Jeff the Killer: Daddy's Little Psychopath

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Chapter Seven: Daughter, Daughter tell me where have you been?

I didn't get much sleep, the floor was hard, and my back started to ache. I wanted to go home. This isn't the life I wanted. This isn't the family I envisioned. Mrs. Jones might be crying her eyes out right about now. What about Tanner, I wonder what he's doing? It's no use, I have to see them. I check to see if he's awake. It's hard to tell. His lifeless eyes stare at me. I'm finally convinced when I hear him snore. And man, does he snore. I walk cautiously, on the floorboards. They made loud weeping sounds as I walked away. I prayed for my father to stay asleep. With one more step came a loud creak. My heart sunk. Did I blow it? I hear the rustling of his clothes. Shit, please don't wake up! He lets out a sigh and continues to snore.

I wasn't that far, just a town over. I'd decided it's better I go on foot. My appearance isn't all that justified at the moment.

I've never walked so much in my life. But, finally, I was home. The lights were off. Only the living room stayed lit. I peered through the bushes. Mr. and Mrs. Jones look depressed, worn out. Like the life was pulled right from underneath them. Tanner was nowhere in sight. I snuck to my bedroom window. It was harder climbing up it than out of it. But I relentlessly make it. My room was quiet. I miss this room so much. The soft cozy bed. The warmth of the sheets. It was way better than sleeping in a rundown apartment.

Suddenly I heard the door click. I quickly dash into the closet. The lights flick on. It's way too blinding. I couldn't make out who they were. But as soon as he spoke I knew. Exactly who he was. Tanner?

I watch his figure shuffle over to my bed. Just sitting, thinking. As my vision began to focus more, and more I could tell it was Tanner. He spoke.

"Where are you!?"

He began to tear up. My heart was weeping, ripping itself to shreds. Just the sound of him made my heart ache. I'm putting him through this pain. This is my fault. Out of reflex, I open the door to comfort him. He looks at me. Almost as if I'm not real. He starts to touch my face. As he comes to the realization that I'm not a hallucination. He kisses me. Grabbing and groping my body. I pull him away. But his strength overpowers me. He pulls me to the bed. He kisses my neck until I make a sound I've never heard before. Finally, I come back to my senses and push him off. I'm not ready for that kind of stuff yet. He looks at me frustratingly.

"Sorry." He says.

"It's, okay."

"I'm glad, you're back." I look down slightly.

"I can't stay long." He kisses me once more, but gentler than the last time.

"I'm just glad to see that you're alive Jen. I thought he killed you."

He hugged me so tight, I can't breathe. I sit there for a moment. Just soaking up all that I could. Tanner left the room, bringing back some food. I devoured it quickly. My dad isn't the best cook if you could even call him that.

"How'd you get away?"

"I just slipped away. But trust me it won't go unnoticed." He bit his thumb, Tanner wanted to do whatever in his power to keep me safe.

I wondered about the upstairs area for a bit. Then I noticed our guard dog was missing.

"Where's Preston?" Tanner's fist clenched into a ball.

"He won't be coming back anytime soon." I stood there looking confused. Finally, Tanner tells me why.

"You've got to be kidding me?"

"Yea, I bet that's why he would watch over you more than the rest of the family?" I clenched my teeth. That perverted bastard.

I looked at the time, it was a quarter past twelve. I had to go. I really didn't want to, but I knew that I couldn't just stay. I kissed Tanner on the cheek and left.

But before, I had to make a quick pit stop.

The house was small and trashy. Hmph, it suited him. Preston walked in his door. laying his deputy jacket on the couch. He entered the bathroom. I slowly creep from the closet. I wandered into his bedroom. It was dark, the room smelled of musk and cheap cologne. The bathroom door clicked. I quickly dashed in the closet. It was cramped. Filled with papers and photos. Preston sat on his bed. He pulled something from his nightstand. It was a small fabric. He held it to his nose. Intaking all of its scent. Sick bastard. As I studied the photos in his closet, the light adjusted, making the images more clear. It was me. Lot's and lots of pictures of me. From the time I started school. To the time I left with my dad. I snapped. I waited patiently as he went to sleep. He'd lay there motionless. I lean in closer, and closer. As I grab him by the neck. He clawed at me, knocking me over. The light flickers on, I quickly pull my mask to my face. He stood there. Sweat dripping down his face.

"Who the hell are you!?" I chuckled.

"Oh, come on, you don't recognize me," I say jokingly. He reached for his nightstand looking through the dresser. His face went pale.

"Looking for this?" As I dangle his 9 millimeters from my finger, grasping the gun tighter I point it in his direction. Instinctively his hands arose over his head.

"Ya know, people like you really piss me off. Disgusting, dirty little human." He looked confused.

"So, when did you take these?" I threw the pile of paper as they spread silently across the room. Removing the mask.

"Jen? Wait don't misunderstand-"

My hand squeezed the trigger. A loud click sound echoed in the room. Preston jumped. I laugh.

"Oops, forgot the safety." A loud bang rung in my ears. Preston's body dropped, as a large gaping hole was all that remained of his face.

I was tired. The night seemed endless. I returned to the building. But my dad was nowhere to be found. As expected. I don't think he'd stay asleep. I searched, and there he stood. Covered in blood, fresh, messy blood. He looked at me. Then turned away.

"Where have you been?" My heart sunk as he said those words. My spine shivered. What am I supposed to say?

"Out. I had to handle some business."

He chuckled. The look on his face. He was pissed.

"Next time, when you're, taking care of business, inform me."

Before I could say anything else his hand braised across my face. I held my cheek, it stung. He gave me a crazed look. Pulling my hair. Giving me a malicious smile.

"I'm not gonna let you escape that easily. Next time you leave, without my permission. I'll end you." He leans in closer to my ear.

"Be prepared." I fell to my knees, I didn't feel the tears. The soft wetness trickles down my cheek. I was crying. Not for the pain. But for the fact, I was terrified. Never, has so much fear filled my heart. My dad. He was dangerous. Can I really survive the rest of this week? If I can even last that long.

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