Jeff the Killer: Daddy's Little Psychopath

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Chapter Ten: Is This the End?

Tanner's POV

" Attention we have word that Jennifer Woods has been spotted along the downtown area and we advise all citizens to stay inside. If spotted do not encounter. Thank you..."

The officer paces the floor. Looking at me intently. I kept quiet. Finally breaking the long built silence he spoke.

"Ya know how many years you get to help a fugitive? Huh?" I shook my head no.

"Long enough to put you away a very long time, boy."

I didn't care as long as Jen is safe I don't care. I've come this far. There's no turning back now. Steadily pacing the floor he looks me dead in my eyes. I get asked many questions. Still not saying a word. All I want to do is know if she's okay. They won't tell me anything. The more I sit in this cell the more worried I'd become. I sit to myself in silence. The officer had made his merry way back to the front desk. Hours have passed, by yet nothing. Not a sigh of her. The police started to get frustrated. They even resorted to playing good cop bad cop as I sat silently looking at their pathetic attempt to persuade me. But I wouldn't give in if they had nothing to offer me. All they could do was make idle threats. But in the end they were getting nowhere. And they knew it. The more time passed by. The lighter the search became...but just then they came bursting through the doors. I heard frantic grunts and screams come from the front. I tried my best to look but I couldn't. A swarm of policemen scurried the figure into the cell. An officer yelled as he bit into his neck taking a chunk of flesh. He fell to his feet holding his neck in disbelief. As each officer went down one by one. I realized who he was. Never will I ever forget his face, and that Cheshire smile he wears so well. It was her dad.

He stood as the last body fell. Getting the keys from the corpse. Unlocking the gate, stepping into the light I could clearly see his face. At first I thought it was an illusion. But no, I was right. He was crying...

"I need your help. She's beyond my control, if we don't get her back to the way she was. I'll have to do something I can't stomach. You love her right!? So Help Me!"

Jen had lost it. Nothing of her remained human. She was nothing but a killing machine. When presented with a prey, like an animal she'd pounce and attack.

"I tried to calm her down. Even knock her out. But I guess she got the best out of me. And I ended up getting stabbed."

I saw as the blood gushed from his arm. Bite marks even. If we'd didn't hurry there'd be nothing left of her. She wouldn't be herself anymore. But we had no clue where she'd gone off to. Just then...


We rushed out as soon as possible. Patrol cars racing their way to my home. The place was swarmed. There was no one getting in or out. They surrounded the place. Slowly swarming. It was like sending pigs into the slaughter. Most of the men looked petrified. Some even prayed before they went in. Then on their mark. They all charged in. Gunshots fired. Men screeched of pain. Some even retreated before even entering the house. One man even opened fire. Like clockwork so did the rest. Bullets piercing through the walls. Glass shattering before more of them entered. We followed behind. The closer we got the fewer men we saw enter the house. Till finally there was no one left. Jen stood there panting like a crazed dog. Even foaming from the mouth. Quickly turning around she stood there.

Almost in trance, she didn't even take a second look at us. She started wailing her knife at us frantically. I tried blocking each blow she threw, Jen's dad eventually took a knife to the arm. Going clean through it. He groaned, as he pulled the knife from his now limp arm. The look in his eyes. All I could see was sheer and utter fear. He clinched his knife. He was ready to fight. I hid behind the couch. How can I stop this? She doesn't even recognize me. To her all I am is a toy. To her all I'll ever be is her play thing. Yet still I didn't mind. Finally the thought dawned on me, I knew what I had to do to get her to come back to reality.

All I could hear was the clatter of their knives, as they grazed each other's skin. Blood splurged from their bodies. A never ending shower of red filled the room. Their bodies were covered in blood. Hair matted. They stood arm and arm. Panting as each goes for another blow. A spark flows between the two knives. Jens dad called out to her. The look in hers eyes said otherwise. She wasn't there. I couldn't see her anymore or what she used to be at least. Her smile widened just as her fathers. This is what they wanted. Someone to match the craziness that filled them. they couldn't help but smile. I stood up slowly, giving her a soft smile. It was time. She looked at me. They dash at each other. Their movements were so quick I didn't even see her hit him. He fell within an instance. He wasn't moving. He just laid there not moving at all. Jen looks in my direction. All I was to her was another target. The knife came close to my throat. I hold my breath.

"I love you. I always will. Forever, and always. Goodbye Jen."

The knife came closer, and closer before penetrating the surface of my skin.The knife clanked on the ground. Her hands wrapped around my throat. Her strength had become impeccable. I struggled to breathe. Laughter filled the room along with despair. I was slowly losing air. My vision faded, along with the Jen I thought I knew. My surroundings faded, and soon I was surrounded by darkness.

Jennifer's POV

Die, just die already. Why!? Why did you let me do this to you!? All I've caused you was pain. Why do you fight so hard to make me happy? I don't deserve you.



All I can see his lifeless body lay before me. Why? Why does it have to be you? You just couldn't stay away. Huh? My tears flowed as I repeatedly punched his body. I hear rustling from a distance. He stands to his feet. Mocking me with that familiar smile, but his face told another tale, pity. He told me from the very beginning. I knew, he knew, Tanner knew. This is who I am. Who I will always be. Forever, and always.

" I-i love you too." I sniffled.

"You can never be happy. Neither of us can be happy. That's just the way the cookie crumbles Jen. You and I, we weren't made for this world."

I said nothing as I sobbed over Tanner's body. I didn't want this, I didn't want any of this. All I wanted was to have a normal life. With friends, family. Not this fucking psychotic man, that I am ashamed to call my father. I can feel him hover behind me. But what more could I do now. I had no more family. Everyone I loved was dead. Why was I even here? My father held his hand out to me.

"Let's go kiddo."

Just like that we were gone. Leaving all the memories behind...

Jennifer Woods no longer existed. Just a faded memory like the rest. 

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