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Well, apparently Cecile shares Potions with the Slytherin boy. N.E.W.T. Level Potions.

How has she not noticed him before?

He was sitting further up front next to Malfoy, lazily leaning back in his chair as they waited until the class started. Cecile couldn't help herself but glance towards him every few seconds, trying to piece together who this guy was.

She was so caught up in her thoughts, Cecile hadn't noticed someone sitting in the empty seat next to her.

"Taking a liking to the charming Theodore Nott, Cece?"

Cecile jumped at the sudden voice and turned to find Blaise Zabini resting his chin in his hand while smirking at her. "I know all of us are good looking, darling, but at least be more discreet about it."

"Shut up," She playfully shoved him away, "I was only curious."

"Mhmm," Blaise chuckled as he opened his Potions book, "And why the sudden curiosity towards him?"

"I met him in the Hospital Wing the other day and charming isn't a word I would use to describe him." Cecile crossed her arms, "And what was his name again? Theon something?"

There was an amused glint in his eyes, "Theodore Nott." He out of everyone knew Cecile had a problem remembering names. It took her two weeks to finally get it right. Thankfully the Slytherin was patient enough to correct her each time she got it wrong, in fact he took it upon himself to tease her whenever it happened. "And on behalf of my dear arrogant friend, I apologize for whatever he did."

Cecile waved it off, not too bothered by it, "It's fine. He was probably shaken from whatever nightmare he was having." She noticed Blaise shift in his seat but made no move to show that she did, "I asked if he wanted me to throw a rock at him next time and the situation was all sorted."

"Of course you did." Blaise hummed. She watched him glance over to the table his friends were sitting at before looking back at her. If he knew something about Theodore Nott's condition, he made no show of it. His face composed and his eyes showed nothing. Instead his eyes landed on her twitching left shoulder and placed a hand on it, giving it a light squeeze, "I say leave it be. Nott doesn't take a liking to people poking their nose in his business, even if they're trying to help. He's stubborn, that git."

Despite the growing questions swimming in her head, Cecile pouted, "Fine, I'll leave it alone. Only because you asked."

"Thank you."

"But don't get mad at me if that giraffe comes at me again. I just might find that rock."

Blaise chuckled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side, "Then I suppose I won't stop you."

A couple of weeks into October and Cecile had already begun to dread her classes. Especially Divination.

Today she learned that the full moon was this week. Only because Professor Trelawney kept mentioning it a bunch of times.

"Your destinies are intertwined with this week's full moon."

"Oh, Miss Patil, you will meet someone that will change your life forever on this week's full moon."

"...Because everything will change on the full moon this week."

At one point, Cecile turned to her partner, Neville, and said, "Hey Nevs, I don't know if it's just me, but I think something's happening this week."

Neville's eyebrows rose, playing along, "Oh really? I wonder what it is."

The two chuckled quietly enough so they didn't draw any attention. They continued grinning and giggling until the class finally came to an end.

The next day, Cecile had focused all her energy on Quidditch, especially in her free period. And unsurprisingly, Cecile finds herself back at the Hospital Wing. While practicing, Cecile had once again fallen off her broom and landed on her bad shoulder. Madam Pomfrey didn't bother to lecture her again as she wasn't the only Quidditch player in the Hospital Wing.

"Here, go sit over there in the bed next to Mr. N--,"

"Oh hi, Theodore!"

It was almost laughable seeing said boy's expression when Cecile sat on the bed. But the older woman didn't notice and continued, "Do not move and inch. I will be back with the proper medicine."

Madam Pomfrey narrowed her eyes at her and Cecile raised her hands, "Okay, I won't move, you wanna pinkie swear or something?"

She rolled her eyes before moving onto the next patient who seemed much worse than anybody else in the room.

Cecile made herself comfortable on the bed and glanced towards the Slytherin, "Heeyy—"

"Fuck off."

She huffed, "You are a ray of sunshine, huh?" Cecile looked at him and noticed he was sickly looking again but made no comment on it, remembering Blaise's request. "I'm Cecile, by the way. Cecile Dempsey—"

"I don't care."

"Well, I figured it would be rude of me to only know your name and not give you mine but whatever." Cecile rolled her eyes.

Theodore didn't respond and she sighed while rubbing her aching shoulder. The silence became smothering as Cecile continued to wait for Madam Pomfrey, at some point she became bored and started mentally counting to a hundred in French.

"Stop it."

Cecile looked at the Slytherin in confusion, seeing his back still turned to her, "Stop what?"

"Making noise."

"I'm not making any noise."

"Then what the fuck is that annoying sound coming from your nose?"

"...I'm breathing."

"Well, do you mind?"

"Yes, I mind! Am I just supposed to stop breathing?"

Theodore turned his head a little, "Would you?" His voice became a bit chirpier at the question.

Cecile frowned and crossed her arms with a huff, "Yeah, sure, whatever."

He glared back at her before turning away. And for a few seconds there was only silence between them.

But then it was suddenly grossly interrupted when Cecile started breathing in and out exaggeratingly and leaned towards him so he could hear it.

Huff. Puff. Huff. Puff. Huff. Puff. WHEEZE!

Theodore slowly turned to look at her with a slight twitch in his eye, giving her the deadliest glare that she's ever seen from a Slytherin. It only caused a smug smirk to reach her lips, gaining a bit of satisfaction from his irritated reaction.

He opened his mouth just as Madam Pomfrey made her way over, giving Cecile a small bottled potion, "This is for your shoulder, I want you to drink all of it and don't get on a broom for the rest of the day. Is that clear?"

"Yeah, yeah," Cecile sighed and downed the potion. She rolled her shoulder back and grinned, "Much better, thanks Pompoms!"

She moved to get off the bed but Madam Pomfrey stopped her, "Sit back down you fool," Cecile stared in confusion as she was forced back onto the bed, "you're not just going to walk out of here until the potion sets in." Cecile tried to protest but the older woman continued, "And if you get bored you will have Mr. Nott to keep you company."

"No, the fuck I won't." Theodore snapped.

Madam Pomfrey ignored him, "It will take thirty minutes give or take. And once it's done, then you can leave. Might even be on time for dinner."

And without waiting for a protest from each teenager, Madam Pomfrey moved on to the other side of the room, attending to a first year Hufflepuff girl.

Cecile could already feel the scathing glare drilling the side of her face.

She turned and grinned at him, "Guess we're bed neighbors, Mr. Nott."

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