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Cecile loved the early hours of dawn. It was when the shadows of night would slowly fade away and it was before the beginning of her usual chaotic day. It was her peace. A rare occurrence she could hardly find.

So, when she heard birds chirping from the large ajar window next to her bed, she was relieved. Even though she was still in the Hospital Wing, the relief and happiness never swayed. Mostly because her thigh was feeling better and she was free to leave whenever she pleased. In fact, Cecile was actually free to leave once her thirty minutes were up yesterday but she had fallen into a dreamless sleep and ended up staying overnight.

Thankfully, Madam Pomfrey wasn't a heartless witch.

Cecile stretched out her arms, yawning into the quiet room. Madam Pomfrey was already up, sitting at her desk in the far corner of the room drinking tea and filling out some paperwork. She noticed Cecile moving, "I have the potion ready for you if you are ready to return to your dorm."

"Wanna get rid of me so fast, huh?" Cecile grinned as she approached the desk. The small potion appeared on the wooden surface.

Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes, "Just get some sleep, Miss Dempsey. You have class later today."

"Unfortunately, I haven't forgotten." She took the potion and tucked it into her pocket, realizing she was still in her Quidditch robes. How uncomfortable, she thought. It was like accidently falling asleep in a pair of jeans. It's one of her worst nightmares actually.

"Also, shall I send a letter to your mother about your injuries?"

Cecile shrugged, "You could. Doubt she would care too much."

Madam Pomfrey didn't say anything for a pregnant moment. A sigh left her lips as she grabbed some more paperwork, "Good day, Miss Dempsey."

"And good day to you, Madam Pompoms." Cecile bowed until her head nearly touched the floor.

The older woman rolled her eyes causing a grin to reach the girl's lips as she turned towards the doors. As she walked, she wondered if any Ravenclaws decided to wake up at this ungodly hour. She had no doubt Luna would, but there were some morning people in her house. Hopefully they won't ask too many questions. All she wanted to do was lie in her bed and listen to some old Quidditch games on her Walkman until the day officially began.

Cecile was once again too wrapped up in her thoughts as she was nearly smacked by the large doors suddenly opening. She slightly moved out of the way as a small group of people rushed through.

With her adjusting eyes, it took her a few seconds to realize who they were as they dragged a body to one of the unoccupied beds.

Blaise was the first one she noticed among them. Then Draco Malfoy, who was ordering the group around in a hushed whisper, pale blonde hair looking ruffled as if he'd just woken up. Then there was a blonde girl, whom Cecile had seen rarely through her school years, that was running her hands through the unconscious body's hair hissing and whispering at the two boys arguing amongst each other.

Lastly, Cecile realized the body was Theodore Nott.

He didn't look dead from what she could see. In fact he was starting to wake up, groaning tiredly. But that's not what caught Cecile's attention out of everything.

It was the long scratches along his bare chest and the bloodied fingers that told her it was self-inflicted. It was the way that his friends looked like they had just run through the Forbidden Forest in a panic. Not to mention them barging in at the crack of dawn all of a sudden.

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