Chapter 10

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"Oh. My. F*cking. God. Y'all f*cked, didn't you?!" Tai Shi jolted upright while Zan Yu struggled to roll away quickly. Jingfei squealed. "I knew this would happen! You two are so cute together!" Her freshly dyed hair, a deep blue, swung around as she danced. Something shifted behind her and dashed toward Zan Yu. Zan Yu cried out as the dog licked Zan Yu's face, her tail thumping wildly. Zan Yu laughed as the dog sprawled out, expecting belly rubs like the first time they had met.

"Fei, calm down. Are you okay?" Tai Shi said, ever the gentleman. He rose and hugged her. She giggled and winked at Zan Yu over Tai Shi's shoulder. She pulled away and hoisted her hands, each one clutching a bag. "Anyone hungry?"

"Give me," Zan Yu said, lurching for a bag. Tai Shi deftly intercepted, taking the bags into his own hands. Shu trailed after Tai Shi, more concerned with the food. Zan Yu could relate.

"We need to ration," was all he said. He made his way to the back of the cave. Jingfei slid closer to Zan Yu.

"Sooooo... it was big wasn't it?" she whispered. Zan Yu shook his head vehemently. "Are you the hung one then?" He felt like his head was going to roll off. "Hmmm, I guess you don't have to tell me. Don't cheat on him. I hate cheaters. And cheating." She waved her hands. "Just no cheating. Got it? Or I'll cut your f*cking dick off." Zan Yu nodded, and she relaxed her face.

"So if you two didn't f*ck, what have you been doing?" she asked as Tai Shi returned from storing the food, probably somewhere Zan Yu wouldn't be able to easily access. Might as well hide it next to his dick, Zan Yu thought. He lightly fanned his reddening face, feigning that the end of summer heat was getting to him.

They filled Jingfei in on the near week she'd been gone, leaving out the parts Jingfei was probably most interested in. She was ecstatic that Zan Yu's scar was healing well. She said she was concerned the infection would kill him, but the wound itself would be healed in no time. Tai Shi got a verbal beating for being careless and endangering his life twice, which Zan Yu enjoyed from the sidelines. Zan Yu zoned out when they started talking about the logistics regarding the journey ahead, and instead watched the light seep away as night fell. He dutifully patted Shu, who had taken to curling up next to him.

"What about you?" Tai Shi finally asked. Jingfei clapped her hands together.

"Well, I realized it was about to start monsooning when it went f*cking quiet as hell. I was lucky, I had just left the village post office. So I just ran for the nearest inn and checked in, thankfully they had rooms because I had come in the middle of the day. I stayed there until this morning, that's when they said the bridge had been rebuilt." Tai Shi's brows furrowed.

"How did you pay for the room? You didn't have that much on you, did you?" he asked. Jingfei's tanned cheeks turned rosy. Tai Shi smirked.

"What?" Zan Yu questioned. He tossed another log into the fire he had struck up. Red embers flickered in the air.

"She found another way to pay for it," Tai Shi intoned.

"Nooo, I had money. Only enough to pay for the inn," she insisted. "The food, though..."

"Do tell, Fei dear," Tai Shi mused, placing his head in his hands like a child waiting for a story. Zan Yu thought he looked really cute, the warm light giving youth to his face.

She stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm not telling you guys sh*t. You didn't tell me anything either, and I know something happened between you two. All I'm saying is I hope you two at least spent some time together in the moon pool I showed you," she said to Tai Shi, who shifted slightly. Zan Yu raised an eyebrow at him. Tai Shi shot back an unabashed smirk, not a hint of an apology in his demeanor. Such a gentleman, Zan Yu's smile said. Tai Shi's eyes darkened. I'm a gentleman who knows what he wants.

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