Chapter 13

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The heir. He was in love with the heir to the Kangxi empire. And the heir loved him, too.

Tai Shi sat down next to him on the bed, waiting patiently. This is the man meant to be next in line for emperor?

Zan Yu found himself replaying all his interactions with Tai Shi over and over again in his mind. When Tai Shi saved him in the river. When Tai Shi took care of him in the cave, fighting off drowsiness to tend to him. When Tai Shi bathed him so tenderly in the pool that he brought him to see, because he cared about him.

"So.. I'm guessing that spontaneous orchestration in the tavern was just a thinly veiled confession," Zan Yu said, the words coming out slowly. A red blush worked its way up Tai Shi's neck.

"It wasn't meant to be, but once I got into the character it kind of just flowed out of me. I didn't realize it at the time," he said, grimacing. Of course, he was embarrassed. Ashamed to be in love with a low status person, a palace servant no less. Zan Yu got up, avoiding Tai Shi's gaze.

"I will be out of your way, then. It's obviously best for us if I leave now," he declared. He aimed for the door when Tai Shi grabbed his arm and whirled him back around.

"Wait! Why are you leaving? I tell you I love you and you want to leave? Do you... do you not love me?" Tai Shi challenged, his dark eyes burning.

"I do love you," Zan Yu divulged. Didn't he already know this?

Tai Shi let out a breath and huffed out a laugh. "Then why are you leaving?"

"Because, you don't want to love me. What do I even have to offer you? How would this ever work?" he finally replied. It hurt to say those words, knowing that was what kept him from loving Tai Shi the way he so badly wanted to. Emperors are meant to marry to conquer empires and bear children who would take up the throne when they come of age. Did the emperor even approve of his son loving another man?

"You don't need to offer me anything. Look at what you've done so far. My palace runs on its people, not us. Do you think we could last a day without you?" Tai Shi expressed. Yeah, but we live in cabins like livestock while you live in a cushioned palace waited on hand and foot. Tai Shi read his face. "When I become emperor you will be treated differently. Your family and everyone else who devote their lives to their empire will be taken care of. I'm already working on it, and I will be the emperor that lets his people live freely. I promise. Until I ascend to the throne, just please," Tai Shi whispered, wrapping his hands around Zan Yu's, "let me love you the way I can." Zan Yu was confused. He pulled his hand away. He believed Tai Shi would be a great emperor, his compassion showed enough. But still...

"And what about your father? What do you mean the way you can?" he asked. Tai Shi scoffed, raggedly running a hand over his face.

"My father is a ruthless man who is nearing his end. I don't care what he thinks. I will never be like him," he growled. "And as for the way I can love you..." Tai Shi started.

He stalked closer, every bit of the emperor he was groomed to be. Zan Yu felt that electricity escape from where he had shoved it down inside. His back bumped against the wall and Tai Shi let out a low laugh. Midnight black eyes smoldered with lust as he paused just before Zan Yu. He leaned forward, and Zan Yu sucked in a breath.

Tai Shi was always gorgeous, but now, with desire roiling beneath the surface, he was a magnificent beast. His jet black locks of hair tickled Zan Yu's face as he pressed a kiss against his forehead. Zan Yu trembled from the gentle gesture. But he wanted more.

Tai Shi braced a hand against the wall next to Zan Yu's head.

"Are you ready," he murmured, "or would you rather not?" Tai Shi brushed his lips against Zan Yu's cheek. Zan Yu sucked in a breath. He was overwhelmed with want, to touch and feel Tai Shi. All of him.

"We don't have to do this—" Zan Yu crushed his lips against Tai Shi's. His head pounded as Tai Shi deepened the kiss. Tai Shi pushed off of the wall, tugging Zan Yu to him. Their mouths molded together, and Zan Yu tugged at Tai Shi's bottom lip with his teeth. Tai Shi growled, demanding more. His arms wrapped around Zan Yu, closing the gap between them. Tai Shi groaned into his mouth, a shudder ripping through Zan Yu at the sound.

Tai Shi's tongue slipped into Zan Yu's mouth, warm and velvety, caressing his own tongue. He tore away to plant kisses along Zan Yu's neck, his teeth scraping gently in a way that made Zan Yu moan. He felt like he was about to explode, frustrated with Tai Shi for keeping him on the edge.

"Shall we move this to the bed?" Tai Shi mused, his lips pressing up Zan Yu's jaw. Zan Yu nodded, too breathless to speak. Tai Shi backed up step by step, taking Zan Yu with him. They were both breathless now, lips swollen from kissing. Tai Shi paused just before the bed.

"Are you sure?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yes." Behind the lust that shone in Tai Shi's eyes, Zan Yu could see his love laid out for him to see. Zan Yu looked back at him, showing him that he felt the same way, too. Tai Shi smiled, a real one that lit up his face. Not from a joke, but from happiness. Zan Yu felt his heart squeeze in his chest.

He pushed up slightly to kiss Tai Shi, this time more slowly. So torturously slow. Though he had been the one to set the pace, Zan Yu grew impatient. He clutched Tai Shi's shirt, wanting it off. Tai Shi released him with one hand and pulled his shirt off with one sweep. Zan Yu spread his hands over Tai Shi's bare chest, marvelling in the smooth skin covering his hard muscle. Tai Shi kicked off his pants and reached for Zan Yu again.

"You next," Tai Shi snarled against his lips. So greedy, Zan Yu taunted with his eyes. Tai Shi barked at him, "Now, or I'll do it for you, and it'll be in pieces when I'm done." Zan Yu broke away from their feverish kiss to remove his clothes. The moment his pants left his fingertips Tai Shi pulled him close and fell backward onto the bed, twisting at the last moment so Zan Yu landed on the soft mattress. Zan Yu stared up at Tai Shi, who gazed down at him, hovering just above him. Zan Yu placed his hands on Tai Shi's face.

He ran his hands lower and lower, exploring the ridges in his abdomen. He waited for Tai Shi to stop him, but that didn't happen this time.

Tai Shi groaned when Zan Yu slipped a hand into his briefs.

"This time, we don't stop," Tai Shi promised. Zan Yu agreed.

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