just the cherry on top! They came towards me
Guy=hey Wendy lovely morning today right?!
Me=lovely morning today
I replied back
Lady=where you going to?
Me=where ever the plane takes me
Guy=how's your relationship with Luca?
Me=it's going good
Lady=fans were suspecting that you and Luca broke up because of all the videos he posted with other girls.
I stop
Me=look lady and guy. I'm trying to get to my flight. You guys asking me questions and shoving a camera up my face isn't helping. Don't ask questions like that to me or him. And fuck you for asking that. There's limits to certain topics, this was one.
I walk away
Guy=if you don't mind me asking, what do you plan on doing in the future
Me=we'll Im still 14 so I plan to finish high school and hopefully become something in life
Lady=you go to events where fans see you and who you are with, yesterday a fan sent us a video of you hanging out with a group of boys named "The New Jersey boys"
Me=yeah and?
Lady=they also saw that you were dancing with a fellow Canadian friend Malcom Suarez
Me=your point is?
Lady=the dance seemed more intimate
Me=okay if you're trying to ruin my relationship with my boyfriend, congrats you probably did cause you're turning it into something that's not. You are a uncultured person because you would know what dancing bachata was like, you wouldn't be saying this. So like I said before shoving a camera in my face isn't helpful.
She stopped following me
Guy=alright no more relationship questions all about you
Me=thank you
Guy=most influencers have a special thing they like to do like make fans merch. You on the other hand call random fans on their birthday. Mostly everyone has gotten a call from you at least once. How do you do it?
Me=when they purchase tickets to any of my shows they put in their birthday and where they live and phone number and all their personal stuff. I get permission from their parents to get the persons phone number and I call them or FaceTime them. I love doing it a lot i love to see their excitement
Guy=that's so nice and sweet of you
Me=thank you
Guy=you have recently done a giveaway where you give your fans-
Me=my friends
Guy=your friends book bags, high quality materials and give them pairs of shoes. What gave you the inspiration?
Me=I grew with friends that didn't have enough to get new backpacks every year, new shoes every year, school uniform, materials every year, lunch and snack. So I thought why not spend money on stuff that actually matter to people and give it to them. I mean I have all this money for myself why not give back to people that helped me become who I am. I may not know everybody behind a screen but I promise you I always try and talk to my friends every once in a while on a tiktok live or instagram live.
Guy=you're such a great person, it for sure makes everyone smile when you do these things
Me=I hope it does, I just want to see people happy
Guy=any inspiring words?
Me=love yourself, challenge yourself, make time for yourself, forget every negative thing live your life to the fullest! You only live once. Stay happy and remember I love you and miss you it may seem hard but hey! I'm going through stuff right now I've been going through stuff for almost 3 years now and I smile through the pain and get on with my day because I know if I look back and realize I wasted my time being sad instead of going out with my friends or family I will truly be disappointed in myself. Stay strong do this for me, reach your goals be anything you put your mind to. Stay safe
Guy=god bless and stay safe! Have a nice and safe flight
Me=thank you so much drive safe and god bless you man!
He leaves and I get on my flight. After my flight I finally arrived in LA and got off my flight. I grabbed my luggage and walked towards the exists. I saw fans being held back. I walk to them it was a big group of people.
Girl1=please take a picture with me!
Girl2=I love you so much
Guy1=sign my phone case
Girl3=I drew you a drawing!
Guy2=can you take a picture for my daughter?
I took pictures and videos with each of them individually. I walked over to the people who had drawings, paintings and merch.
Me=hey guys, y'all are my artists?
They nod I smile and sign each of their paintings and drawings. I sign their phone cases and merch
Me=I appreciate your guys talent and support, it means a lot to me!
I smile and hug them
Girl=thank you so much for everything you do for us
I smile and hug her I had to leave to catch my ride. I heard a ring and it was my phone it was Luca.

Me=hey babe
Luca=I didn't want to tell you this while you were here...
Me=tell me what?
Luca=I've been thinking about something lately
Me=what is it babe?
Luca=I kinda, you know?
Me=you know what? Luca what is it? You're scaring me
Luca=I kinda wanna bre-
Me=you wanna break up?
Luca=yeah I'm sorry
Me=you're not, I know you're not
Luca=I'm sorry okay? I thought about it and I don't want you to be stressed and having to worry about me and what I do
I seen paparazzi coming my way
Me=Luca really?
Luca=Im sorry
Me=no you're not!
Luca=please don't cry
Me=Luca you and I would've been together for 3 years the day of my birthday. Luca, yes we have problems but at least we got through them. Don't do this
Luca=it hurts me much more then it hurts you
Me=no, no it doesn't I-I why?
Luca=Marlene take a deep breath
Me=y-you w-why didn't y-you t-tell me when I-I was th-there?
Luca=I didn't want to see you cry in front of me, I would break down and start with my moods
Me=I did one wrong thing and I'm sorry Luca please?
Luca=it's better for you
Me=i have a interview with Ellen and I'm going to break down I already know it
Luca=I'm sorry please don't
Me=that was our last everything huh?
Luca=I guess so
Me=stay safe. I'm sorry for what I did.
Luca=I'm sorry for everything and anything I put you through I really am so-
Call ends

I hung up they bombarded with cameras and pictures. I was crying and they saw but didn't care. Tears streamed down my face, I was shaking like I always do when I cry. I was sobbing they didn't even care either. I miss him I never knew this day would come so quickly.
Guy=Marlene over here!
They yelled my name I got outside and seen my security. I went inside the car and we drove to the house my mom rented.



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