Jeff the Killer: Daddy's Little Psychopath

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Chapter Eight: Caught Red Handed

Wake up...

Wake up!!!

I open my eyes slightly to see a figure appear in front of me. Mom? She looked at me. Giving me that warm smile she always does. She held me in her arms. Her long brown curly hair lingered over me. Touching my cheek. I could feel as her tears ran down her face. Dripping on to my skin. I sat there for a couple of minutes. Something was off. The atmosphere was dense. I took a second, and looked at my mom. Her skin withered from her body. Her long beautiful hair was no longer, nor beautiful. It felt like sandpaper brazing across my face. I tried to pry myself free. But her grip was too strong. Her hair intertwined all over my body. I could no longer move. Every time I breathe it feels like less air would come into my body. I wanted to scream, to cry out for help. But I was alone......all alone.

"Jenny!" My Dad stood there looking slightly annoyed. I was covered in water.

"You wouldn't stop screaming. So I thought it would be fun to wake you up this way." A bucket hung from his hand. He threw me some new clothes. A dark grey hoodie along with someone skinnies, and a red tank. I quickly change.

Considering we're hunting in the middle of the day. It's not gonna be that easy. People are so lively during the day, it makes me sick. All these people are just lingering around. We stand out. I mean, of course, we would. It's about seventy degrees and we're both wearing hoodies. We both get confusing stares. Especially me. My mask isn't helping much. We stop by a nearby park. It was packed. Kids of all ages runabout. I get to pick the hunt today. Finally. I look around. I see a group of kids my age. There was this guy. Tall, buff. Stereotypical jock. He was picking on this chick. She looked ill. Like she could barely stand. My teeth clenched as he picked on the girl. She tried to ignore him but it was futile. I pointed to him. My Dad smiled.

"I figured you'd pick him." He lets out a deep sigh.

"Well, it can't be helped. Your pick is your pick." We head in for the kill. I wanted his death to be as open as possible. My dad rushed behind him. Hitting him to the ground. He got to his knees. Charging himself at my dad. He blocked, stabbing him in his back. He fell to the ground scream in agonizing pain. He struggled to remove the knife from his back. People screamed. The girl looked in shock. She had no clue what was going on. The guy came to his feet. Hunched over. He tried to grab me. I held him in my arms.

"Help me."

He coughed up blood as he sped those words. I smile as I plunge my knife into his back. His body twitched as he fell to the ground. The girl trembled. Sirens came from the distance. Police surrounded us in an instant. Guns pointed from all directions. I looked at my dad. His face was full of joy. Someone shot fire, and he was off. I've never seen someone move at such speed. Dodging each bullet. Slashing the throats of any officer that stood in his path. He was truly insane. Police surrounded me.

Almost ten of them. Each trembled as I tore the officer's limb from limb. I tried my best to dodge each shot. Nevertheless, a bullet pierces my shoulder. I call out to my Dad. We quickly escape into the woods. The pain in my arm is excruciating. Shit...I can't catch up. He's getting farther away. I can't catch up. I hear loud voices shouting behind me. this was my chance to be free, to get away from him. If I give up now. I'd surely go to jail, but it would be way better than spending the rest of my life with him.

"Freeze!" I'm greeted with big guns pointed towards me. One of the officers hesitantly comes to arrest me. I chuckle. Grabbing him by the arm, I break it in multiple places. He screams. Another bullet pierces my arm. Fuck. I've lost too much blood. I fall to my knees. They swarmed me like moths to a flame. I felt the cold steel cuffs tightened around my wrist. My mask was removed. My hair dangling in front of my face. I was carried away. Shoved in the back of the patrol car. I blacked out from that point.

"Rise and shine sleepy head." I woke up in a jail cell. A young girl hovered over me.

"Oh, goody. You're awake. I was getting bored just looking at you." I said nothing. The girl giggled happily. She was so young only a few years under me. Why would someone like her be in a place like this? She giggled again. Touching my bandage I cried out.

"Oh, that must have hurt. What'd you do to get that?"

"Did it hurt?"

"Oh, I'm Sasha by the way."

"What's your name?"

Man, this girl has a mouth on her. I come to my senses. I'm finally able to stand. I look around the room. There are only a set number of cells. Each filled with kids of all ages. Some cried for their parents. Others just sat in corners thinking to themselves. I heard a loud clunk sound come from the front. Two big guards came. Standing in front of my cell. The doors opened. They grab me.

My face filled with horror. There stood Mr. and Mrs. Jones. I froze. As did they.

"Jen?" I couldn't say anything. I couldn't do anything. How was I to explain this? They all came to hug me.

"Jen, honey. What's going on? Why are you here? Why do you look like that? What's going on sweetie!?" I was at a loss for words.

Still, I tried to utter some form of words.

But I couldn't. I can't deny what I did. Nor can I say I didn't enjoy it. I'm a killer, and that's what I'll always be. I guess I can come with terms that not everyone is meant to be normal. Well, at least not me. The door cracked open.

"She's wanted for the murder of Travis McCoy. A young bystander she brutally murdered in front of many civilians later today. She's also beings charged for the murder of Deputy Preston."

He was a tall and skinny man. With dark brown hair, and a light complexion. Built very nice. My Parents looked at me shocked.

"Jennifer wouldn't do anything like that!" Protested Mrs. Jones. She looks at me anxiously.

"Right...honey?" I said nothing looking away. How was I to explain why I did what I did? Mrs.Jones held her hand, shaking her head in disbelief.

", th-that's not true! Jen!!! Answer me!"

"Mom, please. She had her reasons." Tanner steps in. A loud smacking sound echoed in the room. Tanner's face red.

"You knew about this and didn't tell us. For fuck sakes, she murdered two people. Probably more than that. And you're gonna sit there and protect her!!!"

"Yes! You don't know why she did it! You don't know what she's been through!" He gets another snack to his face, the time from his father. I step in front of him. He's trying to play coy.

"This is my fault. You guys took me home. And I brought my problems with me." It was silent.

"I did it. I did it all. I killed all those people. Preston, the librarian, the homeless man. All of them. At first, it was because it was fun. But I can't control it. That feeling. You won't understand what it feels like. Once you've ripped someone's arms from their sockets. No, you don't. You understand! It's in my blood! It can't be helped!"

As the officer comes to pull me away. I quickly dash behind him. Pulling my arms over his head. Choking him until he foamed from the mouth. Mrs. Jones screamed in terror. I quickly got the keys and dashed off. I finally understood what my dad was saying. They would have never accepted me. It was stupid to think so. I ran away in tears. From my own stupidity. I could hear Tanner in the background, but honestly. I really wasn't listening.

My tears trickled behind me as I finally say goodbye to the family I never deserved.

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