Chapter 11

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"I have some people I want you to meet," Jingfei announced, popping her head into the room. They had just finished lunch in the perfectly manicured courtyard. Upon arriving at the Hangshai summer palace, he had been ushered straight to the food. He had no complaints about that. He and Jingfei had stuffed their faces with sandwiches and fruit juice, devouring food as if they hadn't eaten enough for days, which wasn't far from the truth as far as he was concerned.

With his belly full and the warmth filtering through the shaded windows, Zan Yu had been dozing on a couch in the east wing tea room. Shu had the same idea, a chocolate whorl on the floor beside him. Fei waved behind her, stepping inside. A tall woman with a gorgeous figure, fair skin, and short jet black hair accompanied her. The woman who entered next was similar in height, with long wavy brown hair that faded to purple and almond colored skin. The woman with hair as dark as Tai Shi's took a seat on the arm chair across from him, adjusting her mauve silk garments about her. A matching scarf was draped gracefully across her head, shimmering in the light.

The other woman remained standing, a sword dangling from her side. She looked down at the beast for the first time. She grinned wide and dashed for it, sitting down next to the attention whore, who happily bared her chest for her. Her light garnet blouse slipped over her shoulder, but she seemed not to care. She glanced up at him, and up close her features were different, and so was the other woman's.

"Zan Yu, right? Fei's told us a lot about you." He looked at Fei, who had retreated into the hall for a moment. With her gone, all he could do is nod. "I'm Meili. We know Fei because we studied together. Some countries send students to learn from others," she explained, noting the question that was no doubt written across his face. Meili shucked off her riding jacket and boots, but kept her sword belt on. He swallowed. Fei and Tai Shi had both carried swords and daggers, but they had kept them stowed away. They had agreed the best strategy was to feign a nomadic lifestyle than to attempt to fight with few numbers so far from help.

"Nuwa." The woman on the plush blue armchair said nothing more. She was sipping tea, which had probably been brought in at some point when he was sleeping. Zan Yu suddenly felt self-conscious, wondering if he had drool on his face or shirt. Too late now.

"Aww yeahh," a deep voice boomed from the doorway. Zan Yu watched a man with deep brown skin stride in, headed straight for the tray on the low lying table in front of him. He had broad shoulders, packing more muscle than Tai Shi, and that was saying a lot. He grabbed a few pastries off of the tray before sitting down on the other end of the couch. He grinned at Zan Yu, raising his full hands. "Best pastries in town." Before Zan Yu could stammer out something, he felt something brush against his elbow. He jumped, looking at his side.

"Nice wenis," a small voice said. He gaped at the pretty petite woman, who had honey golden skin and shoulder-length black hair. She wore a vibrant seafoam tunic, but Zan Yu was more concerned with the fingers pinching his elbow skin. She gently squeezed once more before moving away. Zan Yu just stared at her as she swiped the last pastry off of the tray and went to sit in the bay window on the left. Shu got to her feet and trotted towards her. Meili shuffled towards the low table and groaned when she saw the tray was empty.

"Are you serious? Kuo, really? Liling?" Meili whined, turning to glare at the man seated next to Zan Yu. He just shrugged, dusting crumbs off of his royal blue shirt. Liling was oblivious, more concerned with Shu.

"First come, first serve," Kuo retorted. Meili sighed, getting to her feet. She disregarded the boots lying on the floor and instead marched out of the room barefoot. Zan Yu watched her go, the room filling with silence, except for the sound of Shu feasting on the pastry Liling was feeding her.

Nuwa observed him outwardly, having finished her tea. She set the cup and saucer down on the low table. "Is this your first time meeting Fei?" she asked. He nodded, then rethought his silence.

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