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~ Monday, 17:30 pm ~

- Hey, pst!
- Hm?
- The new guy will be up here in a minute. You ready?

Madara put the paperwork aside and looked at Momoi, standing behind the door.

- Who is it again?
- He'a the new applicant as a second hand manager.
- Oh right, yeah let him in when he gets here.
- Nice suit by the way, headed for a date later?
- Did you just say I don't wear nice suits other times?
- My god did some woman bite you? Chill. It's just the color. Dark blue suits you.
- Well thank you very much mother.
- Ugh okay I get it, you're not in the mood. Already feel sorry for the new guy.

Momoi closed the door and went back to her seat.
Shortly explained, the head of a huge business corporation founded by Uchiha Madara himself was kind of in the need of a second hand manager, meaning a personal "student" for Momoi.
Madara had already had 11 applicants for the interview, but none of them got a call back.
Well, Madara knew the standards of his own corporation, so he was choosing wisely.
That's who he was after all: Not a big fan of an extra chit-chat, dedicated to work, punctual, and well, high level hot with high level style.

* knock *

- Come in.

The 12th applicant walked in.

- Good afternoon, Madara-sama.
- Good after-

And while trying to finish his sentence, his words stayed right in his mouth as soon as he took a first look at the stranger.

- noon. * pause * Ahem, excuse me. Please, have a seat.
- Thank you.

The new guy took his seat.

- So-
- B-before we get to the case-

Well, the guy just walked in and already broke N1 rule. Interrupting Madara while talking could've meant you were done for the day.

- I-uh, I must tell you that-
- Interrupt me one more time, and you already know where the exit is.

The new guy's face expression changed. He wasn't expecting to be cut off like that.

- M-my apologies.. M-madara-sama...
- Hand over your papers please.
- W-well see that's what I wanted to-

He was once again shut off when Madara looked at him with deadly eyes.

- Yes, my apologies again, h-here you go.

He handed him the papers.

- So, Akira-san-
- Okay I'm really sorry but can I just say what I pretty much have to say beforehand because-

3rd time. Nobody's actually dared that much before.

- You're quite stubborn, Akira-san, which gets on my nerves a big time.
- See it's just that, this CV is not actually mine..
- ... excuse me?
- That's what I've been trying to tell you - see it's actually my friend's. He was just too nervous to-
- You're telling me that your friend who was originally supposed to be here by now - is not, and he sent his "pal" to come and sit in front of me in my office and practically make me interview a doll?
- D-did you just call me a.. d-doll...?
- That was a metaphor, meaning someone who isn't actually supposed to be h- * scoffs * why am I even explaining all this to you. please leave and let your friend know that if he's not man enough to come here personally, then he shouldn't come at all anymore. Have a nice day.
- B-but wh- huh? That's it? You're just gonna throw me out of here?
- Did you just pick a tone? Do you even know where you are or who you're talking to?
- Well I thought I did? Madara was already getting pretty... Mad... What is this? Not letting people talk, or explain themselves and just throwing them out because you feel like it?
- " Feel like it " you say, but I think I've stated the reason quite clearly, He was raising his voice. now get o-
- No I won't!

Now Madara's face expression changed. Forget about some applicant, literally nobody has ever crossed the line like this before.

- I just want you to listen to me what's the big deal?!

Suddenly, Momoi knocked.
Madara didn't tell to come in. He just stood up, opened the door and looked at Momoi.

- We're done. Please walk him out.
- I- I just wanted to ask if everything was okay since I heard some loud talk but.. I guess it's not. Okay then, please follow me.

Hashirama chuckled and headed for the door. But before he'd leave with Momoi, he stopped in front of Madara.

- You see, I was actually super happy when Akira applied for this corporation. I thought it would guarantee him a bright future so when he asked me to do the interview instead of him, I could have not been happier in my life. Of course I truied to convince him to come here himself but he was way too nervous. because he's never done anything this big before. He was always left behind. He's always been afraid.

Momoi was standing there, her jaw almost dropped by seeing someone actually talking to Madara like this face to face.

- But learning who the head of this place is, I couldn't be happier to know he's out of your list. Enjoy your robotic life, Mr. Robot.

And he left without Momoi.

- Wha- h-how- wh-whAT? Did I just really see all this?

Madara was standing still, not moving an inch, staring to one point on the wall.

- Make sure he never enters this building ever again.
- Yeah like he ever would anyway. What the hell was this about?
- I have to leave. Will you take care of the rest paperwork for me please.

Madara got his phone and coat, and left.

" It all started with the hate "Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin